Power: the Myth of the Gauge
Often, as applied
to wingshooting, one gauge or another will be touted as being "more
powerful," a longer range gauge, or perhaps having "more knockdown."
Gauge debates are more than a bit silly when looking at the matter from
an objective viewpoint; the viewpoint being physics. Yet, it still persists,
no matter how shrill the plea might be.
A 1200 fps pellet
has the same range, the same external ballistics, and the same ability
to penetrate regardless of the platform it is launched from. There is
no tangible difference in a single pellet whether the "gauge"
is a 28 gauge or a 10 gauge: there cannot be, if you believe in physics.
"Knockdown" is a subjective term; one that has no particular
It takes only one
pellet to kill a game bird if that pellet is in the right place. Naturally,
if we could all completely control that one projectile on unpredictable
game birds, .22 shorts and pellets guns would be popular pheasant-smackers.
We can't, so we need a decent pattern to insure clean harvests and recovered
birds. A generous pattern is perhaps a better way to characterize it.
Aside from aesthetics,
novelty, and personal preferences-- the primary reason for a choice of
gauge is simply payload. No matter what the shotgun, patterns may vary
in density from shot to shot from 5 - 10 percent - far more than any mythical
gauge prowess can give us. Pro chokemakers hardly shoot just a few rounds
to characterize a pattern. Ten shots is better than five, twenty shot
far better than ten. An ounce of #6 lead shot approximates 225 pellets.
To find that 5% deviation in a 30 inch circle at 40 yards just 12 pellets
either way more than qualifies: it is so very easy to find that.
If three quarters
of an ounce provides a pattern for us of sufficient size and density to
give us the effective pattern we seek at a given range-the pricey 28 gauge
shotshell may be adequate. It is truly Fool's Folly to believe that a
28 ga. will automatically produce a better three-quarter of an
ounce pattern than a 20 gauge. It doesn't happen, it can't happen-- and
if a 28 gauge could perform better than a 20 gauge, it would be incredibly
silly to have it as an "official skeet class" where the shots
seldom exceed 22 yards or so. Perhaps someone should explain to the NSSA
what this crazy class is all about?
Powder has improved,
wad materials have improved, and the limitations of a bore size from a
century ago have become subtle if not intangible. From an external ballistics
standpoint, and an effective pattern size standpoint: the reason to use
a larger bore scattergun is merely the ability to use a heavier payload
of shot. Today's more progressive-burning powders allow this, where years
ago it was not practical.
Gauge worship, like
caliber worship in centerfire rifles, can become a bit silly-- if not
downright laughable. Lower your shot charge, you reduce the size of your
effective pattern in concert. It works that way at close range on the
skeet field when a one chip break counts as a dead bird at twenty yards,
and it works that way when a game bird at 45 yards is where we center
our properly populated pattern. Patterns thin out with range, and the
only way we can get more effective range is to add more shot: of the proper
size. I see far too many runners and cripples every year: too often, it
is not shooter error at all. The culprit is often poor patterns and inadequate
shot charges, not the shooter-- except that had the shooter patterned
his gun, those deficiencies would have become evident.
Shell availability
and shotshell selection factors in as well. As you likely imagine, both
20 and 12 gauge have the widest selection of loads, with 16 gauge far
more available than you might think at comparable pricing.
The theory that a
gauge alone indicates tangibly more "power" is wishful thinking.
An ounce of shot can never be more than an ounce of shot no matter what
we do. Quality chokes and quality shells have far, far more to do with
pattern quality than a comparison of that ounce of shot out of a 12, 20,
or 16 gauge barrel alone. Reduce it to three quarters of an ounce and
we have just lost 25% of our effective pattern potential, regardless of
When it comes to
lethality, there is no substitute for penetration.
Let's start with
#7-1/2 shot, including penetration into ballistic gelatin:

Here is a peek at #6 shot ballistics, from E. D. Lowry data:

A look at #5 shot:

Finally, a look at #4 lead shot ballistics:

As you can see, no
matter what you do with 7-1/2 shot, it cannot begin to equal #5 shot.
No matter what you do with #6, you cannot approach downrange performance
of #4 shot.
As for gauge, if
you have no need for any payloads heavier than 1-1/4 oz., either a three
inch chambered 20 ga. or a 16 gauge is more than adequate.
For heavier payloads,
1-3/8 oz. to 1-3/4 oz. or more, or for the more bulky steel shot loads-12
gauge is the logical choice.
It is all a compromise
and your patterning board alone can show you what you have to work with.
Consider field chokes: in theory, an Improved Cylinder choke yields a
50% pattern at 40 yards, and a "Full" choke equally as theoretically
gives you a 70% pattern at 40 yards in the same 30 inch circle. What would
you rather have, 50% of three quarters of an ounce, or three quarters
of fully twice that? The 1-1/2 oz. 2-3/4 in. 12 ga. "Baby Magnum"
load is exactly that; twice the number of pellets and twice the pattern
density with the same choke performance. You can expect fully double the
performance going from a soft-shot promo 12 ga. target load to a nickel-plated,
heavy payload quality shell. It moots any gauge discussions in a big hurry.
The best that can
be hoped for, according to industry theory is 20% additional pattern density
from that IC choke to a FULL choke. Phrased differently, that is a 40%
tighter pattern. With just a shell change, same choke, you may get a 100%
improvement in pattern.
As for gauges, I
love them all contingent on application. In fact, of the sweetest
little guns I've ever fired was a 24 gauge, not often seen in this country.
Firing 11/16 oz. of #8 shot at 1280 fps, what a great little short-range
Over / Under it was. Please don't ask if it was built on a "true
24 gauge frame" or not; I have no earthly idea.
In the end, the shotgun
that fits you the best is likely the one you will do the best with. Whether
you shoot 1-1/8 oz. out of a 20, 16, or 12 gauge . . . nothing can live
on the difference. The tangible differences, the only differences worth
talking about go right back to what we can see on our patterning boards.
It is quality shells and quality chokes that have made the only differences
that I can see. If we can't see it, then it is an extremely rare bird
that can be affected by it.
It is patterns that
do the work, and good patterns are wherever you find the. A dumb piece
of resin board doesn't know the gauge that produced the pattern on it.
2006 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
