Classic Review:
Beretta A303 Twelve Gauge Autoloader

well-centered pattern at 53 yards with a .025 in. constriction Trulock
Extended Choke Tube and a B & P F2 Legend 1-1/8 oz. #7-1/2 shotshell.
there is such a thing as an all-round shotgun, the Beretta 303 qualifies.
The last of the 300 series autoloaders to have wide distribution, the
follow-up 304 is almost never heard of. The 304's release coincided with
the 390 series, and few if any made it to the United States.
tested example is a three-inch chambered 26 inch Mobil-choked model, the
Beretta date code (AS) indicating it was manufactured in 1987, proofed
with an 18.3mm bore corresponding to just over .720 inches. The gun weighs
7.25 lbs. and has a very good field trigger, breaking right at 4.25 lbs.
The ventilated rib on this model is a bit wider than the spindly "6
x 6"“ ribs on some more recent Beretta's, at 7mm.
its more traditional gas action with no secondary gas bleed, this 303
had no trouble cycling 1 oz. loads on up, having a moderate bolt speed
and a moderate, ideal ejection distance of 5-6 feet with these loads.
The same was the case with B&P F2 Legend 1-1/8 oz. shells. The 303
has a magazine cut-off, integral with the forearm as opposed to earlier
models that had a lever on the right side of the receiver making for a
cleaner appearance in this treatment. The 303 is shim adjustable for drop
(45 - 65mm), but not for cast and drop as some of the more recent shotgun
303 shot essentially to point of aim, with the patterns well-centered
if a couple of inches high, both typical and often desirable for hunting
guns. Recoil, despite the lack of a recoil pad (the 303 is finished
off with a plastic butt plate) can only be considered mild.
is some magic in the 303, both for what it is and for what it is not.
You might have noticed more and more plastic parts on shotguns and complicated
forearm nuts and so forth. Not so with the 303, as the gas system is all
steel or stainless steel-- no technopolymers used. The 303 exhibits a
slightly forward weight bias, as is common with this genre of alloy-receiver
autoloader. The receiver is clean and uncluttered without gratuitous cheap
engraving attempts, the trigger guard is still alloy, not plastic, and
is slightly enlarged from the previous 302 model for gloved use. The 303
still has a pistol grip cap; it is little detail features like this that
are often left off more recent models. Its walnut stock is the real deal,
without any fake grain enhancement dips or films. All of this makes for
a good, honest, simple autoloader in both form and function.
with a couple of pipefitter's brushes, scrubbing out the gas cylinder
and piston takes only a minute or two. Cleaning the gas piston itself
in Slip 2000 finishes the task. A drop of two of Montana X-Treme gun oil
and you're set. Like a few other things, once it becomes habit it takes
longer to describe it than to actually do it.
my experience, Beretta 303 12 gauges do shoot just a tad high, making
them a good choice for skeet, flushing game, just about everything out
of the box. I like flat shooting guns for trap, but if you want a more
of your pattern above POI at a particular distance, a little experimentation
with shims so you see a bit of rib will likely get you there. As 300 series
barrels are plentiful and reasonable, you can use the tested configuration
for skeet and upland, for example, but pop on a 28 or 30 inch barrel for
sporting clays or trap if that is your preference. The T & S AL-2
hull catcher works well with the 303 for trap, so you won't be slinging
hulls if you opt for peppier, gassier loads.
you are using a Beretta barrel as supplied, or pick up a B-80 Invector
screw-choked barrel, both are chrome-lined for a little extra corrosion
resistance and a little easier clean-up. The barrels are approved for
steel and other harder no-tox materials, there are all kinds of aftermarket
chokes readily available, so use for waterfowling or in other no-tox areas
merit no great concern. Rifle-sighted factory 22 inch smoothbore slug
barrels are also available, so for short-range deer hunting or for part
of a fast-handling moderate recoil home defense plan, the 303 might fit
in there for you as well with a thirty-second barrel change. There isn't
much to consider as far as long term maintenance; perhaps a mainspring
change every eight thousand rounds or so would be the only thing that
you might consider if bolt speed and resultant ejection distance tells
you your 303 is being worked a bit harder after extended use. A deep-well
19mm socket makes buttstock removal an easy event.
some of the more recent models hovering at the 7 lb. carry weight or just
below, the 303 at a quarter pound heavier or so isn't the lightest on
the market. It is certainly a lot more fun to walk with than a portly
1100 or a steel-frame Citori, but there are lighter guns. We all have
our own views on what a quarter pound means at the end of the day. The
Beretta 303 is out there in 20 gauge as well, though, with one example
I have here shaving off a full pound off from its bigger brother to 6-1/4
pounds on the nose. So, there are always more options.
never will be a perfect all-round shotgun, as everyone's individual ideas
of “all-around” can be wildly divergent. The 303 has better
build quality than most autoloaders, more steel and alloy and far less
plastic. The 303 out of the box triggers are far better than most, as
a generality, and they can be cleaned up rather easily if you want more
of a race-game trigger. They are simple in design and function, don't
break, and are as versatile as you care to make them. For all the reasons
cited here, the Beretta 303, though no longer in production, snags my
vote as the “all-around” 12 gauge autoloader.
2010 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
