BlendJet 2 Personal Blender
If you're addicted to smoothies, protein shakes, and the like . . . this little BlendJet 2 might be what you're looking for. It works and works well, but there are a couple of negatives. You can't use it for liquids over 120 degrees F., so hot coffee drinks are out of the question, as coffee is brewed at 195 – 205 degrees F. You are also warned not to use any carbonated liquids due to potential over-pressure problems. The BlendJet 2 is also not dishwasher safe.
Now that the two biggest negatives are out of the way, for cold or cool drinks, it works superbly well. Frozen fruit is no problem, ice is no problem, and the general appeal of this little blender is camping, your range bag, your gym bag, or your backpack. It holds 16 ounces, so you can quickly whip up most any combination of fresh or frozen goodies. The basic dimensions are as follows.
Height 9.3 in.
Width 3.0 in.
Depth 3.4" in.
Weight 1.3 lbs.
Six blades, 18,000 RPM
The BlendJet 2 has built up enough traction to be picked up by Kohl's, Best Buy, Target, and others. If you can get past the non-dishwasher safe, no hot liquid restrictions, it is an extremely handy, very easy to use, go-anywhere product that is well-built. One cycle is 20 seconds: a full charge is good for 13+ cycles. More details are at .
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