Please Chip in for Kelly Field
Kelly Field has been the manager for Cole Gunsmithing in
Harpswell, Maine for the last ten years or so. As mentioned on the Cole
website, “... she is responsible for oversight of all Cole North
operations, including the website, product photography, gun sales,
inventory management, and other daily management activities. Kelly has
a reputation as our parts guru and has built many lasting relationships
with customers over the years. She enjoys spending her free time with
her daughter, playing on the coast and is very close to her family and
Kelly is a single mother, working hard to support herself and her
eight-year-old daughter. Sometimes, bad things happen to good people.
This is one of those times.
A year and a half ago, Kelly had a brain aneurysm. Originally, she went
to the hospital, but was misdiagnosed as having a migraine and was sent
home. She ended back in the hospital undergoing emergency surgery which
involved placing a stent into her brain in an attempt to fix the
problem. This was late March of 2017. The original stent didn't fix
The current problem is, it was not successful. The options presently
are an invasive craniotomy, which it looked like it was going to be the
path, or another up through the groin to the brain aneurysm stent
placement. Kelly has confidence in her doctors, though hardly a
sure-fire deal, the success rate of this next procedure is
sixty-percent or so, according to her surgeon.
Unlike myself, who only theoretically has a brain, Kelly Field actually
does, and she has the pictures to prove it. Kelly has insurance, but as
you can imagine she quickly blew past the maximum of pocket level
initially and looks like that is going to be the case again very soon.
As any of my friends know all too well, insurance hardly covers all the
direct and indirect costs associated with a serious medical event. We
have all heard the comment, “Well, it isn't like brain surgery.” In
this case, it really is exactly like brain surgery . . . it is brain
surgery. It is the last thing anyone needs and if you are a single
mother worrying about your third-grade daughter, you need it even less.
Kelly Field is bright, articulate, talented, and funny. Today, though,
she needs some help to get through a very challenging rough spot for
her daughter and herself.
So, if you possibly can . . . please help. For my shotgunning friends,
the price of one choke tube or a couple of boxes of shells would mean a
lot to Kelly and her daughter. For my magician friends, the cost of one
packet trick would do the same. Please share and tell everyone you can
about Kelly Field.
Kelly's GoFundMe page is here: . Please help out if you can, today . . .it all adds up.
It is the right thing to do and it will make you happy for the rest of your life.
Copyright 2018 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.