Federal's Amazing 20
Gauge Turkey Load: Heavyweight No. Seven

bit over a year ago, I started working with Federal's Heavyweight #7 shot
20 gauge turkey shells and was instantly impressed. It is a heavyweight
in more ways than one, packing 1-1/2 ounces of payload into a three inch
unfolded length shell. Still, to some, 1-1/2 ounces might be considered
"light" compared to some of the 2 oz. three inch 12 gauge
and 2-1/4 oz. 12 ga. three and a half inch loads that are available in
12 gauge 3-1/2 inch shells..
time, the first gun tested with this load was my 82 year's young Father's
Browning Gold 20 gauge, all original save for the addition of a Trulock
Precision Hunter Extended Choke Tube. The Trulock PH tube used is Trulock
#PHIP20585 indicating a .585 inch exit diameter. This suggests an approximate
.045 inch constriction, not especially dramatic compared to the more aggressive
chokes out there.
likes his Gold 20, it fits him better than most of his 12 gauges and is
more pleasant to carry as well. The specific Federal shell is Federal
Premium PHT258F “MagShok Heavyweight Turkey.” It is available
in #7 or #6 heavyweight shot. I suppose there are preconceived notions
about a number assigned to shot, but there shouldn't be. There is a trend
of confusion out there that likes to compare alternative no-tox or "low-tox"
materials to steel which is hard to follow sometimes. We can essentially
set aside what we think steel or lead does or does not do when looking
at a completely different shot material. Federal Heavyweight shot has
a density of 15 grams per cubic centimeter translating to a #7 pellet
that weighs over one third more than a lead pellet. It is a harder material
as well, not prone to deformation on initial setback as is lead. Smaller
shot sizes funnel better than larger ones, of course, so that too is of
benefit with a heavy for gauge payload.
counts (AVG) are as follows for #7 Heavyweight :
1-1/8 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-7/8 2oz.
250-- 337--
353-- 408-- 444
for lethality, penetration remains a key barometer of that. Here's a quick
comparison of #5 buffered lead to Federal #7 Heavyweight:

#7 beats #5 buffered lead in the penetration department at all ranges
out to sixty yards. What Dad was looking for was a satisfactory 40 yard
turkey load, a load good at 40 and also at the 20 - 30 yards where many
(or most) shots are taken. At a laser-verified 40 yards, here is
a representative pattern out of the Gold 20:

back of the posterboard perhaps even more graphically displays the excellent
coverage of this load at 40 yards, both where a turkey's head would be,
to the left, to the right, above, and below. At shorter ranges, the pattern
is of course even more dense. A more or less “conventional”
buffered lead load of #5 shot equates to 1-1/4 oz. with about 213 pellets
to work with. For comparison, the Federal Heavyweight shot is in the area
of 37% denser, which would give you roughly 63% of the pellet count if
#5 shot was used. But, it is not of course. What we end up with instead
of a 1-1/2 oz. payload of # 7 lead (444 pellets) we have less: around
337 pellets. Rather
than reducing pellet count with a denser material, here we are increasing
it by 31% or so. Rather than facing the problem of shot deformation that
increases as pellet size goes down with lead and payload goes up, the
extreme hardness of Federal Heavyweight prevents that.
is a tremendously satisfying shell. Particularly when compared to a conventional
buffered 1-1/4 oz. 20 gauge lead load of #5 shot, we have over 50% more
pellets all with better penetration than #5 lead can hope to achieve.
In the search for better penetration than #5 lead, some might ask what's
wrong with #4 lead pellets? Of course nothing is "wrong" with
them, but even a 2 oz. payload of #4 lead gives less pellets to worth
with, at about 270. In the 20 gauge platform, a 1-1/4 oz. load of #4 lead
translates into a comparatively wimpy 168 pellet payload. For those that
ask, "Why 1-1/2 oz. out of a 20 gauge?" I can tell you
that an ounce and a half out of a twenty is a far more pleasurable option
for me than two and a quarter ounces out of a twelve, to be sure.
far, the Federal Heavyweight #7 load has proved to be the best patterning
shell out of two Browning Golds, a Browning Silver, a Beretta 303, an
A-5 20 Mag (the barrel of which is the lead image of this article),
a Browning Cynergy O/U, and a Browning B-80. Naturally, the pattern density
varies whenever you shoot a shell out of a different barrel. One of the
best of the best was the Browning B-80 20 gauge, with the very same Trulock
PH extended choke used out of the A-5 20 Mag. Take a look, this pattern
shot in a 15 mph gusty crosswind at 40 yards, verified by laser rangefinder:

the name of the game is turkey and you'd like devastatingly good patterns
at 40 yards, you won't do much better than the new Federal Heavyweight
7's out of a quality choke-- at least I haven't been able to. Better penetration
than lead #5 shot, with a higher pellet count than 2 ounces of lead #4
shot is quite an accomplishment out of a twenty gauge shotshell. It is
simply an outstandingly good turkey shell, producing 20 gauge patterns
that put many 12 gauge patterns to shame. Congratulations to Federal Premium
Ammunition for this one.
2010 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
