Orvis Fabarm Elos 12 Gauge O/U Shotgun, Part Two
The Orvis Elos 12 gauge is well-finished gun. It is more of a field configuration shotgun than a dedicated clays gun, to be sure. Orvis does offer their own dedicated upscale clays gun, the Orvis Clays Sporter, which is a significantly heavier gun made exclusively for Orvis by Caesar Guerini. The Orvis Clays Sporter, with an adjustable comb, extensive engraving, and bristling with competition features sells for $5495. It also comes with the Orvis “100% Satisfaction Guarantee.”
The auto-reset safety on the Orvis Elos that I've carped about can be removed by Orvis or Fabarm prior to shipment, if you like, or after. While the tested 12 gauge weighs 7 lbs. 10 oz., the 20 and 28 gauge models are significantly lighter at 6-3/4 lbs. or perhaps a bit less. Personally, for an enjoyable day on the dove field, wild pheasant work, preserve shooting, along with some clays to keep in shooting shape, I like the lighter and faster 20 gauge model Orvis Elos. For quail or grouse, most will want the 20 gauge with no hesitation.
The Triwood is, as far as I'm concerned, the best of the enhanced walnut finishes, requiring scant little care and no worry if caught out in the rain or snow, and as mentioned prior can be machined with no troubles for your preference of a pad or comb. With the five included, excellent choke tubes, Tribore barrels, and an unequaled satisfaction guarantee, it is both fairly priced ($2395) and a solid long-term investment: a substantial leap forward from the myriad, clunky, and forgettable Turkish and other entry-level stack-barrels out there in terms of build quality, machining, balance, and handling.
It works well as a general purpose field gun, for those that do appreciate major brand-name quality, yet have $2400 in the budget, but not $5000 or $6000. For upland hunting use, it isn't a shotgun that you'll be able to wear out.
For more information, contact Greg at the Orvis Gunroom.
Greg Carpiniello Gun Room Manager The Orvis Company 4180 Main St., Historic Rt. 7A Manchester, VT 05254 (802) 362-2580 |
Copyright 2016 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.