"A Joke! A Horrible, Expensive Joke!": the Benelli Super Black Eagle 3
Justin writes: In your article, you reference the flexible stock as the main culprit for the POI problems. Well, long story short, we were able to fit an SBE2 and Ethos (which is wood) stock to all three SBE3’s. New stock, same problem.
After a case of shells through the guns with various stocks, we did not see a single pattern lowered.
I love Benelli’s but this SBE3 is a joke! A horrible, expensive, joke!
This leads me to believe the problem is much more than just a stock fix.
I think Benelli has a manufacturing problem with these guns.
On that note, may I ask where you got the flexible stock theory from?
Is there any other independent testing that shows an improved POI with a less flexible stock?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Justin,
There is rarely more than a couple of days that go by that I don't receive a phone call or an e-mail with complaints about the Benelli SBE3. I did my level best to try to warn everyone, close to a year ago, both on this site and on Guns & Shooting Online. Somebody has to at least try to look out for the consumer. It has been a year, Benelli knows about the countless problems with the SBE3 shooting ridiculously high, often both ridiculously high and unacceptably to the left. There is still no fix in sight, and the Benelli “Simply Perfect” brag and their 10 year warranty are apparently worthless.
Here is yet another example:
"I had my SBE3 for a little under a year and that's all i could take.
Luckily Scheels takes good care of there customers and worked out a nice
in store trade. I had one that shot extremely high i believe it was
95/5 at 40 yds. It was sent back to benelli and came back with a lower
poi more like 60/40 but when with higher velocity shells it would shoot
more and more left."
"There is something not right with these guns and the last straw was it was consistently following the empty hull ejection with the next full shell leaving me with an empty chamber when shooting 2 3/4 black clouds. I tried hard to like it because it fit good and I've shot benelli for 12 years but when you cant trust a gun it kills your confidence while afield."
Benelli's feckless antics come at great peril to the sinking, sagging reputation of their brand. When you sink $1800 or more into a new plastic shotgun, it should function as a shotgun, the manufacturer needs to make it work like a shotgun, or they need to give you your money back. There isn't much else to say.
Should all new SBE3's come with an included crowbar so the hapless purchaser can start bending their barrels to try to get the gun to be something that is actually usable? I could not in good conscience sell a gun like that, used, to anyone. Who could?
Other than Benelli, that is: SBE3's sold brand new, for brand new money. It is an embarrassment, the greatest manufacturing crime of 2017.
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