Can I Get Good Shotgun Barrel Work Done?
is a question that I'm often asked, but I've never directly addressed
before. Want to add screw chokes to a fixed bore gun for added versatility?
Want your forcing cones lengthed? Want absolute expert work, with remarkably
fair prices and rapid turnaround?
is only one barrelsmith that I would recommend without hesitation or reservation.
He's done superb yet affordable work for me and the number of his fans
and supporters grow with each passing year. His work is universally considered
expert. He is Mike Orlen, the "Barrel Mechanic."
will cut barrels and rebead, open up old solid full chokes to more moderate
chokings, bend your stock for you if desired, polish and extend your forcing
cones, line-bore then thread your barrel for George Trulock "Tru-Chokes,"
and so forth. Rather than just type my recollection of his capabilities,
here is a partial listing of what he can do. For more exotic work, you'll
want to contact Mike directly.

delighted to be able to recommend Mike Orlen. In fact, Mike has no idea
that I am doing so at the moment. I'm doing it though simply because he
does outstandingly good work-- and deserves mention of it and credit for
his efforts over the years.
Mike Orlen, 79
Salem Street, Amherst, MA 01002
Phone: (413) 256-1630 Fax: (413) 253-5665
2010 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
