Extended Chokes Improve Patterns?
the answer to this, first we can turn to The Mysteries of Shotgun Patterns by George Oberfell and Charles Thompson. Oberfell & Thompson documented
the pattern efficiencies of both conical style choke tubes and the prevalent
style today, the parallel-conical choke tube, of different lengths through
the same gun with the same exit diameter of the choke. First, the O &
T conical choke results.
a 1 inch choke, exit diameter of .690 in., the pattern efficiency was
63%. A 1-5/8 in. choke gave 61%, a 2-1/4 in. choke gave 68%, a 2-7/8 in
choke 67%, and a 3-1/2 in. choke yielded a 63% average pattern efficiency,
with all results listed here from conical chokes with a .690 in. exit
the conical parallel choke style, even more extensive tests were performed
and tabulated. In this case the exit diameter was .684 inches throughout
all of the testing. A 1-5/8 choke length yielded 72%, 1-3/4 in. yielded
74%, 2.0 in. yielded 77%, 2-1/2 in. 64%, 3 in. 67%, with both 3-1/2 and
4 inch chokes averaging 65%.
that the O & T tests (p. 81-93) with the conical parallel choke did not use different choke tubes, they used the very same choke tube
that was shortened between tests. The choke area was not tampered with,
that remained a constant. Only the parallel section length was varied. What O & T was able to document was that yes, parallel section
length clearly affects patterns, that there is improvement with a longer
parallel section, but that improvement was not endless. The most efficient
patterns were achieved with the 2 inch choke.
choked section is a different matter, also explored by O & T. A one
inch choked section was required for a .710 exit diameter, a 1.5 inch
choked section for a .695 in., a 2 inch choked section for a .685 exit
diameter. All of these were approximations; all were for a 70% pattern.
What O & T were able to show as far as pattern efficiency is that,
yes, the length of the parallel section clearly does have an effect on
pattern percentage and that a longer parallel section may be a more efficient
choke, up to a point. For a far more recent, computer analyzed set of
documentation we can consider “Sporting Shotgun Performance”
by A. C. Jones. A Nigel Teague short taper choke produced 72.9 % pattern
efficiency, while a Teague long taper choke produced 77.6 % pattern efficiency
at 40 yards. The difference here is not in the parallel section, as there
is no parallel section in a Teague choke. The short taper tube has somewhere
around 1-1/2 in. of length, the long taper about 2-3/4 inches of length.

of Browning Arms is the official "Browning published stance"
on expected pattern percentages based on choke designation. Like essentially
all firearm manufacturers, the percentages are not remotely close to exact.
Above, you can see, "25 - 45%" is the "expected" pattern
percentage from an IC marked tube when firing a 2-3/4 in. shell in a 3
in. chamber at sea level.
all for direct answers whenever possible, but sometimes a unsophisticated
answer is insufficient when the question itself is a sophisticated one.
No choke does much of anything without a shell. Using the same identical
“Full” choke, a promo shell (I think you know the type, with
the seasonal scribbles of the duckies and birdies on the box) labeled
as 3 dram eq. 1-1/8 oz. #7-1/2 shot produced an average pattern percentage
of right at 55% at 40 yards, a ten shot average. I duplicated that patterning
using the same gun, the same choke, the same day, the same laser-verified
40 yards with a different shell, a “premium target” shotshell
also labeled as 3 dram eq. 1-1/8 oz. #7-1/2 shot. The premium target shell
was the only change. The ten shot average pattern percentage was just
over 72%. When you have a cheap shotshell that weak, barely managing a
“modified” level of performance, expecting any choke tube to
change that into an ultra high efficiency pattern isn't particularly realistic.
far as more recent specific results, testing a Caesar Guerini Tempio 12
gauge with CG extended tubes improved pattern efficiency by 10-15%. Testing
a Trulock Precision Hunter Extended tube in a Browning B-80 12 gauge improved
patterns by 15 – 20% vs. a flush Tru-Choke tube. In that case, the
barrel was never used with any factory tubes at all, starting out as a
fixed choke barrel that was line-bored then threaded to accept Tru-Chokes.
Extended Chokes Improve Patterns?
to the original question posed, “Do Extended Chokes Improve Patterns?”
The best available answer is that yes, based on best documentation
available extended tapered portions have been shown to improve patterns.
Extended parallel sections have been shown to improve patterns. High-quality
extended chokes as a class have been shown to improve patterns anywhere
from 5 – 20% efficiency. Moreover, I have never seen a quality extended
choke tube go the other way, but the individual shell itself as well as
the individual shotgun both have a large effect on potential pattern efficiency,
independent of the choke tube itself. Don Zutz (Shotgunning Trends
In Transition) felt that the conical parallel choke was superior with
one piece plastic wads. The reason stated was the slight slowing effect
of the wad in the parallel section of the choke, allowing a cleaner release
of the pellets from the wad upon muzzle exit.
question rarely asked is, "Extended from what, exactly?"
One of the most popular choke tubes for many years has been the "standard
invector" or Winchoke, along with its many copies and clones. That
is a very short, stubby little choke. An extended std. invector is quite
a substantial difference. The consideration is that with a fixed screw
choke length, a choke designer is locked into that length for both the
tapered section and the parallel section. An extended choke tube gives
the choke manufacturer far more real estate to work within, enabling optimized
chokes for specific shells. Trulock has done this, for example, with both
Black Cloud and their Super Waterfowl chokes. It is difficult to lengthen
a taper or lengthen a parallel section, much less both, when the length
you want is constrained by the overall length of the tube.
I Always Want an Extended Choke?
reasonable answer to that is, "No." For short range (skeet,
grouse) you may not want any choke at all, much less an improved
one. The whole idea of a choke in the first place, dating back to Fred
Kimble, is to improve patterns by making them smaller and better populated
at range. The jargon applied to chokes reflects this, "Improved Cylinder"
is supposed by an improvement beyond what a cylinder bore can do and "Improved
Modified" is supposed to be an improvement upon a modified choke
level of performance. Why "Extra Full" was not designated as
"Improved Full" I have no idea.
close ranges, meaning out to 20 yards or so, you may have far more pellets
in your pattern than you can use. The idea behind "reverse"
or negative chokes (something like .005 in. larger than bore size)
is to try to get the pattern to spread just as fast as possible. A high
percentage pattern at 40 yards is of no value if you are not going to
shoot at 40 yards. Although Browning's chart above calls "Cylinder"
a 25 - 35% pattern at 40 yards, in practice that isn't usable information
with birdshot and a cylinder choke, as it isn't used beyond 25 yards or
so. If you can get an extra couple of inches of effective spread diameter,
you'll likely take it.
preference still measures in. Whether you say you love the looks of an
extended choke or you say you hate it, you are of course 100% right. That's
your preference. As a practical consideration, there are other benefits
to an extended choke tube beyond patterning performance.
extended choke tube protects the muzzle of your barrel from nicks and
dents. A whack on a choke tube is preferable to a ding on your barrel
everytime. In the case of many guns, barrel replacement is not remotely
economical. With doubles, it can be extremely painful. There is no need
to stick your snootle down the muzzle to see what choke you have installed,
either, nor is there need to remember notch codes or remove the choke
to know what is in the gun. You also don't have to worry whether your
choke is steel shot rated or not-- all quality extended choke tubes are,
regardless of constriction.
2011 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
