KP1 Utility Rifle Review

The tested gun
is Knight’s long-awaited break-action KP1 Utility Rifle in .50 caliber
muzzleloading configuration with stainless steel barreled action and a
camo composite stock. As supplied, including the ramrod, the KP1 weighs
in at 8 pounds, 11 ounces according to my Lyman digital scale. As the
name suggests, this rifle features an interchangeable barrel system that
makes it easy to convert from muzzleloading to both centerfire and rimfire
metallic cartridges.
This is a huge
departure for Knight Rifles, long a dedicated inline muzzleloading company,
as it now allows Knight access to the centerfire and rimfire firearm marketplaces.
The rifle itself has an interesting parentage, based in part on the “Wurfflein
breech loading Rifle” manufactured in the late 1800s by William
Wurfflien out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with a patent date of June
24, 1884. It was, and is, an extremely clean-looking action with eye-catching
The supplied KP1
has an extremely good trigger, breaking crisply and cleanly at about 3
pounds, 10.5 ounces on the trigger gauge after its initial free travel,
with no sand or grit. This is lighter than many out of the box triggers,
particularly those found on muzzleloaders.
Several features
of the KP1 make it very appealing. Forearm removal is accomplished with
the push of a button, as is removal of the trigger group. A barrel change
is little more than popping off the forearm, knocking out a hinge pin,
pinning your centerfire barrel in place and sliding on the matching forearm.
It is that easy; few rifles compare to this level of streamlined convenience.
Ironically, the
muzzleloading barrel itself presents a couple of issues; ironic, as the
history of Knight is the history of modern inline muzzleloading. The KP1
comes with two breechplugs: one for “full red plastic jacket”
209 primer use and the other for 209 shotshell primers alone. While the
Knight red plastic jacket served an evolutionary use in pull-cock (Wolverine)
and bolt action (Extreme, Disc Elite) rifles by partially addressing
the scope-burning and action fouling propensities of 209 primers, its
implementation in the KP1 is a disaster. To operate your KP1 in “red
plastic jacket” mode, you first prepare your red plastic jackets
by pushing them onto 209 primers. Now, the primed red plastic jacket is
pushed onto the breechplug nipple. Problem is, on my test gun, the action
does not close smoothly because the plastic jacket interferes with its
snapping shut. After a few attempts and a little fiddling, the gun closes.
After firing, the extractor that is part of the .50 caliber muzzleloading
barrel does not properly extract the spent red plastic jacket, leaving
the hapless shooter to attempt to fish it out. Not a particularly easy
task with naked hands, it becomes an arduous task with gloved hands.
Even more bothersome
is the great lengths traveled to include the red plastic jacket breechplug
in the first place. To include the extractor that does not extract, we
have the additional machining of a notch in the bottom of the barrel to
accommodate it and a spring with retaining ears in the barrel to attempt
to operate it. This strikes me as a tremendous waste of machining cost
and effort. The red plastic jacket is a dumb idea as implemented in the
Fortunately, Knight
includes a non-red plastic breechplug as well. Installing this breechplug
solves the issue. The extractor must be removed to remove the red plastic
jacket breechplug for cleaning and to install the standard 209 breechplug.
Remove the extractor, put it in your "spare gun parts" box (unless
you want to use the little flat-tipped screwdriver at the end of it),
remove the red plastic jacket breechplug and put it with the extractor.
Drop the red plastic jackets supplied with the gun in the wastebasket;
at least you won’t have to worry about buying more of them.

This takes care
of it, leaving you with the spring and retainer ears that were supposed
to operate the extractor in the barrel doing nothing, which is close to
what they did anyway. All is well, except that now you have a large gaping
channel in the bottom of the barrel where the extractor we just removed
used to be, a channel that serves only as a repository for crud and blowback
particulate matter. All of this costly nonsense could have been avoided
at the factory by forgetting about the extractor attempt, thus eliminating
the extractor pushing spring, retaining ears and the channel in the bottom
of the barrel.
After installing
the standard 209 breechplug, the operating issues are now gone. The standard
209 breechplug has a .031 in. flash hole, a domed face and is magnetic
at the primer end, smoothly retaining the primer prior to when you snap
the gun closed. Now, the gun closes effortlessly and positively, with
no extraneous plastic in the way to interfere. After firing over 50 shots
in succession with the "naked" 209 breechplug, there was no
hint of any external blowback on the scope or in the receiver / barrel
joining area. Knight should lose the red plastic jacket nonsense in the
KP1 as soon as possible; it would improve the gun right out of the box
and it can’t happen too soon.
It has been suggested
that the red plastic jacket somehow “weatherproofs” the action.
This is a ridiculous notion, as applied to the KP1. The red plastic jacket
has nothing to do with the action and can hardly weatherproof it. To see
how sensitive 209 shotshell primers really are to moisture, I completely
submerged a dozen Winchester W209 shotshell primers in the bottom of a
glass of water for over an hour. Fishing them out, still dripping, I popped
them one at a time into an otherwise empty Knight KRB. Guess what? They
all went bang with no hesitation whatsoever. I am not suggesting that
this is the proper way to store or use 209 primers, but the notion that
they are all of a sudden extremely moisture sensitive is silly.
The KP1 action
is hardly waterproof; a quick look at the action shows a tang button (not
weatherproof) used to open the action and the complete trigger group
(not weatherproof) that is quickly removed by sliding a little
wedge forward. These are the primary components of the action and a red
plastic primer holder is no where remotely connected to them. When hunting
in extremely foul weather, the obvious migration path of rain water into
the rifle is the muzzle. This potential issue is easily addressed by slipping
a balloon, condom, or finger cot over it, solving the issue today as it
has for decades. Keeping your muzzle pointed to the ground works, as well.
I installed the
Knight / Talley integral scope base and rings: beautifully machined and
ultra-light weight, they are well suited to this rifle and action. The
Knight part number is 900778, the call-out is “Knight Talley Rings
High.” Wanting to scope the KP-1 with good glass that was appropriate
for the action, I used one of my favorite muzzleloading scopes (really,
a great scope for any big game hunting rifle) a Burris Fullfield II
2-7x35mm Ballistic Plex. It looks great on the KP1, though even with what
Knight calls “high” rings leaves scant little room between the
hammer and the eye-bell of the Burris. Those who want bulkier outside
dimension scopes might want to check with Knight for their other base
options. I am very pleased with this specific set-up.
This brings us
along to another strange “feature” of the KP1: the “decocking
safety.” The KP1 has an integral transfer bar safety that is more
than adequate to begin with. However, this odd “decocking safety”
was added in the form of a little flipper that resides on top of the hammer
itself. Apparently, the theory is that you should (after cocking the
KP1, but then deciding not to fire it) flip the decocking safety forward,
which allows the little button striker in the face of the hammer to retract,
then uncock your gun by pulling the trigger and lowering the hammer with
your thumb. In the event your thumb slips off the hammer while decocking,
the decocking safety is supposed prevent discharge.
At the same time,
after describing this little oddity, Knight warns in the manual: “Do
not allow the hammer to snap forward.” This should cause reasonable
people to wonder why the flipper exists at all. You must go through great
contortions to use it, as it is very hard to get to on a scoped rifle.
(The hammer itself cannot be easily cocked without the included hammer
extension.) The only purpose the decocking safety could reasonably
serve (dry firing the rifle) is specifically prohibited. The decocking
safety is another “feature” of this rifle that serves no purpose.
This offends my delicate sensibilities.
I am very concerned
about firearms safety, particularly muzzleloading safety, and have been
for many years. Handling 209 primed muzzleloaders is straightforward:
if a muzzleloader is to leave your direct control for any reason, the
209 primer is removed. The KP1, in particular, is a very easy firearm
to render inert. A push of the tang button, the action falls open; it
is just that easy. Snap it closed and you are good to go again. The integral
transfer bar safety is in addition to normal, prudent, gun handling and,
as mentioned, is more than adequate for the job. Struggling with a needless
“decocker” serves no purpose. My decocker is set to the rear
(“F”) position forever and under no circumstances would I walk
around with a muzzleloader with the hammer pulled back. In any case, this
is a confusing bit of extraneous gimmickry that should be eliminated from
the KP1. On a more positive note, the “decocker” in no way impedes
or affects the operation of the rifle.
There seems to
have been some sort of competition in recent years to see who can build
the ugliest, most repulsive muzzleloader. I am glad to report that this
is not the case with the KP1; it has dashing good looks compared to many
muzzleloaders; it is far easier on the eye than most, including most break-actions.
Knight has always
done well in the composite stock department. Knight stocks are generally
better than most of the hollow Tupperware examples out there and the composite
stock on the KP1 is no exception. To an attractive camo pattern, the KP1
adds a well-fitted Kick-Eez recoil pad, long one of my favorite pads.
Not only is the KP1 a handsome rifle, but it sports very good, practically
neutral balance. It is one of the best handling muzzleloaders to be introduced
in some time.
At the range,
I had little trouble getting the KP1 to shoot right at 1-1/4 inch 105
yard groups using Barnes TMZ 290 sabots over 100 grains by volume of Blackhorn
209 with no swabbing between shots. This is more accuracy than you can
use on a big game animal, or at least more accuracy than I can use. The
KP1 is also comfortable to shoot, owing much of that to the stock design
along with the Kick-Eez pad. I can think of several muzzleloaders that
would have you begging for mercy after a dozen rounds of this load, but
72 shots (three Barnes 24-packs) of the TMZ 290s left me no worse
for wear.
Despite the cited
caveats, I’m impressed to say the least with Knight’s KP1. It
is the best looking, easiest to use, best handling, best performing break-action
muzzleloader on the market today. It has the potential to be greater still.
I would be negligent
if I didn’t explore the versatility of this rifle; after all, it
is a “utility rifle.” To that end, expect a full review of the
KP1 in .270 Winchester centerfire configuration in the very near future.

2008 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.