On the Ammunition Shortage

There has been a
lot of chatter about the “ammunition shortage,” accompanied
by claims of government conspiracies and the usual spectacular speculations.
The actual situation is far more boring.
The key component
in ammunition is nitrocellulose, used in everything from ping-pong balls
to ink and wood coatings. Dow Chemical writes, “Nitrocellulose is
an excellent cellulose derivative and is also known as cellulose nitrate
. WALSRODER™ Nitrocellulose and WALSRODER™ NC-Chips are predominantly
used as binders in printing inks and wood coatings, but also in a wide
variety of other coatings applications. Dow offers various product forms
and viscosities of nitrocellulose under the WALSRODER™ Nitrocellulose
brand.” It is used to coat guitars and in nail polish. In small quantities,
crude nitrocellulose (gun cotton) can be made easily at home.
However, there are
very few manufacturers of industrial or munitions grade nitrocellulose.
Radford is the heart of the U.S. ammunition industrial base. All the U.S.
armed services are dependent on the products that come from the plant
-- not just the U.S. Army, which owns the facility.
The Radford plant
(depicted above) is a unique facility. It alone among the 14 existing
plants of the U.S. ammunition-producing industrial base has an acid-concentrator
facility that produces the nitric and sulphuric acids that, when combined
with cellulose in a one-of-a-kind facility at Radford, make nitrocellulose,
the essential ingredient for all propellants and explosives used throughout
the U.S. Army's ammunition industrial base.
Chemical plants are
extremely expensive to build and generally work at a fixed output. As
best as I can discern, most are at full production levels and in times
past, that has resulted in an ample supply with generally a surplus of
product in warehouses. Over the years, when there has been a spike in
demand, it has just shrunk preexisting inventory levels with no noticeable
impact to the consumer.
The Obama administration
changed all that, creating unprecedented demand for firearms lasting for
an unprecedented length. A one or two year spike in consumption perhaps
would have been unnoticed, but it started in 2008 and now, six years later,
is finally subsiding. It isn't helped by the American consumer who normally
buys a few boxes of ammo. As soon as we can't get it, we want pallets
of it. Whether Hostess Twinkies or shotshells, if we can't get it, then
we really want it, and lots of it.
Ammo manufacturers
have production capacities as well and can hardly build new plants and
make huge expenditures in capital equipment only to be forced to mothball
them a couple of years later. So, they juggle production schedules and
try to please the most people that they can. It means that while .30-06
or .308 isn't a problem, if you want factory ammo for the “323 Super-Snorter,”
you're out of luck. Rimfire is a large number, but low profit segment.
You can always get .22 rimfire, but just not what many people want: the
milk-jug bulk plinking ammo and so forth.
It is a combination
of Obama-created drama, fixed output of nitrocellulose, and the hoarding
and overbuying proclivities of the consumer that have all combined both
to create the shortage, and to elongate it. The best available version
of the truth is that most of the high drama is over, while traditional
availability is about 1-1/2 years away.

2014 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.