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Instant Slamification:
The Savage 10ML Story
North Carolina has had
its fair share of innovators and colorful characters over the years. Among them
are such names in the funnel of firearms foundation as Richard Jordan Gatling,
born in Money's Neck, North Carolina, and David Marshall "Carbine"
Williams. Carbine Williams is the fellow who looks a lot like Jimmy Stewart!
In auto racing, Lee, Maurice, Richard, and Kyle Petty should sound familiar.
A "lead-footed chicken farmer from Ronda" happened to hunt coons and
run moonshine. He was the subject of an elegant Esquire article: "The Last
American Hero is Junior Johnson. Yes!" by author Tom Wolfe. Years ago,
a North Carolina machinist and gunsmith by the name of Henry Ball used to race
short track with one Ralph Earnhardt, father of the late, great seven-time Winston
Cup champion Dale, Sr.-- Ralph himself an International Motor Sports Hall of
Famer. It is out of this rich tapestry of fast and firearms that southern gentleman
"Hurricane" Henry Ball strides forth.
September 20, 1990, may not be a memorable day
for you, but it was a day that changed muzzleloading indelibly. On that day,
North Carolina's Henry C. Ball was shooting his sidelock muzzleloader at the
range, and its action failed. Henry, a southpaw, caught the metal screw from
his sidelock's bolster drum in his right arm traveling through his forearm,
finally coming to rest some two inches above his right elbow on the back side
of his triceps. Mr. Ball underwent surgery later that day.
Henry Ball recalls vividly the injury that was
near tragedy: for a fellow shooter was in perfect alignment to receive the piece
of failed metal in his eye, causing certainly blindness if not death. Had Mr.
Ball not been shooting lefty that would have sadly been the case. It was at
this time that Henry decided that there had to be a better way, a more effective
way, and a safer way to enjoy muzzleloading hunting and shooting. After recovery
from his injury, Henry out to achieve his goal: a muzzleloader that was first
of all safe, so that no one using his design could possibly face the type of
injury he just had, due to a sub-standard materials and workmanship. While he
was at it, he wanted a muzzleloader that outperformed any production muzzleloader
made, and eliminated the type of hassles associated with the run of the mill
smokepoles. The answer was clear from the beginning: smokeless powder used in
concert with true rifle-grade actions and barrels.
Black powder is fundamentally dangerous to handle.
As Major General Julian S. Hatcher, Retired, who succeeded Colonel Townsend
Whelen as C. O. of the Frankford Small Arms Ammunition Plant in 1923, has recorded,
"Black powder burns with an almost instantaneous flash even when burned
in the open and unconfined. Moreover it is easily ignited by even a very slight
spark, and hence it is much more dangerous to handle than smokeless is."
Dangerous to manufacture, highly impact-sensitive, corrosive, and inefficient-
the far safer smokeless powder propellant was the first successful blackpowder
substitute, displacing black powder as a small arms propellant in the late 1800s.
As a coincidental sidebar, the first cartridge for the Springfield .30 caliber
service rifle, Model of 1903 was known as the "Ball Cartridge." Henry
Ball claims his youthfulness as "proof" of it only being coincidence.
Using 209 shotshell primers from the inception,
in a unique ignition module, Henry successfully adapted his smokeless muzzleloader
ideas to the InterArms Mark X action for starters in 1990, following quickly
with a Sako bolt action, an H &R action, a Ruger #1 action, and a rolling
block. Someone told Henry it couldn't be done with the Winchester 1894 action,
so he quickly did that too. If I gave Henry a ball of steel wool, he could probably
knit me a Volkswagen! With a rich tradition of performance and safety as a black
powder substitute dating back about one hundred years (Pyrodex was not developed
until the 1970s. Its inventor, Dan Pawlak, died January 27, 1977 when his powder
plant blew up), what could possibly be better than smokeless powder? How could
a reasonable person not want a muzzleloader that clearly offered more safety,
more efficiency, didn't try to destroy its own barrel and action with fouling
residue and rust, and offered more humane game-getting effectiveness in the
process? I can't answer that, but it is a matter of fact that those profiteering
from the rejuvenated in-line muzzleloading market did the natural thing, covering
their own behinds, and seeking to protect their own interests.
Many folks were discovering that Henry Ball's
innovation didn't just harvest game, it slammed them down where they stood like
no other muzzleloader. Hence, Henry's pet term for proper muzzleloading performance,
"Slamification!" Knight Rifles passed on this giant leap of muzzleloading
design, as did Weatherby (approached in the middle of a plant move), an assistant
to Bill Ruger did likewise, and Remington-suffering from the "not invented
here" syndrome, did likewise. What successful innovative jewels have sprung
forth from Remington in the last twenty years escapes me at the moment, and
Sturm Ruger, & Company's non-success in the muzzleloading market has made
itself clear. Nevertheless, the opportunity was offered to these folks.
Henry's design was better than good, it was
great-and captured the imagination of muzzleloading expert Toby Bridges shortly
after its inception. Manufacture continued on a small, custom basis for years,
until a discussion with President Ron Coburn of Savage Arms at the 1999 "SHOT
SHOW." A short-action Savage was sent off to Henry Ball for his module
magic, and the original Savage 10-ML was tested in June of the same year. In
late July, Henry Ball took the trek to Savage Arms for demonstration and further
testing. Apparently the twinkle in Ron Coburn's eye said it all, as the deal
was done in February 2000, with some 1900 production Savage 10-ML's shipped
late that year.
Perhaps the Savage 10-ML was too good? The Sporting
Arms and Ammunition Association was lobbied by an odd assortment of non-SAMMI
muzzleloading companies, seeking to derail the innovative new muzzleloader on
the ridiculous, specious notion of "safety." Since the beginning,
the notion behind the locomotion of the 10-ML smokeless muzzleloader was safety,
so that deceptive dance was disbanded. Though the Savage 10-ML was designed
to comport to the BATF's non-GCA guidelines of muzzleloader, the BATF apparently
had a little trouble deciding what their own regulations meant, and the Savage
10-ML II was created to definitively remain a non-GCA arm, just like the cheapest
muzzleloaders, and it remains so today.
The established muzzleloader manufacturers,
who have yet to be able to agree on any standards among them, apparently were
quick to agree that the Savage 10-ML II was a real threat-as it offered higher
velocities, lower cost per shot, lower recoil, and a level of safety most non
Gun Barrel Quality inline muzzleloading rifles could not have. Additionally,
the Savage did not foul and corrode itself like other modern muzzleloaders.
The 'other" makers responded with the "magnum muzzleloading"
myth of three synthetic pellet charges, and various overstated brags of "7mm
Remington Magnum" performance. In so doing, they have proven that the Savage
offers no particular range advantage with their synthetic three pellet loads,
though it makes the Savage even more economical to shoot by comparison. As a
hunting tool, the average hunter has no particular range advantage with the
Savage, as the Savage shoots the same projectiles as any other muzzleloader,
and has the built-in barrier of the polypropylene sabots that gasket today's
modern inline bullets.
Savage Arms, in this writer's opinion, has been
a victim of their own success. Recently hitting a home run with their terrific
Accu-Trigger, catching other rifle-makers asleep at the wheel in the process,
Savage is in fortuitous predicament of having an array of some of the most sought
after rifles in the country. As a result, the promotion of the 10-ML II has
been lackluster compared to the relentless bluster sprayed about by other muzzleloading
With a chamber tested to withstand 129,000 PSI,
the Savage is easily the strongest muzzleloader ever made. It may well be the
strongest production rifle in existence: it is difficult to find any small arms
cartridge that can be safely loaded to even 70,000 PSI. It is a sealed action
with no consumables, can never stick a primer, has a very low, economical cost
per shot, and for 2004: will be the world's first inline muzzleloader that has
a user adjustable trigger that voids no warranty. Hardly an unproven design,
it is already backed by well over 12 years of testing and refinement. Its propellant
array offers more choices than any other muzzleloader, with far less recoil
than pricey pellets, and its powder really IS a powder-safer to manufacture,
handle, and use. The Vihtavouri N110 remains the mainstay performance hunting
powder of choice, now if we just can get our friends at Vihtavouri to make half
pound containers available, good for nearly 90 shots, it will be easier for
the average consumer to buy and use.
State Departments of Natural Resources around
the country, who of course care about hunter safety and effective, humane game
management tools-- cannot help but welcome the Savage 10-ML II with open arms.
The States that have given the matter a fair and objective view, have already
have done so. After all, it is patently obvious and the common evidence that
smokeless powder is a safe and effective blackpowder substitute is no farther
away from anyone than a new, factory box of shotgun shells. Right on the top
of the box of modern shotshells, the type of powder charge is expressed in "DRAM
EQ," "DR. EQ", or "DRAM EQUIV." This has always been
shorthand for "drams equivalent of blackpowder," and has been marketed
that way for 100 years-it continues to this day. Safer to ship, store, handle
and use-- smokeless powder is the blackpowder substitute preferred universally
around the globe. There is just no legitimate reason to deny the muzzleloading
hunter this economical, non-corrosive, and far SAFER alternative.
I was very impressed with the Savage 10-ML
II I recently tested, and the 2004 Accu-Trigger model neatly eclipses it. It
is the muzzleloader whose time has come: for the knowledgeable muzzleloader,
and the knowledgeable game departments around the country as well. A salute
of excellence is due Henry C. Ball, Bill Ball, Ron Coburn, Brian Herrick, Paula
Iwanski, and the team at Savage Arms-- as well as the Fish & Wildlife departments
who have welcomed this TRULY better idea. It is destined to be the standard
by which others are judged for the next decade, or several decades. For "Hurricane
Henry" Ball, aren't you glad that you stayed the course, and that "Instant
Slamification" is now readily available to the masses? I, for one, certainly
© 2003 Randy Wakeman.
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