Approved new load data for Muzzleloader 10ML II
Due to customer reports of difficulty in finding some of the recommended propellants in the owner’s manual, we have developed the following additional 10ML-II loads. These loads do not replace the loads from the owner’s manual, but rather give our customers more options with better availability.
NOTE: the below loads are maximum loads; reduce 10% and work up to acceptable performance below max.
Accurate XMP-5744 |
Sabot |
Max Charge (gr weight) |
Velocity (ft/sec) |
Energy (ft-lbs) |
250 gr. Hornady SST or XTP (0.452") |
MMP Black |
44.0 |
2267 |
2850 |
300 gr. Hornady SST or XTP (0.452") |
MMP Black |
44.0 |
2218 |
3274 |
260gr/40 caliber Dead Center bullet |
Dead Center |
45.0 |
2080 |
2495 |
Vihtavuori N110 |
Sabot |
Max Charge (gr weight) |
Velocity (ft/sec) |
Energy (ft-lbs) |
250 gr. Hornady SST or XTP (0.452") |
MMP Black |
42.0 |
2305 |
2946 |
Alliant Powder® Reloder® 7 |
Sabot |
Max Charge (gr weight) |
Velocity (ft/sec) |
Energy (ft-lbs) |
250 gr. Hornady SST or XTP (0.452") |
MMP Black |
59.0 |
2113 |
2476 |
300 gr. Hornady SST or XTP (0.452") |
MMP Black |
52.5 |
1952 |
2536 |
Vihtavuori N120 |
Sabot |
Max Charge (gr weight) |
Velocity (ft/sec) |
Energy (ft-lbs) |
300 gr. Hornady SST or XTP (0.452") |
MMP Black |
60.0 |
2305 |
3536 |
Accurate 2015 |
Sabot |
Max Charge (gr weight) |
Velocity (ft/sec) |
Energy (ft-lbs) |
300 gr. Hornady SST or XTP (0.452") |
MMP Black |
75.0 |
2173 |
3142 |
Accurate LT-32 |
Sabot |
Max Charge (gr weight) |
Velocity (ft/sec) |
Energy (ft-lbs) |
300 gr. Hornady SST or XTP (0.452") |
MMP Black |
75.0 |
2283 |
3469 |
Note: Velocities measured from 10ML-II rifle.
Please Note: Randy Wakeman, his agents, heirs and assigns, hereby disclaim all possible liability for damages including actual, incidental and consequential, resulting from usage of the information or advice contained in these articles. Use the data and advice at your own risk, and with extreme caution.