Shells and Shotgun Chokes: like Laurel & Hardy
the days of Fred Kimble, it is hard to consider a shotgun shell without
the notion of choke. They function as a team, not always as good of a
team as Laurel & Hardy, but they are always a team nevertheless. Many
combinations are abominable, horribly poor. It was the documented erratic
results of shotshells and chokes that compelled George Oberfell (later
known as part of Oberfell and Thompson) to write a treatise about
it in 1949, an article that appeared in The American Rifleman in
1950. While Mr. Oberfell was perceptive enough to know that “the
theory of probability applies to the distribution of pellets in a shotgun
pattern,” a direct quote from his 1949 discussion, the results
he experienced were so erratic it led him to a path of focusing on patchiness
of patterns.
a good path, but part of the reason for it was his use of 150 patterns
from fifteen shotguns, shotguns from five different manufacturers, seven
payload weights, eight different shot sizes, and six different choking
devices. By injecting all these variables, small wonder G. G. Oberfell
found wildly different results. Both factory shotshells and chokes have
the capability of being notoriously bad.
How Bad Can Shotshells Be?
specific, well-documented examples of how poor some shotshells are, we
can consider the findings of A. C. Jones in his 2010 book, Sporting
Shotgun Performance. Dr. Jones found that the sphericity of some shot
was bloody awful, with .020 in. out of round as common in some shells.
Oval-shaped shot, shot that didn't roll well, shot welded together, a
“Chef's Mix” of sizes and shapes is what he found. Andrew Jones
described some of the shells as having many pellets that looked like Smarties
candy. It doesn't take much to quickly realize that pellets of random
sizes and shapes cannot possibly begin to fly the same and they don't.

choke tube can hope to re-size or reshape our shot for us. If we want
to blow stuff out of our barrels that looks like gravel, cubes, has the
rings of Saturn, or looks like ink blots wildly inconsistent results are
to be expected. The “normal distribution” doesn't work well
when what we use shot to shot is abnormal and grossly misshapen.
companies aren't solely to blame. We like cheap stuff, the cheapest stuff
that goes bang. In order to give the consumer the cheapest product, quality
control that costs time and money is naturally cast aside, due to the
commodity-type pricing pressures that stress the shotshell market. Few
people cut open shotshells and see what they are shooting, fewer still
pattern their shotguns, so it all seems to work. Not always well, but
if it doesn't make dollars it doesn't make sense.
How Bad Can Screw Chokes Be?
chokes may be just as bad as shotshells, for several of the same reasons.
Few folks measure their barrel's bores, much less their choke tubes. Eccentricity
of choke tubes, poor choke installations, choke tube dimensions, and choke
tube performance is not easily discernible with the naked eye. Remember
the “dime test?” The idea was if a dime would not go into a
12 gauge barrel you had a “full choke.” Choke in a shotgun has
always been performance-based, not dimensionally based, so the end result
of the “test” establishes only that you had temporary possession
of both a dime and a barrel.
tubes in factory shotguns are often sourced items, the highest quality
from the lowest bidder. The consumer drives this, as in most things, as
the material a choke tube is made from is often unknown, much less who
made it, where it was made, or how it was made. There was a time when
mass-produced shotguns were patterned at the factory prior to shipment,
including such models as the Browning A-5. It costs time and money to
pattern an individual shotgun for P.O.I. and pattern percentage, and it
also increases scrap rates. So, today, it is commonly avoided. Most consumers
have made it clear they are unwilling to pay for it, so naturally they
don't get it.
Jones didn't bother with the fifteen gun approach that misled George Oberfell,
nor did he embark on the seven payload, eight different nominal shot size
path that Mr. Oberfell used. Instead, he avoided factory chokes except
for a fixed barrel, comparing full choke pattern percentages at 40 yards
with Hull DTL300 U.K. #7-1/2 shot, the fixed tapered-parallel choke using
the same load in U.K. #7 shot. Teague long taper chokes yielded 77.6%
patterns, the fixed choke 75.2%, and the Teague short-taper choke 72.9%
patterns at 40 yards. To have your O/U “Teagued” with three
extended chokes is 327 pounds and requires reproof in the U.K. That's
$537.79 is based on current exchange rates, plus freight both ways and
the applicable VAT. Is it performance worth the price? Certainly, Dr.
Jones and many other serious shotgunners think so. Nigel Teague is extremely
highly regarded. The $600 arena for many American shooting enthusiasts
is something that, let's say, is often resisted. The punter won't often
invest in shotgun performance that way, so less than stellar performance
is a virtual certainty.
is the Solution?
shotguns are individuals. Having tested and patterned so many shotguns
over the years, it is impossible to miss. Even guns of the same make and
model with consecutive serial numbers have been dramatically different
entities in terms of performance. Barrel dimensions vary, choke performance
is all over the map, fit is different, P.O.I. is different, trigger break
weight is different, ability to cycle loads varies by individual gun.
Every shotgun is unique, there is no question about it. Some are far more
“unique” than tolerable.
first step is of course to establish a base-line of performance, and a
goal of where you want to be. There are are no absolutes. In fact, your
factory choke-tubes may possibly give you what you want at shorter ranges
or lighter pattern percentages. At longer ranges and when looking for
higher percentages, it is highly unlikely. Yet, a negative cannot be proved.
It is all performance based.
one company offers all things all the time for all purposes. Yet, there
are many excellent products out there and they have been mentioned on
an “as tested” basis. The well-established fundamentals of consistency
in shot diameter and sphericity, consistency in shot density, consistency
in velocity all hold true.
Zutz, in an article named “Tricks Powders Play,” noted
the vastly different and sometimes markedly improved patterns he documented
with the use of Green Dot and Solo 1250 powders, obtaining full choke
performance (over 70% @ 40 yards) with a “modified” choke
all from the same same shotgun. Don Zutz further explored component changes
in the “Hodgdon Powder Shotshell Data Manual” (1996)
showing the changes in pattern percentage due to a primer change alone.
By changing primers and chilled shot, his 35 yard pattern percentage averages
changed from 73% to 88%, all with the same “modified” choked
gun and 1-1/8 oz. payloads. A shotshell itself is a system.
and consistency are considered synonyms in firearms, shot shells are not
exempt from this generalization. As John Haviland wrote several years
back in the American Rifleman, “Patterning
your shotgun is as important as sighting in your rifle-- until you do
it there is no way to tell where your gun shoots and how it really performs.”
consulted and worked with and for many firearms manufacturers over the
years. Engineers and marketing folks tend to get along like hogs on ice,
an understatement if anything. When it comes to choke performance, it
cannot be considered known until it can be shown. As is the case with
shotshells, there are several reputable choke tube manufacturers out there.
I've not used them all, by any means, but I have used a goodly portion
of them for many years.

choke tube and the shotshell are the two primary tools we have to obtain
the patterns we want, neither of which require any permanent modifications
to the gun. Kim Rhode, eternal international shooting champion, phoned
me a few days ago. Kim was the youngest member of the U.S. Olympic team
in 1996, where she won the Gold in Double Trap in Atlanta. That made Kim
the youngest gold medalist in Olympic shooting history. Kim followed that
with a bronze in the 2000 game in Sydney, winning the Gold yet again in
2004 in Athens. Women's Double Trap was dropped from the Olympic games,
so Kim changed sports. At the 2008 games in Beijing she won the silver
in women's Skeet. Right now, she's off to Conception, Chile the end of
this month for the World Cup. Kim uses choke tubes.
uses custom tubes that throw the largest effective spread at the
ranges she shoots, consistent and repetitive ranges. In Kim's case, it
is both talent and hard work. She shoots essentially every day, 500 –
1000 shots per day. It is something like 320 or so shooting days per year,
something along the lines of one quarter of a million shots per year,
every year. Talent, dedication, and hard work combine to win. Let's just
say that using choke tubes doesn't seem to be holding her back.
Lowry worked for Winchester-Western div. of Olin from 1945-1973. Mr. Lowry
held a B.A. in computer science from Western Washington University, along
with M.A. in mathematics. He also became a member of the faculty at W.W.U.,
and moved on to become an independent ballistics consultant thereafter.
In his article “Properties of Shotshell Patterns” from
1990 (American Rifleman), Ed Lowry memorialized the testing ordered by
John Olin and the results obtained. It was the search for “patchiness”
that concerned John Olin, the result being that 250 patterns were analyzed
from Improved Modified and Full choked guns, with #2, 4, 6, and #7-1/2
shot, all 1-1/4 oz. payloads. The pattern percentages varied from 35%
- 75%. No firm evidence of excessively large holes was found, though Lowry
reported that the results were similar to the Oberfell and Thompson results.
most useful by-product, as Lowry called it, happened during the development
of the Mark 5 shot collar, invented by Merton L. Robinson, manager of
the Winchester test ranges. It showed the Gaussian nature of a patterns
as a very close approximation. Noted by Journee in 1902, it now became
a far more useful tool with more uniform shot and launch velocities. This
became part of the basis for Lowry's later contributions, that rank today
as some of the most important tools in the science of shotguns.

Ed Lowry was better able to precisely predict pattern performance by realizing
the "Normal Distribution" of properly loaded ammunition.

distribution as applied by Ed Lowry and his team to mallard ducks, taking
into account pattern offset and pattern percentages. More relevant than
percentages alone, Lowry shows how many hits to the 20 inch vulnerable
area can be expected when the shot cloud reaches the game using both pattern
percentage and the target's distance from pattern center.
to look for in choke tubes is related to what we look for in everything
else: consistency of materials, quality of materials, strength of materials,
quality of machining, and quality control. The person best-qualified to
know what ranges shots are actually being taken at is the individual shooter.
That's why there is no substitute for patterning your individual shotgun
at the ranges you intend to shoot at with the exact shells you are going
to use. There are no shortcuts.
the normal course of testing and evaluations of shotguns and shotshells,
I use both factory-supplied chokes and Trulock Precision Hunter Extended
choke tubes. Precision Hunter Extended tubes are blued 17-4 PH stainless
steel. 17-4 PH stainless steel is a metal typically used in oil refining,
chemical processing, and the aerospace industries. The 17-4 family of
stainless is considered to have an outstanding combination of high strength
coupled with good corrosion resistance. It gains substantial strength
through heat-treating and it withstands corrosive attack better than any
of the standard hardenable stainless steels and is comparable to Type
304 in most media. 17-4 PH has a density of .280 lb. per cubic inch with
a melting point of 2560 – 2625 degrees F.
don't care for colored or bright stainless tips to my barrels, the blued
Precision Hunters look much better. Looking down your muzzle in search
of notches isn't a good practice. With extended tubes, you know what choke
you have in the gun and they protect the crown of your barrel as well.
For the serious shooter, the fellow that wants to get the most out of
his shotgun, the consumer advantage is obvious: you get a lifetime warranty
with a new Trulock choke. Want a smaller pattern? Want a more open pattern?
No problem, you can exchange your new Trulock within 60 days for a different
constriction, or get a refund if you choose. No one in the entire industry
does that for you, except George Trulock.
can't say I enjoy patterning shotguns. It is a requisite step, though,
just as John Haviland proclaimed. I'm not nearly clever enough to know
just by looking at a shell or choke tube what the pattern is going to
be. Both have to be used together, otherwise it is again Laurel without
and shooters, always a fun-loving and innovative lot, spend a lot of time
trying to short-cut the system. Reading breaks, the dime in the barrel,
“patterning” at water, snow, or “one shot patterns”
that are just as useful as one-shot groups out of a rifle are just a few
examples. We can shoot at 20 yards to try to predict a 40 yard pattern.
It doesn't work well. Dr. Jones noted that a 30 yard pattern was more
representative of a 40 yard pattern than possible with a 20 yard pattern.
The only thing that best represents a 40 yard pattern is a forty yard
pattern just as the thing that best represents a 200 yard group from a
rifle is a 200 yard group.
takes a minimum of five shots at a specific range with a specific shell,
choke, and shotgun to establish a baseline. Many have suggested ten shots
as being better, and so it is. Representative sampling dictates the larger
the sample size, the better the resolution. Recent tests have confirmed
this, such as those by R. A. Giblin and D. A. Compton at the Holland and
Holland Shooting Grounds in 1994. Relying on only three shots from a 'Quarter
Choke' could produce results from 25 - 62% was their finding. Nevertheless,
five shots is a workable, practical, and meaningful baseline.
Rhode likely doesn't have to shoot 320 days a year to be outstandingly
good. Perhaps she could slack off to a couple of hundred shooting days
a year, and drop down to relatively “light shooting” of 175,000
shotshells per year, I don't know. But Kim knows, being your best is just
that, and you don't get a gold medal in international competition for
just being good.
it goes with patterning, by comparison a very easy, if not tiny amount
of effort. Since the only direct contact we have with the majestic birds
we honor and hunt is the patterns we throw, doing the best job we can
isn't a lot to ask of ourselves. Best of all, it is largely a one-time
task. When we have discovered the best and most appropriate tools for
our applications, there isn't much reason to change. Being more successful
just makes hunting and shooting sports more enjoyable and more satisfying,
so the rewards just end up going to ourselves.
2011 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
