Benelli M2 20 Gauge Comfortech Autoloader

Benelli M2 is described as the “workhorse” of the Benelli
line, a term not exactly riddled with hyperbole. The 20 gauge field guns
are offered in black or RealTree APG camo, with 24 or 26 inch barrels.
Like most all Benelli autoloaders, the M2 has a hard-chrome lined barrel
that is cryogenically treated. Having been very favorably impressed with
the handling and balance of the Benelli 12 gauge Ultra-Light with its
24 inch barrel, I opted for the 24 inch route in this M2 as well.
M2 has a stated approximate weight of 5.7 pounds. Well, time to grab the
Lyman digital trigger gauge and do some weighing and weight comparisons.
The M2 as tested weighs in at 6 pounds on the nose. A Beretta 303 with
a fixed choke 28 inch barrel and hard plastic buttplate weighs 6-1/4 pounds,
as does a 26 inch Invector choked Browning B-80 with factory rubber butt,
while a Belgian A-5 20 Mag with a 26 inch plain barrel is 6 pounds, nine
ounces. Of recently reviewed 20 gauge repeaters, both a Browning Silver
and a Beretta Urika 2 Gold weighed in at 6 pounds 5 ounces, while an 870
Wingmaster 20 gauge 28 inch hit 6 pounds, 14 ounces and a Browning 20
gauge BPS tipped the scales at 7-1/2 pounds. The Remington “Sporting
20” 1100 pushed the scales at whopperdoodle 8 pounds.
length of pull as Benelli states is 14-3/8 inches on the M2, with an 1-1/2
in. DAC and a 2-1/4 inch DAH. These dimensions are approximate as they
can be changed with the included shim kit and the addition of optional
recoil pads of different thicknesses. The 24 inch barrel might sound short
to some, but isn't what you might think due to the longish receiver of
the M2. The nominal overall length of the tested M2 is 45.3 inches, actually
a bit longer (and lighter) than a 2010 model 28 inch barreled Browning
Cynergy Field O/U being tested concurrently.

The mystery of the strange and wondrous
Cryo barrels continues. I can't say exactly what some of the other miracles
may or may not be. I can say that the M2 Cryo barrel with its hard-chrome
lining stays remarkably clean while shooting and is quick and easy to
clean when it finally needs it.
point of all this weighing is not that it is my hobby or even particularly
enjoyable. It illuminates the wide disparity of shotgun weights in general
and in 20 gauge in particular. Some twenty gauges weigh more than 3-1/2
inch chambered waterfowl guns, so gauge alone is representative of nothing
specifically. The Benelli M2 20 gauge is the lightest twenty gauge repeating
shotgun I've tested in a decade. It is lighter than most pumps and O/U's
as well, and lighter than many 28 gauges.
checkering pattern on Benelli's Comfortech stock is dubbed “AirTouch,”
the same as used on most Comfortech stocks except for the Vinci. I really
like it; it really gives you good control of your shotgun and is far superior
to some of the greasy-feeling, rubberized type polymer stock configurations
out there. The M2 is both supremely well-balanced and blazingly fast to
the shoulder. It comes with shims for stock adjustment, but the M2 fit
me perfectly right out of the box so no shim-changing was required.
M2 has an obnoxious silver center bead on the rib that is just straight
retarded. Like the fat fellow that when he gets his shoes shined, he has
to take the guy's word for it, the same is true of the front bead on the
M2. The center bead obliterates the view of the front bead, so whether
it is there or not in actual shooting is anyone's guess. Center beads
on field shotguns make no sense; a center bead that blocks out the front
bead makes even less sense. Benelli isn't the only shotgun manufacturer
that is guilty of this type of lunacy. I've picked on Remington for foisting
a center bead on a recently reviewed 870 that rendered the front bead
completely invisible and useless, so it is only fair to carp a bit whenever
such a dunderheaded practice is employed, regardless of manufacturer.
There is no easy way to unscrew the center bead, apparently a pin vise
is an “iffy” proposition, so attempting to twist it off with
pliers broke it off flush with the rib to my immense delight. Problem
solved. Oddly enough, Benelli has the same item #11087 listed on their
website as a “Turkey Gun with Comfortech.” It appears
to be the same identical gun only without the center bead. If I was smart,
which I obviously am not, I would have gone for the turkey gun and skipped
the nasty bead drama.
trigger-guard safety of the M2 is ideally placed and easy to get off.
All too often we forget how vitally important an intuitive safety is,
until we get the pleasure of watching a cackling rooster fly off into
the distance. Benelli has done a superb job here. A light, extremely responsive
field gun is all well and good, but if you if can't effortless get your
safety off throwing rocks at pheasants might work at least as good as
your shotgun.
sole problem remaining with the supplied M2 is the trigger that breaks
at a heavier weight than the entire gun at 6-1/2 pounds. Good triggers
on shotguns seem to be rare commodities these days. However, after talking
with the good folks at Benelli I'm advised that most M2 triggers run in
the 3-5 pound area. So, just as soon as I'm finished with this review
the trigger guard is going off to Benelli and I'll report back with the
results. Benelli has had extremely good customer service in times past,
so there is no reason to think that this instance will be any different.
at the range, the M2 performed flawlessly without a single hiccup. It
digested Winchester promo loads, 1 oz. AA's, 1-1/4 oz. three inch shells,
and the Federal 1-5/16 oz. loads I used for patterning without a hitch.
It was completely reliable right-out of the box, regardless of what it
was fed.
of the shooting was done with a thin shirt on, no hunting coat or shooting
vest. The M2 was surprisingly soft to shoot. Far, far more comfortable
than some heavier O/U models, and actually noticeably softer shooting
than a heavier Beretta Urika 2 Gold 20 gas gun with its vinyl crucifix
buttplate. It is dramatically softer shooting with 1 oz. AA loads than
a substantially heavier Citori 28 gauge with 3/4 oz. loads. Most 28 gauges
don't kick much but apparently this Citori didn't read that part. Also
noticeable was the absence of muzzle flip with the 1 oz. AA's. I expected
some with this light of a gun and a short barrel, but it just wasn't there.
also ran through a box of 1-1/4 oz. 3 inch #5 shot loads. They moved me
around a bit, to be sure, but were still surprisingly comfortable. Around
here, if you go through two boxes of pheasant loads in a season, you've
had a fabulous season. The M2 20 gauge is ideally suited for that. With
hunting gear on combined with a wild pheasant hitting the sky you won't
feel anything.
bore of the Benelli M2 as measured by Skeets bore gauge is .620 in. The
Improved Modified tube used for patterning had a surprising light constriction
of .022 in. Shooting off bag and cradle at the bench, with Federal 1-5/16
oz. 3 inch loads was the only time recoil was uncomfortable, without the
benefit of the entire body to absorb it. Off the bench again reinforced
how heavy the supplied trigger really was-- it felt like I was pulling
on it forever. The Benelli M2 gave beautifully centered patterns at 40
yards, very even with no patchiness about two inches high, an ideal field
pattern for flushing game. It shot to point of aim. This is a very good
thing, as many shotguns do not.
appreciate highly polished blue and hand-checkered walnut as much as anyone.
Along with that comes the knowledge that a blued barrel is a pre-rusted
barrel that requires some care. There's red oxide, the stuff we generally
don't like, and black oxide that sounds better if we call it bluing. Bluing
is fine for many applications, but for the all-weather hunter it has its
downside as well. The same goes with walnut stocks. Wood can absorb oil
and soften, can of course crack, and checkering may quickly wear down
with use. Wood stocks do nothing to manage recoil. It is easy to appreciate
the craftsmanship of beautifully inletted walnut, the hand-rubbed oil
finishes, and the eye-catching grain.

The M2 forearm is slimmer and trimmer
than possible with systems that must allow for gas arrays and action bars,
with only the magazine tube that needs to be housed. The AirTouch checker
pattern is functional, with durability that fine-line wood checkering
cannot equal.
is also room for appreciation of the art and craftsmanship involved in
costly, multi-cavity molds and other tooling where design engineers must
take into consideration shrink rates, stress areas, and consistency of
the end product. If you are a tool-maker, a mold-maker, or a materials
design engineer you are no less an artisan and a craftsman than the wood-worker
or engraver. In the case of this M2, the engineered result is weight,
balance, corrosion-resistance, and shooting comfort not possible with
the use of traditional, organic materials. I can certainly appreciate
the advances it offers the active hunter and the M2 Comfortech is as good
as an example as any of this.
down the M2 couldn't be much easier, a child of six could do it. Unfortunately,
six year old children are rarely handy when you really need them, so you'll
find it easy to do yourself. Unscrew the forearm cap, pull off the charging
handle, knock out a drift pin and the rest is close to self-explanatory.
That's one of the benefits when you don't have action bars or springs
in the barrel nut to fuss with.

This Benelli-generated model of the
Comfortech stock shows where the recoil-absorbing flex points are. It
just plain works.
is little doubt left in my once young mind about how well the Comfortech
stock works. All anyone has to do is pull the trigger versus any shotgun
in the same weight bracket including Benelli's own Weathercoat-stocked
Ultralight 12 gauge with similar loads and you'll instantly find the difference
to be night and day. It isn't the softest-shooting 20 gauge ever, for
physics puts a limit on that sooner or later. For the record, the softest-shooting
20 gauge in my experience with target loads is the original Browning Gold
20 gauge, no longer in production, which tips the scales at 7-1/4 pounds.
Though soft-shooting, it is decidedly a ponderous pig compared to the
M2 Comfortech.

The strength and functionality of the
M2's Comfortech stock cannot be matched with traditional, organic materials.
The image above also shows the well-designed and positioned safety that
is intuitively effortless to get off.
an upland hunting gun, the M2 is hard to beat. With target loads, you
can shoot it all day. More important for pheasant aficionados, you'll
actually be delighted to carry it all day as well. Fast and responsive
is a great advantage for grouse and quail hunting, and the M2 fits the
bill there as well. Now that Federal Heavyweight #7 20 gauge loads have
proven to be devastatingly effective on turkey, the M2 is just ideal to
handle in the close quarters of a turkey blind. A momentary poke of a
camo barrel out of a blind beats highly polished blue every time.
review will be updated with progress on the trigger and with patterning
examples from more loads, including Federal Heavyweight turkey loads.
For now, I can tell you that the Benelli M2 Comfortech is the lightest,
fastest-shouldering, best handling, most hassle-free repeating 20 gauge
I've tested in recent memory. It is a fabulous, astonishingly good field
Update: The trigger was evaluated and adjusted by Benelli Customer
Service, improving the original break weight of 6-1/2 lbs. to 4-3/4 lbs.
as measured by Lyman Electronic trigger gauge, a substantial and welcomed
change. As mentioned above, stripping the M2 is pathetically easy. Take
off the barrel and forearm, pull off the bolt handle and slide out the
bolt assembly, tap out one pin from the receiver and out comes the trigger
group. That's all there is to it. Internally, it was so clean you couldn't
tell that it had ever been fired. A light coat of Montana Extreme Gun
oil on the breech assembly was all the lube it received prior to reassembly.

At a laser-verified 42
yards, the best patterns were with Federal Heavyweight #7 loads in combination
with a Trulock Precision Hunter " Turkey" Extended choke tube.
This specific Trulock choke, #PHCRP20580, has an exit diameter of .580
inches yielding a constriction in this barrel of .040 in.: not particularly
aggressive for a turkey choke, but with more than adequate results to
take any gobbler to 45 yards. Above is the "entrance" side of
the pattern, with a 1-1/4 inch bull to give you scale. Below, the exit
side of the same pattern displays the very even yet dense dispersion of
this combination.

Though some might think that "Full"
or "Extra Full" would not be the first choice to hunt with,
that's why we pattern. Likely due to the light constriction afforded by
the M2's tight barrel, we found that all the factory Benelli chokes threw
unacceptably thin patterns at 42 yards to be good, reliable dove-droppers
or pheasant poppers at longer distances, with the Trulock PH "Full"
the only choke tube considered usable at that range.
As a result, it seems that a Trulock
PH "Extra Full" (effective constriction of .030 in.)
is going to be the choke tube of choice for dove and pheasant. The factory
tubes are light on constriction and neither the Benelli "IM"
or "Full" tubes are rated for steel or the harder no-tox shot
types, where all Trulock Precision Hunter tubes are.
Some of this pattern-testing helps
explain the mythology that a solid choke throws better patterns than a
screw choke. The recently tested (but brand new condition) Browning
A-5 20 Mag threw beautiful 40 yard patterns with its factory full choke.
Now, for the rest of the story. The A-5 20 Mag factory full barrel has
a tighter constriction than even the Trulock "Extra Full" Precision
Hunter. Benelli is generous, supplying five choke tubes, but none of them
equal a Trulock "Full" or "Extra Full" in performance
or constriction.
One can hardly expect a factory "Improved
Cylinder" choke to perform as marked when it has only four thousandths
of one inch of constriction, with the "CYL" tube actually an
overbore of .007 in. They don't. But again, that's why we have to pattern
our shotguns.
What IS refreshingly good about the
Benelli M2 is that it shoots dead-on to point of aim at 42 yards. Shooting
to point of aim is something that is becoming increasingly rare in factory
shotguns, so it is always a somewhat unexpected pleasure to pattern a
shotgun that throws a pattern where it is supposed to.
2010 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
