to Pick a Choke Tube in Five Minutes or Less with George Trulock

here today with the Wizard of Whigham, the King of Constriction, the Sultan
of Shot, Mr. George Trulock, in the never-ending quest for finding the
best choke tube. George isn't like most folks; when he's looking at “really
nice threads” it isn't because he has paid a visit to a tailor. Alright,
Mr. Trulock, I can certainly pick a choke in five minutes or less myself.
The problem is, it won't be the best choke for my application. So let's
go down the line with a few of the most common uses for shotguns and see
if we can make some sense of it all. I suppose there are a few people
out there that think there is the best choke from ten to seventy yards,
but those folks have a better chance of paying off the federal deficit
than finding that wondrous tube.
common application would be skeet, meaning relatively light payloads of
small lead shot at short ranges, not exceeding twenty-two yards or so.
To me, that's a fairly easy one. A choke tube with .002 -.003 in. of constriction
invariably comes very close to ideal. Is that your experience? Is there
any advantage to an extended choke tube under these conditions?
Based on our test results we conclude that a choke with a small amount
of constriction (we use .005 on skeet in 12, 16 and 20 gauge .003 on 28's)
gives more consistent pattern percentages and is less likely to have holes
than cylinder bore chokes. There is no significant advantage in using
an extended choke with skeet loads at a short distance when you have little
or no constriction.
One of the problems with a term like “constriction” that folks
are fond of using, is that it doesn't mean anything unless you already
have a measured, finite inside diameter of a barrel to start with. For
example, I may have a choke with a .730 inch exit diameter. In the case
of some of the tighter European barrels, that's no constriction at all,
unless you want to call it a “negative constriction.” I'll confess
to not knowing what a negative constriction is, as I've never heard of
“negative blood pressure” or a boa non-constrictor. Nevertheless,
if a barrel has a .723 inside diameter and the choke we screw into it
has a .730 smallest inside diameter, there isn't any choking going on
that I can see. What's are the ways to get a handle on what our barrel
measures to start with?
Certainly the best way to determine bore diameter is to check it with
a bore micrometer or indicating bore gauge. As bore mics are not
a common measuring tool not many individuals and very few gun shops
would have one unless they specialize in shotgun work. However if you
want to know exactly what size bore you have this tool is the way to go.
Plug gages (cylindrical gages in .001 diameter steps) will work but again
these are not readily found in the home workshop and can take quite a
few sizes to determine the bore diameter. Some shotgun manufacturers or
importers will give you bore size info, others will not and some
don't have a clue as to what bore diameter their barrels have. I
believe most choke manufacturers try to determine the total spread of the
bore diameter for each model of shotgun and design the choke constrictions based
on a bore diameter that falls in the middle of the spread. A phone
call to the choke maker of your choice should get at least the number
on which they base their exit diameter's. There is no easy way
to get an accurate bore diameter without having access to special measuring

Above, a classic method of choke tube
selection, just not a very good one.
When does it make good sense to consider an extended choke tube and when
isn't it? In other words, when is an extended choke tube most likely to
show an advantage, and when is it least likely to?
Shells with large shot charges, large diameter pellets and high velocity
or any combination of these along with tight constrictions all tend to
favor extended chokes. Normally we don't see as much pattern difference
between flush and extended chokes when using lightly loaded shells with
small diameter shot at close distances. I can also say that extended chokes
work better (more even patterns) than flush chokes when using steel
and or tungsten shot.
R.W. I have a confession to make. The worst factory screw-choke ever made
is the “factory modified.” It is the Chinese T-shirt of chokes,
the one that is supposed to be “medium” but often fits nothing.
Very few chokes marked “modified” are. Sadly, it is the choke
that people recommend as being “good” when it is often ungood.
It is the most poorly-used choke, likely because it is the most often
used choke. This is the wondrous factory tube that automatically becomes
a “Full” choke with steel shot of any size and velocity. Unless
you pattern, that is. George, how important is patterning your own gun
with your own shells at the ranges you want to shoot at?
With the exception of following safety rules, patterning your gun with
your specific shell at the distance you plan to shoot is the most important
thing you can do. I can make suggestions, you can listen to the advice
of your friends, you can work with exotic formulas or flip a coin to determine
the correct choke but if you do not actually pattern your gun you
will never know for sure what it is doing from a pattern or point of aim
standpoint. Last but certainly not least you will obtain a more uniform,
more dense pattern with premium quality shells. A couple of suggestions
are to use extended chokes when you want maximum pattern density and use
extended chokes with all steel and tungsten loads. As usual there will
always be exceptions to the above.
Well, Mr. Trulock, you can always pick a choke tube in five minutes or
less. Problem is, it just won't be the best one for an application, that's
all. As much as we would like to avoid patterning, opting for reading
breaks, our impression of what drops more birds and all of the other interesting
but hopeless avenues of patterning-avoidance, there is still nothing comparable
to patterning-- nor is there any substitute for it. Patterning does not
mean one shot, that's as useful (or useless) as a one-shot group out of
a rifle. It means at least four shots, not off-hand, but off of a steady
rest. Ten patterns may be better, I believe that is what you use yourself,
and no doubt twenty may be better yet. But four patterns at least gets
you a representative sampling.
know you are loathe to get into brand names of “premium shells”
and so forth, but I don't have any constraints in that department. For
standard lead loads, use the hardest shot you can find. For heavier hunting
loads, nickel-plated or buffered loads end up being the better shells.
For no-tox, Kent Tungsten-Matrix is the choice for older guns that are
non-steel-rated, and often the best shells for 16 and 20 gauge due to
their more generous payloads. The Federal Heavyweight loads are phenomenal,
as are the Winchester HD loads. We still have to pattern, but some shells
just have more potential than others.
cheapest and the best are seldom found in the same box. We keep looking,
but high-antimony shot costs more than chilled and buffered or nickel-plated
loads cost more to produce than those that are not. You can't beat density
of the pellet itself for less velocity erosion and deeper penetration.
That means round, close to lead density or denser than shot has the edge
over the fluffy stuff every time. With that, George, thanks again for
your time and let's all hope that patterning determines the shell and
choke, rather than the coin toss.
2010 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
