The Clunker of 2009 Award Goes
to . . .
What follows is pure opinion from Randy

“new for 2009” Remington NitroMag 887, is the worst shotgun
I've tested in a decade. There are no runners-up, as the Remington 887
attempt is in a class of its own. The details of the Remington 887 are
something that most people wouldn't believe.
As a gunwriter, I
naturally get the “privilege” of listening to those who
like to say that “gunwriters never met a gun they didn't like”
and other grumble-bunny type carping. I was raised to believe that no
one has to be the least bit ashamed to tell the truth and that those who
have a problem with the truth, even if it is not to their advantage, are
the ones that are richly deserving of shame. The ordeal of the Remington
887 is quite an adventure; some spy novels have less convoluted plots.
Gunwriters that consider
themselves journalists have a responsibility to their readers to give
them candid, honest opinions with basis. While many qualities of
firearms can be considered subjective, there are also many things that
are not. What happens is what happens, not just a random speculation of
what might happen. At the same time, writers also need to be fair. Invariably,
there can be problems with mass-produced products. Even Mercedes dealers
have busy customer service departments. The manufacturer deserves to be
made aware of those issues if severe and given the opportunity to correct
them or otherwise respond. The issue and the response are then included
in the review, so the reader can judge for themselves the importance of
the issues.
I was assigned to
head up what you might think was a simple comparison for a magazine, a
head-to-head matchup between the Remington M887 NitroMag and the Benelli
SuperNova. It was ostensibly a simple battle of a pair of the 3-1/2 inch
SuperMag slide-actions. Sound simple? I thought so, particularly since
two-gun comparisons are not as time-consuming and cumbersome as four,
five, or six model extensive testing can quickly become.
Well, there were
major league issues with the M887, immediately discovered. Though it isn't
exactly cricket to allow manufacturers to tamper with or write their own
reviews, they do need a fair chance to address things. Way back in
July, 2009, at least FOUR different officials at Remington were swiftly
advised that:
have been a couple failure to feed issues with 2-3/4 in. shells from the
magazine, that eject shells past an apparently jammed-up shell carrier
spitting them on the ground. This is not repeatable, but intermittent.
The "2
shot waterfowl plug" isn't. After installing the plug, you can still
loads three shots into the magazine. As supplied, it cannot be a legal
migratory game gun.
is corrosion around the action bar ring, right out of the box. Apparently
the finish was missing, or improperly applied.
The barrel
end appears to VERY roughly machined, and the action is unsmooth-- very
rough, with significant stick / slip.
The gun
does not shoot to point of aim-- it shoots excessively, dramatically low.
There are a lot of serious problems with this example, to be sure. Please
advise as to how you'd like us to proceed.
The review was already
conducted, photographed, written, and submitted. The “answer”
that came back from Remington was an odd if not disturbing one: I was
asked not to review it, and the unsupported claim was made that the gun
I was testing was a “preproduction model.” The idea that
the gun I was testing out of full retail packaging, paperwork, and with
a serial number in the identical format as any number of other shotguns
in this area is more than a little dubious. Most would find this notion
outrageously bizarre. In any case, the review went forward, Remington
didn't lift a finger to repair or replace it, readers were informed of
all the severe issues that were found. Whether these types of problems
rise to the level of a recall is also a good question. That was back in
July. Despite the very odd, evasive, smarmy behavior of Remington in this
case, you never really know what is going on. All I can say is that it
is both puzzling and unprecedented.
Consumers who did
not see my review in time did not know what to look for, so by now many
more 887s have been inflicted on the market. Here are a few of the actual comments from actual owners, prospective owners, or now former owners
of the new Remington M887 NitroMag:
had a major disappointment today. my local shop just got in a shipment
of 887 NitroMags and they were not what I expected. The combination of
really poor balance, sloppy noisy action, tupperware stock and a magazine
tube coated in rust did not do much for my loyalty to Big Green. Has Remington
become the brand to avoid?????
will not buy just anything just has "Remington" on it but those
guns are on my "buy" list. The 887 is not.
only Remington I would advise people to stay away from is the 887. I bought
one when they first came out, and it was not at all up to Remington standards. The plastic coating was not complete inside the
receiver (and it was obviously a defect, not intentional by Remington),
causing bare metal to be exposed (and creating a place for water to seep
in between the polymer and the metal.) There was also a large, deep gouge
in the bore of the shotgun that ran about 8" long, and the front
sight (fiber optic) popped off the first time I took it out squirrel hunting (not the fiber optic insert, but the entire sight assembly). I ended up
getting rid of it, and just adding another 870 to the collection.
don't like the quality of Remington's auto loaders. In addition to their
lower quality, I've not had good experiences with their reliability and
someone GAVE me a recent Remington autoloader, I'd go trade it in for
something else, on the way home. The Premier Upland Special was tempting
in 20, but they quit making any of the Premiers. The 11-87 Sportsman,
which is probably what you're looking at, is ROUGH and heavy, and I really
don't think it's worth the price.
and I concur with those that say that the 887 is a disappointment. Handles
like crap, seems poorly made. I'll keep my 870 as a knockaround gun, thanks.
back to the original question of Remington quality I must say recently
I'm disappointed in the "hit or miss" quality of their guns.
I've always been a big Remington fan but after hunting for a week with
the newest addition the 887 I've changed my mind. Personally I'd say the
new models need a little more finish quality and better engineering. The
887 is a copy of the Benelli Nova however the Nova's internal workings
are much smoother and the reassembly process after doing a complete cleaning
is much easier. You don't need three hands to put the bolt assembly in
a Nova receiver... you do with the 887.
got bad news, today the shotgun had a malfunction. I was snipe hunting
today in Martin County, Florida at a Wildlife Management Area. This is
what happened. Two snipes flush five feet in front of me. I pull the trigger
i hear the firing pin, click. I thought i hadn't pump it correctly. So
i pump the shotgun and blast, that's odd i didn't have the finger on the
trigger. I looked at the shell and the primer was hit hard. My dad later
used the same shell and it fired. I tell my dad that it fired by itself
and he tells me that it must have been me and i didn't know it because
of the excitement. So i dismiss this. Another snipe flushes again and
i fired three shots, the shotgun worked fine, although i missed. Another
one flushes and in the second shot it goes down, couldn't find it. An
hour later i had the gun empty because i had just crossed a fence and
decided to load it. I always open the action put a shell in close the
action and put two in the bottom. So i engage the
safety, i open the action put one shell in, i close the action, all of
these is happening while the barrel is pointing in a safe direction, as
soon as i close the action it goes BANG. Dirt flying where the shot hit
and cows were running. I yelled to my dad hey this thing is firing by
itself and the safety was on. He is thinking that i am horse-playing
around with it so he doesn't come to look at it. I started to see if it
would fired the pin, without a shell inside, and it didn't fire. So
once again i put the safety on while keeping my finger a mile away of
the trigger, just to make sure i am not unconsciously pulling it, because
i don't know what the heck is going on. I close the action again, while
the safety is engaged and BANG it goes again. Now my dad has my attention
and comes to take a look at it. He opens and closes the action to see
if it would fire by itself while it was empty, but again it didn't fire.
So he puts one shell in and closes the action, while the safety is engaged
and BANG again goes the shotgun, the shotgun almost got out of his hands
while he jumped into the air. We try to see if it did with a fired
shell but it didn't, only when a live round was put in it as soon, as
you close it, it goes BANG. We had to stop the hunt for the day. My dad
doesn't want anything to do with the shotgun, he doesn't want it fixed
or a brand new replacement. This is the most scariest thing that my dad
has seen while using a firearm. Let me not mention what could have happened
if i was no following the gun safety rules.
purchased my M887 new a few months back and have had nothing but problems
with it. First, I purchased the gun, brought it
home, assembled it, and the barrel was bent or there was a problem with
the molding. My two sights were off. I took the gun back and they gave
me a new barrel. After that, I went out to the world shooting complex
in Sparta, IL. I put about 300 rnds through it and 15-25% misfired. I took the gun back to where I bought it, and they sent me to a repair
bought the gun this past Saturday and after breaking it down to clean
the factory oil it was shipped with I went and tried to bust some clays
with it. I was totally disappointed,
immediately the gun jammed once a spent shell was ejected and another
set up to be placed into the ejection port. The carrier continually failed
to bring the next shell up. After breaking the gun down
a few more times I determined that I was not bringing the for-stock back
far enough to engage the carrier. This was due to the fact that the for-stock
would not go back far enough without putting the butt against my leg and
with both arms pulling the for-stock back the extra 0.25" it needed
to be.
just joined this forum because my son purchased an 887 two days ago for
a bird hunting trip he is currently returning home from. He
said he had the gun fire the first time he pumped the lever to load a
shell in the chamber. This sounded very scary to me and after reading
this post, I'm even more concerned. Fortunately my son just completed
the hunter safety training one month ago and was aiming the muzzle away
from harms way when he loaded the shell. I'm not sure how many times this
happened but the hunting trip is canceled and he is returning home. We intend to return the gun where we purchased it to see what our options
posted some photos of the defective 877. It appears to me that the firing
pin bore is not centered and/or the trigger hammer is not hitting the
pin in the center. You can see the pin is stuck in the firing position
thus causing the shell to fire when you chamber it. The is a photo of
the two shell that have been chambered in this "new" gun since
we've owned it. The one on the right fired. The one on the left did not
but you can see a slight indent from the firing pin. Keep
in mind that the safety was never turned off and the trigger was never
pulled. We've yet to actually pull the trigger and have a shell fire normally.
We've yet to fire a shell using the trigger. We have dried fired
it a few times (less than 5) to see if the firing pin would retract after
it was 'pumped'. Sometimes the firing pin retracts and sometimes it stay
in firing position (like shown in the photo).
spoke to Remington this morning and got the expected "need to return
the gun for repair" response. I told the person on the phone that
Remington needed to do something quickly about this issue before someone
gets killed. Told them this was a new gun and was defective upon purchase
so repair was not an option for me.
is Christmas day and my wife bought me an 887 as my one and only Christmas
gift. I took it out of the box and put it together, I was very excited
to have an American made shotgun. You know American pride and all that?
One look down the barrel of the 887 revealed a curved rib and the two
beads don't line up. Talk about disappointment. So...I guess I'll be dancing
the customer service two step now. My faith in Remington is gone. This
shotgun should have NEVER made it past QC. What ever did happen to that
thing we used to call American Pride?
owned an 887 for one week. The action was very rough, the front sight
fell off the gun while I was cleaning it and the middle bead came loose.
It took three hands to put the bolt on the action bars to slide the unit
into the receiver after a complete cleaning. I could have fixed the action
myself but the rest of the gun was just poor quality.
won one of the 887 waterfowl model at a CWA dinner, and when I went to
pick it up, was offered other guns if I didn't want the remington. I liked
the concept of weather proofing, and trusted a company as old and reputable
as remington would make a quality gun. That said, I turned down a nova
for this, and am sorry I did.
Mine was trouble right from the gate.
Sticky bottom door, that you had to smack the slide to get it to close,
sticky slide, to the extent I had to tap it on the blind to get it freed
up, the gun drops both rounds out of the mag when you jack the slide,
thereby jamming the second and third shot. Easy to clear, but there goes
the shots.
Talked to Remington, they said they would send a shipping label, would
take 7-10 days. During that time, I looked around on some other forums,
and saw many problems with this gun, but a few guys liked it and had no
problems with it. I talked with one guy who said I just had to put more
rounds thru it, so I did, but then read about the guy who had a misfire
when closing the slide. That kind of put the cap on it for me. The rib
is curved, the mag tube has developed rust around the base of it, as well
the bottom door has rust, drops two rounds out of the mag, door sticks,
slide sticks, the barrel came with a chip out of the camo proofing, some
rounds fail to fire.
the POS back to Bass Pro and they gave me a refund. When the gun counter
manager came down to do the refund, he said "Oh yeah, I've seen that
before". I couldn't believe it, so I asked him how many he'd seen.
He kinda glossed over it and just admitted that they have received SEVERAL
with crooked ribs. I still can't believe that a company would really let
something out of their plant like that.
gun is horrible quality. I bought one because I am true to Remington.
I have 2 870s a 3006 pump and a 270 auto. I love them and thought I would
love this one but that's not happening. Drops shells out of magazine into
the water after first shot. then jams and can't move slide, doesn't fire
sometimes. Can't load bullets into magazine haven't shot but maybe 3 boxes
through it and probably lost 20 shells at least 3 1/2 at that. I am calling
remington tomorrow. 429.99 plus tax and my old 870 out does it. What a
shame. If I wanted a single shot I would have bought one lol. Also don't
let this gun near water it makes it 10 times worse and ice sticks to it
like crazy. My 870 would shoot wet or not even if it a little heavier
and a little colder I'll take the 870 from now on. Done missed to many
oppurtunites to kill ducks with the junky 887.
bought an 887 with high hopes. I have to tell you, it is a very disappointing
firearm. I have hunted with it three times and have had misfires and several
times where the forearm simply wouldn't cock out the spent round. I had
to take the gun apart in the blind. I have many shotguns but wanted one
that would be tough and reliable, what a disappointment. I am going to
send it back to Remington and ask for a refund.
This type of total
incompetence inflicted on the American consumer is far, far beyond what
most people would find reasonable, or even tolerable. I've read the August
2009 piece by Zachery Kouwe entitled “Investors Flock To Leave
Cerebrus Funds.” American taxpayers are none too pleased with
their “investment” in Cerebrus-Chrysler and right now
Cerebrus-Remington is gaining a thick history of disappointments as well.
Perhaps all of these
problems are on “preproduction guns” as well? Just a
few years ago, if someone had told be that the day would come when Remington
would show themselves incapable of building a slide-action shotgun, I
would have chuckled in disbelief. I'm not exactly chuckling any longer.
As for those who
claim they have never heard of a gunwriter that never met a gun he didn't
love, well-- you've met one now. As for Remington, in my opinion it is
long past time they should have started telling people that they are sorry.
They should act quickly to pull their junk from the market. Perhaps the
“Clunker of 2009” award to Remington isn't quite descriptive
Those gunwriters
with any semblance of conscience should start saying, “Buyer Beware!”
To the extent that I am able to express that opinion, I've just done that.
I was hoping that the exemplar M887 was unusually bad. Now, it seems that
the nasty thing that I reviewed could actually have been one of
the better examples.
except from the original review written August 4, 2009, is as follows:
M887 is a disastrously poor shotgun. We didn’t like the horribly
nose-heavy imbalance and we didn’t like the hard to access safety.
We didn’t appreciate the extra rattle in the receiver, and we were
dismayed at the poor machining and poor finish of the barrel extension
and the action bar guide ring. We didn’t like the action at all,
as it was horribly rough, sticky, and essentially unfinished in our view.
We all agreed that the action was a real clunker, and the idea that the
supplied magazine capacity plug could get us busted was just a little
icing on this sad, unpleasant cake. That the gun did not remotely shoot
to point of aim made our opinions go from bad to worse. The fraudulent
claim that “our pump shoots softer than their semi-autos didn’t
help,” either. The M887 pump does not shoot as soft as the SuperNova,
much less gas guns.
Far too many corners were cut in trying to make this gun cheap and it
shows. The inclusion of only one choke tube, not the standard three, is
an obvious example. We don’t think the big thick pile of plastic
molded onto the barrel advances shotgunning at all—many external
finishes on today’s waterfowling guns are exceedingly durable with
any type of care that is not intentional abuse. Corrosion problems are
not prevalent on external, easy to monitor finishes—but far more
often inside the action, where there is no attention from Remington to
prevent it. As much as the Nitro 887 already had barrel machining issues,
action bar guide ring finish issues, and a rattlingly cheap bolt cover—all
these components are just as exposed to corrosion as ever, as are the
springs and trigger group. We can’t believe that this gun could have
been possibly designed with performance in mind. “How to build a
shotgun for $99 or less” seemed to be the likely design parameters.
The NitroMag was so deficient, that we promptly reported the major issues
to four officials at Remington. The reply was prompt, but the “answer”
was baffling. Remington informed us that we had been sent a “preproduction
model” with some sort of factory mix-up. This “analysis”
was done without ever taking a look at the gun. The gun was in full retail
packaging, with all the usual promo emblems and so forth. The serial number
on the yellow and green box matched our gun. Further, we checked with
a major pro shop that had just received a few M887’s in. Sure enough,
the serialization was in identical format, the same prefix and suffix
codes. The pro-shop’s guns were just a little bit later in the run,
based on the serialization.
Remington would have us believe that their current production and packaging
is so uncontrolled that a defective prototype gun could be serialized,
packaged, and shipped along with standard production rifles. If true,
that would indicate that there could be any number of seemingly “regular
production” M887’s out there with no way for the consumer to
know if they are defective preproduction models or not. We don’t
know what serial number range could be affected, or if this rises to the
level of a factory recall—Remington did not say. We invited Remington
to comment in more detail if they would like for publication, mentioning
that we're happy to add that additional information to this initial story.
No further information has been forthcoming from Remington, so all we
can report at this juncture is that Remington claims this is somehow a
“preproduction gun.” As to the veracity and plausibility of
this somewhat disturbing statement we will just leave it to the discerning
reader to decide.
This entire shotgun is befuddling. You might think that by now, with the
largest-selling pump shotgun in history in the 870, some 59 years (and
over 10 million guns) later Remington would seek to improve and advance
their product in some way, not totally abandon the basic 870 construction
for an embarrassment such as the NitroMag 887. Manufacturers spend many
hundreds of thousands of dollars every year in attempt to cajole and entice
consumers to part with their bank account’s contents. All this is
done with little restraint, no visible peer review, and nothing approaching
intellectual rigor. Now, it our turn. Our opinions are shared for the
benefit of our readers: precisely what our “consumer resource”
mantle not only suggests, but commands. In this case, though we sometimes
find it painful to report our candid opinions, working for the fellow
that actually pulls the trigger makes it worthwhile. We applaud truth
in advertising, we also applaud products that work as promised. When we
cannot find either, we must report our opinions in that arena with equal
vigor. Our opinion, for the reasons stated and the characteristics directly
observed, is that the M887 is a fundamentally and deeply flawed attempt
at a shotgun.
The Remington NitroMag 887 is an embarrassment: it is the worst slide-action
shotgun we’ve seen, with the build quality of a Bic lighter—except
Bic lighters tend to be smoother-functioning. We wouldn’t dream of
buying one, the best thing we can do is suggest that our readers avoid
tested gun was more than just slightly defective. It included defective
machining, defective mold-work, defective feeding, and had the built-in
potential of being a horrible duck-crippler, having a vividly defective
point of impact. Rust on this "weatherproof" gun was
yet another defect as an added bonus right out of the box, adding more
insult to its noisy and sticky action. As it turns out, several owners
of the M887 fared even worse-- with warped ribs, beads falling out, and
"firing on action close" without a trigger pull. Despite all
this opportunity for Remington to address these serious issues, they have
done nothing.
they did do was attempt to stop the review from happening
and rather than stand up and address the issues presented to them, instead
did something abominable. Remington, according to industry sources, threated
legal action over publication of the review-- as if the truth is something
to be litigated against. Tampering with candid, honest opinions is shameful.
As a friend of mine put it, just what kind of message does this send to
those who seek to put their forthright experiences and opinions out there
for the consumer to consider? Should gunwriters be coerced to lie about
a product or have the publications they work for face the threat of costly
litigation instead? Is that the honor and integrity you seek from a company
that wants to be your gun company?
over four months later, it appears that the original honest evaluation
of the M887 was all too accurate and that no visible effort has been made
to improve the matter, though a total recall might well be the only reasonable
solution. The individual reader can make up his own mind, of course. In
my opinion, Remington owes purchasers of their M887 a huge apology. The
best I can do is award it my first-ever “Clunker of the Year” award. It richly deserves it.
2009 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
