a “No-Tox” Shotshell: Code Words, Misinformation, and Hyperbole
idea that shotshells are sold under a dark cloud of hazy misinformation
is not at all a new thing. Shotshell sellers have long come up with some
incredible ways to try to move shells. There are some really goofy things
out there. Be sure to go to the U.S. Patent Office and read application
#12/060,412 that was filed April 1, 2008. It is called “WATERFOWL
Fool's Day is more than appropriate.

From the US Patent Office: "When
the weighted material is fired into the air, the material falls back to
earth. A speed of at which the weighted material falls and an appearance
of the weighted material as it falls are chosen to attract waterfowl.
In preferred embodiments, the speed is about a speed that a shot waterfowl
falls after being shot or a live waterfowl lands, and the appearance is
a fluttering appearance. Each waterfowl attracting shotgun shell can include
one piece of weighted material or plural pieces. In use, one or more waterfowl
attracting shotgun shells can be loaded into a shotgun along with regular
shotgun shells."
words and misleading terms are not at all new to shotshells. We have the
mysterious (and meaningless) “Dram Equivalent,” particularly
“Magnum Dram Equivalent” and “Max Dram Equivalent.”
Black powder dram equivalents were first introduced long after black powder
was no longer commercially loaded in shotshells. It is very hard to have
an equivalent when black powder itself varies greatly by brand and by
granulation. It didn't stop the meaningless dram equivalents from being
used and still they persist. Not only meaningless, it is dangerous according
to Lyman: the worst of both worlds.
shot, hard shot, magnum shot, field grade shot, and precision shot has
no clear definition. If words actually mean things, magnum shot would
of course be larger than non-magnum shot. But, it isn't. Hard lead shot
must something like really stiff Jello. It is an attempt to point towards
antimony content of lead shot, but it doesn't do that very well. Hard
shot can mean whatever the manufacturer wants it to mean on any given
it goes with steel shot, though “steel” itself may refer to
over 130 different alloys all with different properties. I suppose no
one really expects steel shot in shotshells to be of 416 stainless,
so it means a cheap iron alloy more or less, having a density of about
7.8 grams per cubic centimeter, or 7.8 g/cc. It has always been dramatically
inferior to lead as a shot material, lead being much more dense in the
area of 11.34 g/cc as “solid lead,” but lead as provided in
shot is somewhat less dense in the order of 11.1 g/cc due to its content
of the lighter antimony. All of these densities are approximations.
generally stinks as a shot material, abrasive to forcing cones, chokes,
and losing velocity very rapidly compared to lead of the same diameter.
It can also rust, not a desirable trait in a waterfowl load or any shotshell
load for that matter. It can and is plated or varnished, but you don't
have to cut open very many shells to find steel pellets welded together
in some way. The fundamentals of shot performance are very well established.
Denser shot flies better and has better penetration. Perfectly spherical
shot is superior to shot this is not. Moderate muzzle velocity loads invariably
pattern more consistently than hyper-velocity loads. For lead, excessive
velocity means some shot deformation on initial set-back. For steel and
other hard materials, you have more open, more random patterns due to
the billiard ball effect, along with more stress, shock, and vibration
when being squeezed through a forcing cone and squeezed again through
the second forcing cone at the muzzle. Higher muzzle velocities for the
same payload also mean unwanted recoil.
short range, steel is of course lethal to a bird. A lot of things are,
but that hardly vindicates a load. No. 7-1/2 lead shot has killed geese
at close range, but that hardly makes it desirable or preferable. This
same notion of illogic has been used to characterize a .223 Remington,
a .22-250, and the .220 Swift as wonderful big game cartridges. They aren't.
Even though a .22 rimfire has killed steer and deer alike, just because
it has been done doesn't make it a good or even acceptable choice.
sellers have tried to convince consumers that their lead shells are better
than the others, so why wouldn't you expect the same from steel? Certainly,
there are differences you can readily observe on the pattern board due
to rounder, harder lead, nickel plating, buffering, and better wads. The
only problem is that high-antimony shot, premium wads, nickel-plating,
and buffering make a shell cost more and we don't like that, generally
preferring the cheapest thing that goes bang.
have been attempts to up the food chain from the 7.8 g/cc steel, such
as the sometimes brittle bismuth that has run 9.6 g/ cc, the equally lackluster
9.8 g/ cc Hevi-Shot Duck, the similar density Hevi-Shot Classic Doubles,
the 9.4g / cc Hevi-Steel, and other variants that fail compared to lead.
On the other end we have the spectacularly dense Tungsten Super Shot that
is now spectacularly out of business.
are better materials, but they come at a price. It can hardly be blamed
solely on the manufacturers. An important component of most high-density
shot materials is tungsten. A look at the price of tungsten over the last
two years helps explain why the better shot materials are currently very
costly to produce.

Tungsten-Matrix has long been a standout performer in a dozen of my regular
test guns, as close to lead as could be hoped for and easy on vintage
barrels as well. But, the price is a turnoff to many shooters, though
the 10.8g/ cc Tungsten-Matrix gets very close to the lead shot arena of
about 11.1g/cc. Nice Shot, which I have but have not patterned as of yet,
is a slight notch back in density at 10.3 g/ cc.
we have a large number of “HD” loads that all run in the same,
actually more dense than lead density range of 12g / cc. Are you ready?
They include Hevi-Shot Goose and the reportedly “new” Hevi-Shot
Duck. How the consumer could tell the difference between the old and new
Hevi-Shot Duck is an open question, as is why Hevi-Shot Duck even exists
if it is indeed the same as Hevi-Shot Goose. Also in the same range of
12 g/ cc is (apparently) bulk Hevi-Shot, Remington HD, and the
Winchester HD loads. Of these five 12g/ cc denisity products, as you've
likely already guessed, even though they are the same density the case
will be made that they are dramatically different than the others. There
are differences, to be sure, in wadding, propellant, hull, sphericity,
and buffering. Personally to date, I've found the Winchester HD to be
the best of the bunch at the patterning board. As always, shooting your
individual gun at the ranges you intend to shoot at with the chokes you
intend to use reveals what your gun likes the best for your use. There
really is no shortcut to that, but if you want to shoot blind and try
to grade patterns on your anecdotal evidence of whacking ducks at unverified
ranges and random angles that's up to you.
densest shot material in circulation is Federal Heavyweight at 15 g/ cc.
It is has proven to be fabulously good as discussed and shown in several
previous articles. Nothing compares with it in 20 gauge, but a 1-1/2 oz.
20 gauge load while appropriate for turkey isn't likely what you want
to shoot in high volume. With the 1-5/8 oz. 12 gauge loads, you might
be enticed to use them on Canadian geese. Either way, I can tell you they
do an amazingly good job on turkey.
concludes a brief overview of where we are today, though there is also
Fiocchi Tundra and the Winchester “Blind Side” that is touted
to hit like bricks which is supposed to be as good as dropping like rain
and other fishing lure quality hyperbole. We can all hope for a drop in
tungsten prices to help out all the denser loads. Regardless of who offers
it, I would not expect shot performance to stray very far from the fundamental
rules of density and sphericity. It would take the inventions of both
a new branch of both physics and wounding ballistics to allow for that.
I don't expect to be testing the “Waterfowl Attracting Shotgun Shells”
anytime soon, but it is refreshing to see that those who apply for patents
have a sense of humor.
2010 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
