Review: 2010 Browning
Cynergy Field Twenty Gauge O/U
Browning Cynergy line of vertical doubles has been with us now for six
years, first released in 2004. The “Sheik Project” was
headed up by lead designer Dwight Potter, officially commencing in 1997
after years of preliminary discussions. It was and is a revolutionary
design, a design that provides the lowest-profile stackbarrel action ever
offered. Shotgunners can be a fickle lot; at one time the O/U was considered
a contraptionary oddity. At the 1938 National Skeet Championships, according
to Bob Nichols, 67.1 percent of the shooters used autoloaders, 18.1 percent
used pumps, and 10.6 percent used side-by-sides. O/U's accounted for 4.2
percent of the shooters.
have changed, of course. As far as I know, the most successful modern-day
O/U remains the Browning Citori, introduced in 1973. In 2008, Browning
celebrated the one millionth Citori to be built. It has been the most
popular vertical double on the market offered in a dizzying array of stock,
finish, and gauge configurations. For many folks, the Citori defines what
an O/U is and that doesn't seem likely to change anytime soon. While one
million may not seem stratospheric in context of the numbers casually
tossed around by “stimulus” packages and bailouts as of late,
it is quite an accomplishment considering Beretta reportedly makes 40,000
O/Us a year, with many smaller makers not exceeding 8,000 units per year.
now, there is a glut of O/U shotguns on the market. A tremendous glut.
The Remington Spartans have been discontinued as have various Fausti Stefano
guns relabeled as L.C. Smith by Marlin, sold by Traditions, sold by Weatherby,
Sabatti relabeled as Remington, Huglo branded as CZ, and SKB has ceased
manufacturing. The F.A.I.R. Rizzini's once sold as Veronas are no more,
the Savage Milano F.A.I.R. models have been discontinued, and SigArms
has offered Battista Rizzini shotguns in two different roll-outs and thrown
in the towel both times. Charles Daly (K.B.I) has recently gone out of
business. For whatever panic-buying there was in the black rifle market,
the O/U market has experienced far more supply than demand.
Citori line, made by Miroku of Japan, has been a solid buy for over thirty-five
years. Though Herstal Group, the parent company that owns the Browning
brand, manufactures in the United States, Belgium, Portugal, and Japan,
the Japanese made sporting guns have been of uniform quality for as long
as I can remember. Having owned many, many Citori's the primary gripe
is the weight. Despite their relatively heavy weight, they also tend to
kick-- not as bad as the older, lighter Winchester 101 field guns that
are among the most effective shoulder-benders, but Citori's have never
been the softest shooters in my experience.
have mused about what shooting advantage an O/U has, if any, compared
to side-by-sides and slide actions. Not everyone agrees, but I think the
late, great Don Zutz had it right: a quick second shot. A properly fitted
O/U with a reasonable load that causes no great amount of muzzle flip
or shoulder-jolting is extremely fast on the second bird. The reason is
the in-line recoil pulse of the lower barrel. As long as stocks are placed
beneath shotguns, they are going to recoil up eventually. The lower the
first barrel is set in the action, the less muzzle flip there will be.
is the impetus for low-profile actions, with the barrels set as low as
possible, and the fundamental reason for the Cynergy design. To achieve
the goal of setting the barrels so low, the monolock hinge system was
employed. The massive Inflex recoil pad was developed by Pachmayr for
Browning. What the result has been is the most comfortable to shoot O/U
in its weight bracket I've ever tested. This 20 gauge is the fourth Cynergy
I've reviewed of late. In a general sense, the Cynergy loses about a half-pound
of weight compared to a comparable Citori, yet is markedly more comfortable
to shoot.
lies the appeal of the Cynergy, the O/U that many have found to be the
only O/U truly comfortable to shoot with peppy hunting loads that is also
pleasant to carry in the field. This 20 gauge Cynergy Field as supplied
with chokes installed weighs right at 6-1/2 pounds, a full half-pound
over its cataloged weight.
lower barrel trigger breaks at 5 lbs. 14 oz., the upper barrel at 6 lbs.
6 oz. In the grand tradition of current Browning shotgun triggers, they
are too heavy. As is common with Browning shotguns as well, the trigger
face is extremely wide which helps mitigate the excessive break weight.
After a small amount of free travel, they break crisply and cleanly but
are clearly heavier than ideal. According to Browning, trigger "spec"
is 4 - 5 pounds on this Cynergy. Browning at Arnold, Missouri, will happily
touch up Cynergy triggers for you if you feel it necessary to within their
stated parameters. If you want lighter than Browning's spec, you'll have
to see a gunsmith.
adds a center bead on the Cynergy rib, a “feature” that I generally
loathe on a field gun. Though pointless, at least the Browning mid-bead
is in the form of a very small, white, half-dome that does not obscure
the white front bead, but blends into it. So, although it is a nonsensical
feature, it does not obliterate the front bead as horribly as some do.
Sadly, though, there is no easy way to remove it that I can see otherwise
I'd have it in the garbage can already.
does do a very good job with their tang safety, giving enough rise in
the center so it is easy to get off quickly even with gloved hands. This
is in stark contrast to any number of vile, low-profile Beretta type safeties
that have had the unfortunate effect of saving the lives of evil communist
chinese ring-necked pheasants more than anything else. The Cynergy trigger
is considered a mechanical trigger that will cycle through a dead round
without having to be set by recoil, though there is an inertia block included
as part of the assembly to prevent doubling.
nominal dimensions are unchanged from the tested 2009 “Euro Field,”
so I won't repeat them here. Like last year's model, a quarter inch stock
spacer in included to increase the length of pull if you choose. On last
year's model, I did just that. On this individual gun, it wasn't necessary.
The MSRP is $2659, and the popular “Cynergy Club” promotion
continues as before.
what's new on the “Field” versus the 2009 “Euro Field”?
The primary difference is the addition of the longer, Vector Pro forcing
cones. While the Euro Field's upgraded wood really wasn't to my eyes,
in the case of this year's Field is does have character, is more lightly
stained, and is more attractive than standard Grade I wood. The game scene
engraving appears to be improved as well, having a much more vivid, heavily
inked appearance. Overall, it is a clear notch better than last year's
model in wood, engraving, and overall appearance.
measured both barrels at .626 in. with a Skeets bore gauge. The Browning
standard twenty gauge barrel bore is listed at .617 in., so the nine thousandths
larger bore of the Cynergy is what you get as “Invector Plus Back-bored
Barrels.” Whether this is a truly meaningful change from standard
20 gauge dimensions is questionable. The consistency in bore diameter
from barrel to barrel is good to see as it doesn't happen all that much
in some brands of doubles.
the range, the Cynergy proved its mettle as fast-shouldering, smooth-swinging,
and extremely soft shooting. Functionality, with the exception of the
overly-heavy triggers, was flawless. At this price bracket, there are
a lot of choices in the O/U market. There are none that are as soft-shooting
by weight, though, which remains the greatest appeal of the Inflex-equipped
Cynergy stackbarrels. Several shooters have remarked that the Cynergy
is the only truly comfortable O/U field gun they have ever fired.
If you find O/U field shotguns to be generally unpleasant to shoot, the
Cynergy may be a welcomed change for you.
2010 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
