Review: Mossberg 930 DC Pro-Series Autoloader - Waterfowl #85137
The tested article is the Mossberg Duck Commander Pro-Series 12 gauge autoloader with a 3 inch chamber and a 28 inch barrel. It is a substantial autoloader, coming in just under eight pounds at 7 lbs. 14 oz. out of the box with about a 5-1/4 lb. trigger. Notably, this model thankfully does not have a ported barrel.
The Mossberg 930 line is extensive and continues to grow. According to Mossberg, the DC Pro-Series features a nickel boron coated gas piston, piston rings, sear, hammer, return spring plunger, and return spring tube for deep corrosion resistance. The shell stop, shell elevator, and bolt slide have a higher level of finish, and the mainspring is stainless steel.
Right out of the box, this Mossberg functioned flawlessly, ejecting 1 oz. 1200 fps target loads with authority: an 8 – 9 ft. ejection distance. The usual adjustment shims are included, as well as three flush choke tubes. My only quibble with the tested gun is the tang-mounted safety that is excessively stiff to get off.
There is a cocking indicator pin on the inside of the trigger guard that serves no purpose to me, and this model comes with TruGlo “Tru-Bead” dual fiber optic front bead that I personally don't care for, but others may like. The receiver is drilled and tapped for mounting optics and so forth if you prefer.
By now, the Mossberg 930 is a very well established mainstream autoloader, one of the best-selling autos in the United States if not the biggest seller. Although at 8 lbs. plus when loaded, it isn't at all my version of a pheasant-chasing machine, but for waterfowl hunting, dove, and casual clay use it works just fine: it is self-explanatory to use, extremely soft-shooting, and the tang safety is of course ambidextrous. The trigger is not a match grade trigger, by any means, but lighter than many manufacturers (Browning, Benelli, etc.) all too often put on their autoloaders. The 930 is available in walnut at a street price of around $500, while this super-coated camo Duck Commander Pro Waterfowl version runs about $690 street price.
It is hard not to recommend the Mossberg 930. It is an extremely well-made, reliable 12 gauge 3 inch chambered gas auto at an affordable price, available in enough configurations to please most anyone. For the money, it is a big winner.
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