Dove Opener

From the left: My nephew Jack, brother Keith, and myself. In the front: Kelsey the golden retriever and Rocky the German Short-haired pointer. In the center to the back, a pile of decidedly deceased doves.
You can't put too
much emphasis on patterning your shotgun: the designation on a factory
choke tube is meaningless. It in no way can possibly tell you what
your pattern percentage is at any range, much less with a specific shell,
a specific shot size, a specific payload, in your specific gun. Since
patterns are all we use to impress game birds with, there is no substitute
for patterning our own shotguns-- there never will be.
Dropping doves with
complete confidence past 50 yards out (and another 15 - 20 yards up)
is easy enough-- but only if we do our homework. The goal is an 80% pattern
at 40 yards, based on 1 oz. of #7-1/2 shot:

Naturally, doves
are not at all difficult to kill-- but they are mostly feathers, and the
trick is to get a pellet where it counts. A dove's kill zone is also tiny,
so a relatively dense pattern is a must if we want them spinning past
50 yards. A thirty inch circle may not sound like a lot of real estate,
but that is a touch over 706 square inches: the Ponderosa compared to
the kill zone of a dove.
I use 7-1/2 shot
(#7 if reloading) as #8 or smaller has poor time of flight comparatively.
Nothing less than 1 ounce loads have done well for me-- it takes a reasonable
pellet count to properly populate a pattern at range. Suffice it to say
that the 'promo' loads (with the birdies and duckies on the box)
are inadequate for reliable drops at long range. We need hard, round shot--
and a goodly quantity of it. It makes all the difference in the world--
the difference between a crippled / lost bird and one that folds up and
In this case, it
was George Trulock to the rescue. I found what I needed for my two primary
dove guns: a Browning B-80 20 ga. and a Browning A-5 Sweet Sixteen, both
that originally came supplied with standard "Invector" screw
chokes that proved horribly insufficient.
You can't buy a better
choke tube than a "Trulock Precision Hunter" choke tube. You
can spend more, you can get chokes close, but nothing I've tested yet
performs better than Precision Hunter tubes-- but only if you use a quality
shell, and pattern to find what works best at the range you intend to
bag birds at. Chokes are performance-based, not "constriction-based,"
and you won't know the actual constriction anyway unless you mic your
barrel's inside diameter.
We all need to pattern
for an individual gun and shell, but for the record: a "modified"
Trulock Precision Hunter did the trick for me with the Browning B-80 20
gauge, and it took an "improved modified" Trulock Precision
Hunter tube to get me where I needed to be for my Browning Sweet Sixteen.
Both of these chokes gave me far better than 70% percentage that is called
"Full Choke" in the industry, and gave far better pattern densities
than the factory Invector "Full" choke tubes. Forget the markings
on factory choke tubes-- worse than inaccurate, they are misleading.
When you score a
nice double on doves at 60 yards, invariably you'll hear "Nice
shot, unbelievable!" Well, that's not the real story at all--
it is a gun that fits, a quality shell, adequate shot size and payload,
and a quality choke selected by patterning with the exact shell you are
going to hunt with, that's all.


2011 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.