The Spectacularly
Impossible Question of Shotgun Fit
likely hear the advice redundantly, “Get The Shotgun That Fits
You The Best!” That sounds like sage advice, until you realize
that there is no way to really know how a shotgun fits or works
until you use it under the conditions you plan on using it for. Not just
the application, but the weather conditions, the clothing you are likely
to wear, and your position whether walking, sitting in a blind, or standing
on a flat skeet field. It isn't that buying the shotgun that fits is bad
advice at all. The problem is that it is hardly possible to know how a
shotgun fits until you actually use it. We can try shoes on in a store,
but hiking all weekend with them makes our in-store evaluation often wrong
or incomplete. We can sit in an automobile in a dealer's showroom, but
that is hardly the same experience as taking it for a test drive. Shotguns
are no different both in fit, comfort, and control.
Dean of American gunwriters, Jack O'Connor, wrote of hunting in the U.K.
Mr. O'Connor noted the plight of a friend who owned beautiful bespoke
English doubles. Yet, the guns sat idle and O'Connor asked why? The answer
was because “he couldn't hit anything with them.” Yet,
these expensive guns had been made fitted to him, to his dimensions, with
custom stocks of the “proper” dimensions according to a renowned
expert. Though measurements can be made for so called “proper”
length of the pull, drop, cast, and pitch it doesn't always work out well.
The intellectual solace we have knowing that our stocks were made by an
accomplished expert are of little help when that stock that is supposed
to fit us perfectly smashes our face with every trigger pull.
great Rudy Etchen had this to say about stock length. “You should
shoot the shortest stock you can shoot without getting your nose kicked,
because the farther you are away from the gun, the more you have to steer
it. The longer the gun is the harder it is to point. If you're tied in
close, not getting your nose kicked by the thumb on your trigger hand,
the better you'll shoot.” Not everyone agrees, but what is obvious
it that measuring your length of pull from your forefinger to the crook
of your elbow is a meaningless dimension. We don't shoot with stocks mounted
on our elbows. We also don't do much of anything with our necks stretched
out and our heads tilted to one side, but that is often how shotguns are
stocks and stocks adjustable for drop are generally a good thing, but
there are limits to what you can accomplish with them. You can make a
stock longer, but that has nothing to do with circumference of the stock
where we hold onto it. It also doesn't change the location of the pistol
grip in relation to the receiver, its size, or its angles. It also doesn't
change the width or profile of the comb. Dimensions are published along
with most every model of shotgun. Dimensions mean next to nothing, though,
compared to actually using that shotgun under the conditions we want it
is an example of three factory twenty gauges that generally fit me fairly
well in the field wearing hunting clothes. The three 20 gauges, same brand,
are followed by a 12 gauge from another manufacturer. All have been recently
reviewed. All have taken doves, pheasants, and broken their fair share
of clays as well. Yet, from dimensions alone you might not think that
this is remotely possible. Would you buy one gun or the other based on
these nominal dimensions alone? What gun do you think is going to fit
you the best?
45 in., LOP 14-1/4, DAC 1-1/2, DAH 2-3/8, 6 lbs 4 oz.
48-3/4, LOP 14-1/4, DAC 1-5/8, DAH 1-7/8, 7 lbs 1 oz.
46-1/4, LOP 14-1/4, DAC 1-3/4, DAH 2-1/4, 6 lbs. 5 oz.
47.75, LOP 14-3/8, DAC 1-3/8, DAH 2, 6 lbs. 14 oz.
The shotguns are, from first to last, a Browning Cynergy 20 ga. Field
28 in. barrels, Browning BPS 20 gauge 28 in. barrel, Browning Silver 20
gauge 26 in. barrel, and the Benelli Vinci 12 gauge, 26 inch barrel. They
are all dramatically different in handling qualities, action type, and
controls. Most anyone after shooting them all side by side would be able
to form a specific impression, but until you actually shoot them there
is no plausible way to know what you'll like best, for your type of use.
You personally may not like these specific models at all, I have no idea.
Or, you might fall in love with one or all of them.
manufacturers naturally don't intentionally make shotguns that
don't fit; the exact opposite is true. They all offer dimensions that
they think will be usable to as many shooters as possible. They often
come up with dramatically different answers to the same question. Getting
a gun that fits well is good advice, as far it goes. It just doesn't go
nearly far enough.
a gun to the shoulder at the pro shop can be misleading. If we want an
idea of how things are going to work out in actual use, then we need to
try them as we plan to use them. If cold, gloved hands are foreseeable
we should try them with gloves. Hunting coats and vests can quickly add
a half inch or more in bulk. If we are going to hunt with the shotgun,
it just makes sense to consider gun fit with what we are actually going
to be wearing. How a gun comes up, how easy the loading and unloading
is, how instinctive and accessible the safety is are all considerations.
beats a thorough test drive; there is nothing even close. We can make
semi-educated guesses, of course, but all too often we guess wrong. I
sure have. The Dr. Jekyll of the gun in the shop can quickly become Mr.
Hyde in the field and sometimes vice-versa. Think that tang safety comes
off okay, or did I pay attention? It isn't a good think to discover when
a pair of cackling roosters have just broken through the snow, getting
up in the wind and pumping their wings like crazy. Did we think that gun
was way heavy? After walking through ten miles of ditches, our original
version of weight tends to change. On the other hand, an extremely fast,
nimble shotgun might take a lot of extra work to keep a smooth swing going
on the clays course or when trying for triples on doves.
one pull on the trigger will come with a pronouncement that recoil “isn't
bad.” After a case or two of ammunition, original perceptions
can change dramatically. Shotgun fit, how a shotgun comes up, how well
we adapt to the controls, how its swings are all important, vitally important.
In order to make an informed decision, dimensions and casual pro-shop
evaluations don't remotely compare with field testing. It is well worth
the extra effort to try before you buy. The more that shotgun costs, the
more the effort to spend some quality time with one is indicated. If we
all did that, there would be a lot less used but "like new"
shotguns out there, to be sure.
2010 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
