Supreme Elite Xtended Range: The Best EVER?

Once in a great while,
though endless hours of shotgun and pattern testing, you can find a combination
that is obviously, so clearly superior above the rest that it is something
memorable, if not startlingly good. It looks like this has just been the
The testing has been
straightforward over the last several weeks, using readily available components.
The shotgun is a current production Beretta Urika 2 Gold 12 gauge, 28
inch barrel, with the "Optima" Plus bore (.732 inch).
Overboring means nothing, of course, in a tangible sense, so this less
than newprint thickness "overbore" just moves Beretta to the
American standard of .729 in. as a 12 gauge bore.
The choke tube used
is George Trulock's blued stainless "Precision Hunter" "Modified"
extended tube, a fabulous performer in many, many guns (please note
that Trulock extended "Sporting Clays" choke tubes are the same
article, sans the black oxide finish). George makes his tubes so well,
though this gun has been shot extremely hard with a wide variety of loads,
it appears as new-- no blow-back through the threads, squeaky clean on
the inside. You can rely on Trulock tubes with complete confidence; I
know I do. This Precision Hunter tube is marked as "MOD .713,"
has an exit inside diameter of the same, giving an effective installed
constriction of nineteen thousandths of one inch. Chokes are not constriction
based, they are performance based-- Trulock choke tubes have shown that
again and again.
The shell fired redundantly
at a Leica-verified 40 yards onto 22 inch x 28 inch posterboards is the
Winchester Xtended Range Hi-Density 12 gauge, 2-3/4 inch hull, 1225 fps,
pushing 1-1/2 ounces of #5 no-tox Xtended Range High density shot (Load
#STSX125). Heavier than elemental lead by approximately ten percent,
this shot has a density of 12 gr. / cc. More to the point, the pellet
count of this #5 shot is about 159 pellets to the ounce. For practical
purposes, this load has about 238 pellets to work with.

This combination
has produced some of most astonishing patterns I've ever seen in my lifetime;
putting well over 80% (and more) of its payload into the 22 x 28
posterboard-- 195 pellets and higher. Importantly, these patterns are
remarkably evenly distributed-as close to the mythical "even pattern"
as I've ever seen.

Despite the pellet
count that is obviously more than sufficient to properly populate a pattern
at range, you have pellet penetration in the arena of #3 or #4 lead. Ideal
for late season pheasants, waterfowl, and turkey-sufficient for snow geese
as well. You might want to consider going to #4 shot for Canadians, but
it is hard for me to conceive of anything flying that this product will
not drop. Winchester offers their STSX1234 (3 in. hull, 1-3/4 oz. of
#4 HD shot) that should please those who want instant lethality on
Canadians, with performance likely to exceed #2 lead.
This is a level of
performance that I've never seen; my congratulations to Olin-Winchester
and George Trulock for making such a terrific combination available. It
is the best I've ever seen, by no small margin, if not the best that has
ever been.
Autopsy results and
fine dining reports are soon to follow.
2007 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
