What's Wrong
with All Autoloading Shotguns
a title like that, you might think that I harbor some level of disdain
for them. The opposite is true, for I enjoy autoloaders more than any
other action type. While some don't like the idea of any mechanical feel,
I strongly prefer it. I like to have my shooting instrument working and
I don't like the idea that guns have to broken open to load them. That
would be found intolerable in many rifles and handguns, and just because
it uses a shotshell it is no less a firearm. Rarely will two barrels shoot
the exact same point of impact, and autoloaders eliminate that along with
better shot capacity . . . never a bad thing.
are two broad classes of autoloaders, recoil-operated and gas-operated.
One is not necessarily more reliable than the other assuming requisite
maintenance. The most common problem with firearms in general is maintenance.
I know several gunsmiths that make a reasonable living just cleaning guns.
Actually, no autoloader is as reliable as a pump for the obvious reason:
an autoloader relies on shell function to function, a slide action does
not. Still, many like to blame the gun when it is bad ammo, and feel their
autoloaders should work perfectly not only with dubious reloads, but with
popper loads as well. You can't get more than perfectly reliable, and
many A-5's, B-80s, and A303's have been just that. Still, it is hard to
read ad copy without the hoary drone of most reliable. I'll restrict these
comments to current production models, although in several ways models
such as the A-5 and the A390 have not been bettered. As Chuck Hawks likes
to lament, current autoloaders are far uglier than they need be. When
folks understand that “matte” often means “unfinished”
and that properly selected walnut is stronger and more stable than thermoplastics,
the scene might change. You never know.
a class, autoloading triggers are failboat. Very, very few autoloaders
sold today are not sorely in need of trigger work. That means out of the
box examples from most everyone. It is sad, when you consider that many
field autos, notably the A-5, invariably had crisp four pound or so triggers
virtually every time. Beretta 391 and A400 have been usually better than
most, with Remington, Browning, Benelli, etc. triggers usually crying
for attention. It is increasingly hard to swallow, when the $1500 is becoming
increasingly commonplace. With the trigger as “the” firing control,
ignoring them is no sign of attention to quality.
shotguns should be effortless to load and unload. Speed-loading became
standard issue when Val Browning added the two-piece shell carrier to
the A-5. Double Autos had it, so did the B2000, so did the Browning Gold
since its introduction in 1993-1994. Of the newer guns, the Benelli Vinci
(one example) is easy to load and unload, but far too many autoloaders
are not. I don't like any firearm that is a real pantload to load or unload.
Does anyone?
a "feature" to forget. As Patrick E. Kelly observed back in
November, 2001, "Using the same videographic techniques that we
applied to the 1100, we found the limit for the Benelli: 13 hundredths
of a second. That’s it. Any faster, and the hammer follows the bolt
. . . For all that fanfare, “the world’s fastest shotgun”
is one lousy hundredth faster than the Remington 1100." It takes
the human eye 30 to 40 hundredths of a second to blink. You read that
correctly: even the allegedly "slow" Remington 1100 can fire
three rounds in the time it takes you to blink your eye just one time.
in the same article, Mr. Kelly notes, "The Auto 5 positively re-sets
the first half of the trigger return stroke using a pair of opposing hooks
– one on the hammer, one on the trigger. Instead of waiting for the
fairly passive action of a re-set spring, that hook on the hammer claws
the trigger ahead as the hammer re-sets, slapping your finger out of the
way if you’re too slow letting go . . . the Browning Auto 5 proved
itself to be faster than the “world’s fastest cycling shotgun,”
leaving the Benelli buried in its empty hulls." As a practical
matter, fast enough is more than fast enough. The limiting factor is recovery
from recoil and second target acquisition, so "fastest cycling"
claims are completely meaningless to both hunters and clays shooters,
regardless of who makes them.
friends in the U.K. couldn't have been more wrong about the only real
shotgun having two horizontal barrels. The British shotgun industry has
essentially vanished today as far as any significant numbers. One thing
they did get right, though, from the days of W. W. Greener, is that a
shotgun should be balanced as far as weight of the shotgun, payload of
the shell, and shell velocity. We shouldn't have to buy a $1400 MSRP autoloader
just to get a new recoil pad with a goofy “recoils less” brag.
Nor is shoving springs or plastic hydraulic tubes into a buttstock a sensible
way to improve a shotgun, as in “Kick-Off.” Now you have a shotgun
with an irritating bouncy feeling that may be next to impossible to fit
to an individual shooter. Reasonable gun weight, shells that compliment
that gun weight, and a stock that fits you perfectly has always resulted
in a shotgun that is pleasant to shoot, regardless of action type.
one size fits all shotgun has never been a good, or even desirable approach.
The more “do everything” a shotgun tries to be, the more it
fails to excel at anything. Versatility invariably means compromise. The
best SUV is not the best sports car, the best motocross bike is not the
best touring bike, and the best weed-whipper is not the best garden tractor.
Once we collectively wise up and decide what it is we want to do with
our autoloading shotguns, the breed will improve if we vote for
that approach with our consumer dollars: the only vote that counts.
2011 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
