Savage writes, at :
Safety Notice: Muzzleloader 10ML-II
As the new hunting season approaches, Savage Arms would like to remind 10ML-II muzzleloader owners to carefully follow the safe loading procedures as recommended in the manual. When loaded incorrectly, the barrel can become catastrophically damaged, creating the potential for serious injury. To avoid injury:
Always ensure the barrel is empty before loading.
Insert your factory 10ML-II ramrod into the barrel until it rests on the breech plug. The end of the ramrod should be flush with the muzzle. If any part extends beyond the end of the barrel, DO NOT LOAD. Disassemble the muzzleloader and unload or clear the obstruction.
Always remove the primer, powder, and bullet before storing.
Follow the exact load instructions in the manual or the approved new load data at
A replacement manual with load data can be found at
Never deviate from the load recommendations, including without limitation by using different powders, sabots, bullets, or more or less powder.
Measure smokeless powder charges by weight, not volume.
If the bullet slips or feels loose at any point while loading, DO NOT USE.
Improper use or storage can result in bulges, cracks, or corrosion that causes the bullet to slip during loading. Use in this condition can result in a catastrophic failure.
Firmly seat the bullet onto the powder charge.
Space between the powder and projectile will decrease accuracy and can increase pressures.
Savage Arms is the leader in accuracy, quality and value, and we are confident the 10ML-II is safe when used properly.
The problem is with the Savage “approved load data” at . It is a mess, in severe conflict with the actual 10ML-II owner's manual. This is what Savage publishes.
Load Data
Approved new load data for Muzzleloader 10ML II
Alliant Powder® Black MZ™ |
Primer |
Sabot |
Max Charge |
Velocity |
Energy |
250 gr. Hornady SST (0.452") |
Fed209A |
MMP Black |
100 |
2133 |
2523 |
300 gr. Hornady XTP (0.452") |
Fed209A |
MMP Black |
80 |
1772 |
2090 |
Alliant Powder® Blue MZ™ Pellets |
Primer |
Sabot |
Max Charge |
Velocity |
Energy |
250 gr. Hornady SST (0.452") |
Fed209A |
MMP Black |
150 (3 pellets) |
2102 |
2450 |
300 gr. Hornady XTP (0.452") |
Fed209A |
MMP Black |
150 (3 pellets) |
1982 |
2614 |
Alliant Powder® 2400® |
Primer |
Sabot |
Max Charge |
Velocity |
Energy |
250 gr. Hornady XTP (0.452") |
Fed209A |
MMP Black |
34.2 |
2133 |
2523 |
300 gr. Hornady XTP (0.452") |
Fed209A |
MMP Black |
28.8 |
1847 |
2270 |
IMR 4227 |
Primer |
Sabot |
Max Charge |
Velocity |
Energy |
250 gr. Hornady XTP (0.452") |
Fed209A |
MMP Black |
58.0 |
2521 |
3524 |
300 gr. Hornady XTP (0.452") |
Fed209A |
MMP Black |
47.0 |
2140 |
3048 |
Alliant Powder® Reloder® 7 |
Primer |
Sabot |
Max Charge |
Velocity |
Energy |
250 gr. Hornady SST (0.452") |
Fed209A |
60.0 |
2251 |
2810 |
300 gr. Hornady XTP (0.452") |
Fed209A |
55.5 |
2031 |
2745 |
Note: velocities are from 24" SAAMI test barrel
The 58 grains of IMR-4227 with a 250 grain Hornady XTP is an overload. DO NOT USE THIS LOAD! Max has always been 48 grains with IMR-4227, before Savage dropped it due to its ignition issues.
Using an MMP HPH12 sabot with the Hornady XTP is asking for problems: the HPH12 sabot has petals that are far too long.
Alliant 2400 leaves nasty, greasy residue in the 10ML application. Further, its granulation is so fine, propellant can trickle into the vent-liner. Avoid this powder.
The original Savage loads are as follows:
46 gr. 250 gr. Hornady .452"
XTP 2,147 f.p.s. 2,550 f.p.e.
46 gr. 300 gr. Hornady .452"
XTP 2,080 f.p.s. 2,880 f.p.e.
48 gr. 250 gr. Hornady .452"
XTP 2,254 f.p.s. 2,820 f.p.e.
48 gr. 300 gr. Hornady .452"
XTP 2,166 f.p.s. 3,120 f.p.e.
Accurate Arms XMP-5744
41 gr. 250 gr.
Hornady .452" XTP 2,170 f.p.s. 2,612 f.p.e.
41 gr. 300 gr.
Hornady .452" XTP 2,110 f.p.s. 2,940 f.p.e.
44 gr. 250 gr.
Hornady .452" XTP 2,267 f.p.s. 2,837 f.p.e.
44 gr. 300 gr.
Hornady .452" XTP 2,218 f.p.s. 3,270 f.p.e.
41 gr. 250 gr. Hornady
.452" XTP 2,240 f.p.s. 2,785 f.p.e.
41 gr. 300 gr. Hornady
.452" XTP 2,133 f.p.s. 3,030 f.p.e.
44.5 gr. (weighted) 250
gr. Hornady .452² XTP 2,368 f.p.s. 3,100 f.p.e.
(3.7cc Lee
dipper) 250 gr. Hornady .452" XTP 2,353 f.p.s. 3,075 f.p.e.
44.5 gr. (weighted) 300 gr. Hornady .452" XTP 2,244 f.p.s.
3,360 f.p.e.
44.4 gr. (3.7 cc Lee dipper) 300 gr. Hornady .452"
XTP 2,227 f.p.s. 3,300 f.p.e.
IMR-4227 was dropped as a recommended load by Savage Arms. With a tight-fitting sabot, a clean breechplug, and the proper 209 shotshell primer, many shooters have used this propellant for years. However, without excellent maintenance, with carbon-fouled breechplugs, old or improper sabots, this load is prone to misfires.
Accurate 5744 was once called "XMP-5744" (pistol) and "XMR-5744" (rifle), but they are all the same propellant. The velocities published originally by Savage were incorrectly high. 44 grains of 5744 is good for 2050 fps or so. pushing a 300 grain saboted bullet.
Vihtavuori N110 is a propellant that, in my opinion, is very hard to work with, particularly with 300 grain projectiles. With 250 grain saboted projectiles, 36 - 39 grains is more sabot-friendly.
Hodgdon / IMR SR4759 is (was) the current standard Savage Arms test powder, at 42 - 43 grains behind a .452 Hornady XTP with the short MMP sabot.
In the very first 10ML module gun manual, Reloder 7 and Alliant 2400 were recommended propellants, with Winchester 571 listed as being "compatible." While Alliant 2400 has not been a good performer for me, I've not worked with Winchester 571 at all, Alliant Reloder 7 is one of the better Savage 10ML-II propellants, in my experience, with 290 - 300 grain saboted projectiles.
The stated Savage velocities have always been thoroughly screwed up. The new load data just adds to the pre-existing mess. No one is going to get 2133 fps from 100 grains by volume of Alliant Black MZ with a 250 grain SST. You'll be lucky to get 1800 fps.
The Savage 10ML-II breechplug was designed around a Winchester 209 shotshell primer: the Federal 209A may well be a bit too tight. Apparently, this primer and several of the so-called “new” loads were just recently thrown in as Savage is now part of Vista Outdoor, Inc. , the parent company of Alliant and Federal as well. Savage also now says “Measure smokeless powder charges by weight, not volume.” Small wonder people are confused as Savage's own owners manuals have long touted Lee smokeless powder volumetric dippers and Savage has sold them in their 10ML-II accessory kits.
Alliant Black-MZ is a miserable propellant in the 10ML-II, essentially a re-visit of American Pioneer. Alliant Blue-MZ pellets are also poor: they are just a different-colored version of Triple Se7en pellets. If you want to use a “blackpowder sub” in your 10ML-II, use Blackhorn 209.
The two best 10ML-II propellants in my experience are Accurate 5744 and Vihtavuori N120. Alliant 2400 and Vihtavuori N110 have far too fast relative burn rates, and are really rough on sabots as a result. Why Savage is trying to resuscitate old problematic propellants like Alliant 2400 and IMR-4227 at this very late date is something you'll have to ask them.
- Again, the 58 grains of IMR-4227 with a 250 grain Hornady XTP is an overload. DO NOT USE THIS LOAD! Max has always been 48 grains with IMR-4227, before Savage dropped it due to its ignition issues.
As of 10/22/2012 Savage is no longer accepting orders for the 10ML-II muzzleloader.
Savage Arms
100 Springdale Road
Westfield, MA 01085
(413) 642-4261 for Instruction Manuals
(413) 568-7001 for Parts and Service
Copyright 2017 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
Please Note: Randy Wakeman, his agents, heirs and assigns, hereby disclaim all possible liability for damages including actual, incidental and consequential, resulting from usage of the information or advice contained in these articles. Use the data and advice at your own risk, and with extreme caution.