Homicide in the United States: According to the F.B.I.
In 2014, according to the F.B.I., there were 11,961 murder victims in the United States. Of those, 248 were by criminals using rifles of any type: 0.02017 of the total murder victims were killed by criminal use of rifles.
2014 in the United States
Killed by rifle: 248.
Killed by knives: 1567
Killed by hands, fists, feet: 660.
Killed by automobile: 32,675 (including 9,967 alcohol-impaired crashes)
Killed by prescription opioids and heroin: 28,647.
Drug overdoses in total: 47,055.
These are the facts.
79,730 deaths due to automobiles and drugs.
248 deaths from rifles.
Rifles save lives and are protected by the United States Constitution.
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