Bad Are Turkish Shotguns, Really?

first 20 gauge was a High Standard Supermatic Trophy autoloader and it
was a pretty good-looking single shot. Country of origin today is largely
an obsolete term in shotgunland, but branding sourced parts and marketing
things from somewhere is anything but new. The "perfect uniform shot-to-shot
functioning of all loads" is a fine thing: it is a pity that isn't
exactly what happens.
short version is, “pretty gosh darn awful.” Like anything else,
the short answer doesn't tell the full story. We had the idea that the
Japanese could not properly manufacture anything beyond an A.M. radio
at one time, yet it is now clear that they can do a lot more than that,
having thoroughly embarrassed the electronics, automobile, and optics
industries of other nations. The same is true of Chinese product, once
universally the object of derision the United States runs on Chinese product
in several areas, and they are capable of both excellent and poor quality
isn't that any country is immune from forgettable product. Rumor has it
that Italy might actually have some crime and corruption, somewhere. Yet,
by and large the sole reason to consider a Turkish shotgun (or a Spanish
muzzleloader) is a cheap price.
United States has its own firearm standards, voluntary standards at that,
but they are still published standards. In Europe, we have the C.I.P.
body of standards for firearms, standards that more or less carry the
force of law, yet can be ignored in shipments to the United States which
is not a CIP signatory. The standards for Turkish product are dubious,
for Turkey is not part of the C.I.P. nor need they pay any attention to
SAAMI voluntary standards. The “cooperative” type of company,
as in Spain and Turkey, often has piece-workers and the person that is
supposed to be in charge of quality control is sometimes the same person
making the part: not an environment that is conducive to consistency or
recent poll asked the question, What two brands
of shotguns leave you "LEAST SATISFIED"?

not scientific or based on specific criteria (you might want to contract
Scott Rasmussen for something of that nature), the trend is a very
clear one. The only brand to hit above 20%, Stoeger at 26%, is Turkish
through and through. Add in the 5% of Yildiz, the 7% of Huglo, and whatever
part of the 15% attributed to Mossberg you'd like to attribute to the
Khan-made “Silver Reserve,” you have, at the very least, a very
weak reputation when it comes to shotgun brands of Turkish origin.
are some bright spots, though, as in the recently reviewed Weatherby SA-08
twenty gauge autoloader. While CZ-USA has had better luck with their O/U
models than their autoloaders based on what I've tested, still they do
offer a five-year warranty and dependable warranty service. A review of
the CZ 920 twenty gauge autoloader is forthcoming.
of origin doesn't mean a precise thing, particularly when you consider
that despite the notion of “Made in Somewhere,” that is rarely
the case. Shotguns are full of internationally sourced parts, from stocks
to shims to choke tubes to shell elevators to beads, screws, and springs.
The “Made In” notion is largely an obsolete term and has been
for years. Nevertheless, the notion that Turkish shotguns are garbage
has proven to be more right than wrong, but thankfully there are exceptions.
The best advice is to employ a health dose of skepticism and to be a bit
cautious if you don't want your shotgun to actually be a turkey.
2013 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
