The Pistol Case You Need Today: Thomas Ferney & Co. “Portfolio Case”
It looks like an upscale business portfolio, beautifully made from waxed canvas and burgundy leather . . . but, it is a lot more than that. In most cases there is enough room inside the case to store a full sized pistol, two magazines and a box of ammunition allowing you to leave your range bag at home and take just the Thomas Ferney & Co. portfolio with all your essentials for a quick trip to the range.
Above, my full-size S&W MP9 is good to go. It is terrific product that makes concealed carry easy and is roomy enough for all kinds of extras, perhaps your lucky Snickers bar. It looks like a standard business accessory. I'm impressed and you will be as well.
Buy it today at . For $39, it is decidedly upscale yet an emninently practical one. Your life support equipment deserves a high quality, tasteful case … and this is it.
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