Closer Look at Savage Accuracy Loads
the requisite disclaimers: Please Note: Randy Wakeman, his
agents, heirs and assigns, hereby disclaims all possible liability for
damages including, actual, incidental and consequential, resulting from
usage of the information or advice contained in this message. Use the
data and advice at your own risk, and with extreme caution.
The following
presentation is offered for those who have more than a casual interest
in Savage 10ML-II preferred loads. The information here is to be considered
theoretical in nature, and any use of it is at your own risk. By reading
further, you consent to this.
In discussions with
Del Ramsey of MMP, the sultan of sophisticated sabotry, I tried to pin
Mr. Ramsey down to a few trends-not an easy task, as the variations
from muzzleloader barrel to muzzleloader barrel, and those from manufacturer
to manufacturer are incalculable. However, there are a few "generalizations"
that Del is comfortable with. Since MMP began development of sabots
some twenty years ago, and endless experimenting with different formulations
and variations-we now have relatively soft MMP sabots that can perform
like never before. With the severe restriction of being loadable from
the muzzle by ramrod, current formulation MMP sabots are at a level
impossible to achieve a decade ago.
As a generalization,
like many gasketing applications, the thinner the sabot is the better
sabot. This is not to say that .43 / 50 and .40 / 50 sabots do not perform
extremely well with moderate loads, or even higher performance loads-they
can. However, the likelihood is that the .45 / 50 and .458 / 50 sabots
will get us up to speed quicker, with less temperamental loads over
wider ambient conditions, and bore conditions.
I've heard a lot
about "plastic fouling" over the years. Yet, I never, ever
have experienced it regardless of gun. Del Ramsey has not either, nor
has Henry Ball. The only thing I can say about it that if it is a problem-there
is a good possibility your load development is going distinctly down
the wrong path, and you are exceeding one or more of the generalized
thresholds mentioned in this article.
To hone in on the
optimum combination for an individual gun, the best thing anyone can
do is call MMP at 1-870-741-5019, and order an array of four packs of
different sabots to cover the bases. They are the "MMP" short
black sabot with a concave base for .451 / .452 bullets, the black "HPH12"
longer petaled, stepped base sabots for .451 / .452 bullets, the "HPH24"
black sabots (same as the HPH12, but around .002" smaller assembled
with bullet OD for easier loading), and the orange .458 / 50 sabots
that give us the opportunity to use the variety of .45-70 rifle bullets
out there.
All these sabots
are made from the same secret MMP formula that Del keeps inside his
crocodile-infested moat that he inherited from the late Jack Benny.
Rumors that Mr. Ramsey is actually Jack Benny may persist, but I believe
are unfounded. Admittedly, Mr. Ramsey and Mr. Benny have not been seen
in the same room at the same time, but until I hear a violin scratching
away and a call for, "Rochester!" it has to be written off
to a type of Elvis syndrome. I understand Mr. Ramsey has spent some
time near Waukegan, Illinois, but that is sheer coincidence. It's time
to move it along. Past time, actually, but shooting MMP sabots is a
wonderful past time.
There are other
generalizations for all-around, all condition sabot performance. A 35,000
PSI peak pressure limit is a generalization, and a rate of barrel twist
no tighter than 1:22 is another. With our Savage endeavors, good load
design means protecting our sabot. The 1:24 rate of twist allows the
Savage to perform well with the 300 grain bullets it was designed for.
Harder to stabilize pointy ogives and boat-tailed bullets are addressed
as well where the 1:28 rate of twist may not be quite enough. I've had
very good luck with the .45-70 Government bullets; those bullets being
generally used in 1:20 twist-rate barrels. The Savage 10ML-II's 1:24
barrel couples with a notch higher velocity has proven it is one of
the very few muzzleloaders today that can effectively use 45-70 bullets,
and that is why the orange MMP sabots are so valuable to the 10ML-II
Another generalization
is the velocity limit of today's sabots. The generalization is 2500
fps maximum muzzle velocity. For reliable load work, I believe it is
prudent to stay below both generalized ceilings: 35,000 PSI peak pressure
and 2500 fps MV.
For starters, let's
take a peek at an interior ballistics prediction of a supremely accurate
Savage 10ML-II load, the load most used by Savage factory shooters.

Here, peak pressure
does not come near our 35,000 PSI sabot protection threshold so there
is little danger of accuracy-robbing sabot damage. By the time our bullet
travels four inches, backpressure has dropped off to under 14,000 PSI-making
the rest of the ride relatively easy for this combination. Normally,
the combination is a .452 Hornady XTP and the short, black MMP .45 /
50 sabot powered by Vihtavouri N110. A Savage preferred load, N110 does
very well in conjunction with 250 gr. class bullets, but not nearly
as well with heavier bullets in my experience. This load has passed
my five shot repetitive ¾ MOA at 100 yards criteria.
Next up is the perennial
Henry Ball & Co. favorite, 44 gr. of Accurate Arms 5744. It offers
many advantages for the field-easily loaded with Lee yellow plastic
3.4 cc dippers, easy ignition even with loose fitting sabots, and by
virtue of its 20% nitro content, it is exceedingly temperature insensitive.

Accurate Arms 5744
is equally at home with 250 or 300 grain bullets. It does break our
personal load design parameter of 35,000 PSI by a small amount with
300 gr. bullets (not with 250 gr. bullets), but years of testing have
proven it to be an ideal 10ML-II load. Testing gives us slightly lower
velocities (and pressure) than our prediction; about 100 fps less at
the muzzle (2080 fps). True to Del Ramsey's generalization, shooters
have reported an accuracy loss by going above 44 grains contingent on
gun. This is a Savage Arms preferred load, and has accounted for over
1500 head of deer in one area of Coastal Carolina alone. With Barnes
300 gr. MZ-Expanders, this has been a repetitive sub-3/4 MOA 5 shot
grouper. As a footnote, Barnes currently supplies MMP HPH-12 sabots
along with these bullets. Coincidentally, on the Barnes site, it is
mentioned that in some cases, a 1:28 rate of twist may be insufficient
for this bullet. Without question, the Savage 10ML-II 1:24 barrel is.
My last four shots with this bullet, powder, and sabot combination have
accounted for four quick kills. There is more to the picture than "just"
peak pressure; after eight inches of bullet travel backpressure has
dropped to under 7500 PSI. It is hard to conceive significant sabot
base stress at that point-and beyond.
Now, for a look
at what is currently my favorite load, employing the often-overlooked
orange MMP .458 sabot, and the also overlooked high-BC "Barnes
Original" spitzer soft-point 300 gr. .45-70 bullet:

Best suited for 300 grain bullets, as is the Savage 10ML-II, this tack-driving
load comes nowhere near the 35,000 PSI pressure barrier we have set-yet
chronographs a remarkable 2300 fps at the muzzle. Not only a better
than ¾ MOA load, it is an amazingly flat shooting low pressure
load with manageable recoil. For an upcoming pronghorn hunt this fall,
this loading gets the call. Vihtavouri N120 is a fabulous powder for
the Savage 10ML-II, and a load like this depicts it well. Not breaching
28,000 PSI peak, and featuring about a 93% powder burn-it is a beauty.
I've found it to work wonderfully with Barnes 300 MZ-Expanders as well.
Lastly, here is
a loading that exceeds my recoil comfort level, but allows the use of
true 350 gr. rifle bullets-in this case, the Barnes "X" bullet,
for extremely tough game:

It begins to more fully exploit the versatility of the Savage 10ML-II,
and uses Accurate Arms 2015-that achieves a "balanced load"
with 350 gr. bullets. The same MMP .458 orange sabot is employed, and
again it has impressive accuracy. Our prediction does not break even
25,000 PSI peak pressure-yet, this load develops over a TON of energy,
at 250 yards.
The Savage has the
tightest barrel standards in the muzzleloading industry, but there are
still tolerances of +/- .001. As Del Ramsey has reminded me, two thousandths
of one inch is a lot to a sabot. Naturally, most of us don't like to
really accept the fact that all rifles are individuals, but that's the
way it always has been. By starting with MMP current formulation sabots,
at least we have a known quantity to work up our loads with. If we use
a pile of prepackaged bullets with sabots, there is no way to tell from
box to box what we are working with. It is frustrating to work up a
load with a box of bullets, and suddenly find that "our load"
has vanished with the very next box. Fresh product direct from Barnes
eliminates that problem, but with most bullet makers-what is in the
box with sabots is an unknown.
It is critical that
our assembled sabots fit our bores, lightly engraving and rotating on
the way down. If they fall down, they are unlikely to group. If we come
close to injuring our naughty bits when forcing them down standing on
a range rod-they are not useable in a hunting scenario.
Since we have armed
ourselves with the MMP 4 pack of sabots, we can in many cases turn a
pig's ear into a silk purse. To give you a specific example, I'll cite
a recent bullet I'm in the middle of working with: the Speer Gold Dot
.454 Casull (.452) bullet. It won't easily go down my gun's bore with
an HPH12; the assembled OD is .505 in. It is about .505 in. with the
MMP short black sabot as well, but loads easier due to it smaller base
and perhaps the shorter petals. It is still a bear to get down the bore.
It mics .502 in. with the HPH24, though, and we are in business-it fits
That is the hierarchy
of MMP sabots as best I can determine, the easiest to load being the
HPH24 (which may be too loose in many cases), then the MMP short black,
and the HPH 12 as the snuggest of the group. There are other combinations
to try as well, as a bullet with a short bearing surface is automatically
a bit easier to load than a longer heavier bullet of the same construction.
For example, we may not like the way a 300 gr. Barnes MZ-Expander loads
as supplied (HPH12), finding it just a bit too tight. Yet, a 250 MZ-Expander
may have the precise loading feel and fit we are looking for right out
of the box. Alternatively, we may want the extra BC and sectional density
of the Barnes 300 gr. MZ-Expander that we have trouble loading as supplied.
Substitution in of an HPH 24 sabot may give us exactly what we seek.
I'm mentioning all
this because sabots are easily the most ignored component of accuracy;
few of us know where all of our sabots come from, how old they are,
and so forth. To add to the mess, you likely have heard terms like "high
pressure sabot." There is no such thing; MMP has never heralded
a sabot like that. Nor is there such a thing as a "low pressure
sabot." How often have we all heard the lament, "This sabot
loads too tight,"? That may be what we experience, but it really
isn't the case at all. Del Ramsey may be a very intelligent man (he
is), but his sabots are brainless. The dumb old sabot has no idea what
bullet is going into it, what the precise dimensions of that bullet
might be, much less what the land-to-land dimensions of our gun's bore
might be. It is a one time task, but it is our job alone to find the
combination or combinations best suited for our gun. Sabot fit is the
most important factor, in my opinion, in finding repeatably accurate
loads-and accuracy is our reward.
If you have
hung in with me this long, congratulate yourself. You obviously care
more about getting the most out of your gun than most folks do. We've
stacked the deck in our favor before we began. We are using traditional,
proven Savage 10ML-II loads, or we seek sub-35,000 PSI loads (and sub-2500
fps loads) that take sabot damage out of the equation. We are also using
the generally stronger, more accurate .451- .452 black or .458 orange
MMP sabots. We are also using current formulation MMP sabots, not playing
Russian Roulette with stock of unknown age and formulation. It may read
like an arduous task to some, but it isn't really. It is the difference
between just wondering how your gun will shoot today, and knowing that
it will shoot supremely well. That is all the difference in the world.