SA-08 Synthetic Waterfowler Part Two

The Weatherby SA-08
Waterfowler was tested with loads ranging from 1 oz. 1200 fps up to 1-3/4
oz. 1200 fps loads. It had no troubles across the spectrum, printing patterns
to point of aim at 40 yards. At 6-3/4 pounds, it is a light 12 gauge,
lighter than most 12 gauge gas and inertia guns. It is a clean 1/4 pound
lighter than the lightweight Benelli Vinci, Franchi Affinity, and the
Browning Maxus, for example. It is a good 1-1/4 pounds lighter than the
Mossberg 930 previously tested, lighter than the Beretta A300 Outlander,
and far lighter than the Remington 11-87. It comes with three choke tubes
that are Browning standard Invector / Winchoke style, and an assortment
of shims to adjust cast and drop, if desired.
What this “Waterfowler
3.0” nets you over the basic black synthetic SA-08 is essentially
the “Mothwing® Marsh Mimicry®” camo finish the leaves
the external portion of the shotgun maintenance free. It is a good-looking
pattern, to my eyes, and makes the SA-08 more appealing to my eyes than
the basic black.
Calling this a “Waterfowler”
is a bit of a misnomer, for this is more of an all-around shotgun. Use
the supplied “light” gas piston for clays, dove, or anytime
you want to shoot 1 ounce or 1-1/8 oz. loads. For 1-1/4 oz. pheasant loads
or heavier, use the “heavy” gas piston as you would with 3 inch
1400 fps 1-1/4 oz. steel loads or 1-3/4 oz. turkey loads. The dual piston
system, original with ATA, is a very good gas system. It is lot more practical
than the old “change the barrel” approach and the gas piston
itself has no springs to break and its simple design means it is also
simple to clean.
As a waterfowl or
cold weather gun, Weatherby might want to think about a larger safety
button. The supplied recoil pad is the familiar vented OEM type and that's
an area that could be improved upon as well. There is nothing wrong with
the pad, but I do think the more generous pad supplied on the SA-08 Deluxe
walnut model does a better job. The SA-08 trigger, breaking at 5 lbs.
as measured by Lyman digital scale, is better than the majority of hunting
autoloader triggers I've tested.
All-around though,
it is just a very good all-around gun that is soft-shooting for its weight
class due to its gas operation. Comfortable enough for clays, yet light
enough to carry, and comfortable on your wallet as well at right at $600
street price. In 2014, this is a lot of autoloader for the money by any
standard I can apply. If you are feeling a bit unflush, you can shave
off a few more pesos by going with the SA-08 black synthetic at about
$525, but I think the camo Waterfowler is a sharper looking firearm.
There are scant few
$600 12 gauge autoloaders out there worth considering at all, and if you
want one that is light enough to be fun to carry, the Weatherby SA-08
is really the only game in town. That's a very good place to be and in
that sense, the Weatherby SA-08 is in a class of its own.
2014 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
