25 Dead Mallards,
Crummy Shells, and a Trulock Choke

trials are popular events here in Northern Illinois and the best part
of it is watching some tremendously talented dogs work. Believe it or
not, shooters for live birds are hard to come by. Some folks don't like
to do anything but break clays, of course, and more don't pattern their
guns or spend any time learning range. It is a continuing issue, for if
you don't pattern your gun at the ranges you shoot at you're just shooting
blind. For those that put a huge amount of time, effort, and money into
their gun dogs, they don't care to settle for anything less than dead
in the air birds in field trials. Judges score the dogs on their natural
abilities, including their Marking (memory), Style, Perseverance/courage/hunting,
and their Trainability as evidenced in steadiness, control, response and
delivery. Crippled or missed birds aren't tolerated, so if a bird gets
missed or crippled a shooter often won't be invited back.
the judges and the Marshal of hunting trials are obviously experts in
dog abilities, they aren't necessarily conversant with shotgun performance
at all. They supply the shells, meaning you might be stuck with a chef's
mix of cheap, rusty, steel based promo loads. Today, there was that, but
the best that was available was 1-1/8 oz Winchester Xpert #6 Steel 1400
fps loads #WEX12H6. Believe it or not, Winchester recommends their 1 oz.
1280 fps Xpert #7 Steel loads, right on their website, for pheasant among
other birds. It is sad when manufacturers publish such ridiculous shell
price isn't the barometer of pattern quality, only patterns are, and with
a Trulock Precision Hunter “Improved Cylinder” extended choke,
this shell patterned acceptably well at 30 yards out of my Benelli Vinci.
It is still horribly underpowered in terms of penetration as far as I'm
concerned for wild birds or for anything past thirty yards, as you can
see from the following external ballistics information comparing #6 steel,
#4 steel, and #5 Kent Tungsten-Matrix loads.

6 steel compares poorly to a slower lead #7-1/2 target load. The #7-1/2
lead load has 150% the penetration at 30 yards, higher impact velocity,
better energy density . . . clearly superior. Still, with the right choke,
even crummy shells can be effective within limited range on fragile birds.
For wild, mature birds at longer ranges, shells like Kent Tungsten-Matrix
or Nice Shot #5 make steel look sad. Even at 30 yards, the differences
are astonishing vs. a #6 steel load: 242% penetration, more than double
the energy density, higher impact velocity. If it is mature, wild birds
at moderate ranges, going three sizes larger with steel vs. lead makes
the most ballistic sense, if you have to use steel. Kent Tungsten-Matrix
and Nice Shot loads are any easy choice from a performance perspective.
They are safe for "lead-only" barrels, forcing cones, and chokes
as well. They are also easier on allegedly "steel safe" barrels
as well.
game farm mallards used were young birds, but extremely good flyers, and
the Trulock Precision Hunter IC tube had all twenty-five I shot dead in
the air with one shot. No shot exceeded 30 yards, the judges and handlers
were all happy with cleanly taken birds, and we got to enjoy some beautiful
dogs do their thing. Hardly a challenging or sporting wingshooting endeavor,
the idea is ethical quick and clean kills, a lot more ethical and quick
than a bird could expect from MacDonald's, Burger King, or Colonel Sanders.
Some folks still think that McNuggets grow on trees and that the poultry
section of the supermarket is “where they make the stuff” but
that isn't how the world works.

damage to forcing cones may happen quickly even in allegedly "steel
safe" barrels. A way to minimize this is to avoid "hyper-velocity"
steel loads and letter-sized steel shot. A better way is to consider Kent
Tungsten-Matrix or Nice Shot, particularly taking into account the cost
of replacement barrels.
of the discussion of gauge of a shotgun is a bit silly, as it has always
been a matter of the combination of shell, choke, shot density, and pattern
density at a specific range that determines lethality. I'd never use a
shell like this on a wild bird, of course, as even a slower #7-1/2 lead
load offers 50% more penetration at 30 yards than #6 steel. We were invited
back, events like this aren't about the birds at all, they are about the
dogs. Still, it is a good way to look at shotshell and choke performance
in a consistent environment. Trulock chokes are going the next time, of
course, but there isn't much point in a minimalist penetration experiment.
I'll be bringing my own shells.

steel isn't close to the best choice, the Tom Roster two-year study showed
that #2 steel was superior for pheasants as opposed to #4 or #6
steel, at all ranges. If you have to use steel on wild mallards, you can
expect #2 steel (111 pellets to the ounce) to be the clear choice as well.
Its 40 yard penetration of 1.79 inches is no better than #5 Kent Tungsten-Matrix
or Nice Shot, so in a comparison between steel against lead, Kent TM,
or Nice Shot . . . going three sizes larger with steel, rather than often-touted
two sizes better makes better wounding ballistics sense.
2011 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
