Visit with Tony Knight, the Father of Modern Muzzleloading

no person is more synonymous with the sport of muzzleloading
as it exists today, and I can think of no other person who has
brought more people into the sport, and worked as long and as
tirelessly to promote it as has Tony Knight. I'm delighted that
Mr. Knight consented to visit with us about himself, and his
favorite sport-inline muzzleloading.
RW: Thank
you for taking the time to visit, Mr. Knight. How did your muzzleloading
adventure begin?
TK: Well,
after seventeen years with the railroads, then running my own
little archery and gun shop in northern Missouri, a group of
my farmer friends started the ball rolling back around 1982.
They loved to hunt, but there were few hunts that did not conflict
with the farm work. The Colorado muzzleloading elk season was
one they could participate in without clashing with getting
the crops out, so that was the subject matter. They tried it
with relatively common frontloaders of that time, with horribly
frustrating results. So, they wanted more reliability and accuracy
than available at the time. We went to work, and the culmination
of those efforts became what is now known as the Knight MK-85-
named after my daughter, Michelle. Things moved along from there,
and instead of working out of my shop building muzzleloaders
one at a time, we opened our factory in Lancaster, Missouri,
in 1987. We desperately needed to expand after about 1-1/2 years
due to growth, and we looked for some assistance from the State
of Missouri. Missouri was less than completely helpful; most
everything that Missouri said "no" to, Iowa said yes
to. So, we expanded with our new plant located in Centerville,
Iowa, and we have been there ever since.
RW: Tony,
were than any particular mentors that you had from the firearms
TK: Yes,
actually it was Roy Weatherby that was a source of encouragement
when a lot of the others were nay-sayers. Roy Weatherby told
me all the details of how he started, what his challenges were,
and shared with me what he felt his successes were due to. Roy
helped me along the right path when others couldn't be bothered,
and I'm indebted to him for that.
RW: What
firearms designers do you admire?
TK: The
two that spring to mind are of course John Browning and also
Ronnie Barrett.
RW: Do
you have a favorite action type and the reason why?
TK: Without
doubt it is a bolt action based on fit, feel, function, trigger,
accuracy- everything.
RW: Do
you have a projectile preference between sabots and conicals?
TK: Certainly
sabots without question based on quick harvests and accuracy.
There are several good bullet makers out there, particularly
Sierra and Barnes. Barnes Bullets has done a fabulous job for
us, they are not afraid to try new things, and they really have
the process of quality bullet-making down pat. We have a great
relationship with Barnes Bullets, we appreciate them and I expect
they appreciate us. I see that relationship continuing for a
long, long time.
RW: Is
there an ideal ignition type in your opinion from muzzleloaders?
TK: It
is the 209 shotshell primer, based on weatherproof construction,
strength, and reliability. There is nothing better.
RW: Tony,
what about powder preferences?
TK: I really
enjoy the convenience of pellets, and Triple Se7en pellets would
easily be my top choice.
RW: Do
you have a favorite caliber?
TK: I sure
do- it is the .52 caliber. I've found it to be far more forgiving
than other calibers. As far as downrange terminal performance,
the results I've has have been nothing short of astonishing.
In fact, some of the game animals hit the dirt so fast on video
it looks fake; just too good to be true. It is true, however:
the .52 performs like nothing else.
RW: Do
you have any personal scope preferences?
TK: There
are several scopes that I like, Burris and Leupold among them.
My very favorite scope at the moment is without question the
Kahles Multi-Zero-there is just nothing like it. Once you've
got it dialed in, it takes bullet drop right out of the equation.
Just dial in your range, and put the cross-hairs on the animal.
It is an amazing achievement in riflescopes.
RW: What
of binoculars?
TK: Once
you get to a certain level, they are just all good. Zeiss, Leica,
Kahles, Swarovski- they are all superior hunting tools that
not only enable good locating and judging of game, they don't
leave you with a headache after glassing for several hours.
RW: What
do you like about muzzleloading today, and not like about it?
TK: I like
the fact that muzzleloading is more convenient and muzzleloaders
are easier to clean than ever before. What I don't like is much
the same-- we can still make muzzleloading more fun, convenient,
and easier to enjoy. And, we are working on it.
RW: Do
you have a favorite place to hunt?
TK: Alaska.
There is nothing more gorgeous, more revitalizing than Alaska.
Everyone should experience it for themselves. The State of Alaska
is breathtaking and unforgettable.
RW: A favorite
type of game animal, Tony?
TK: You
bet; it is still whitetail deer. It remains my favorite game
animal, and probably always will be.
RW: What
do you see for the future of muzzleloading?
TK: Growth,
growth, and more growth. Every year, more folks enjoy the sport
of muzzleloading with no end in sight. It is a great way to
introduce youngsters to shooting sports, and to readily understand
how firearms work. Limited range weapons have greater and greater
appeal as human populations and game populations move closer
and closer together; game populations that will always need
to be controlled. The sport of muzzleloading looks to continue
to grow vibrantly for the foreseeable future, and I'm quite
excited about that.
was a pleasure visiting with Tony; his enthusiasm and passion
for muzzleloading and for hunting is apparent. It sounds like
Tony Knight has a lot of hunting adventures ahead of him, and
that's he's ready to go today. With that, let's leave for the
moment with great thanks to Tony Knight for taking the time
to talk with us-and even moreso, appreciation for Tony Knight's
tremendous, ongoing contributions to the great American sport
of muzzleloading.
April, 2006 by Randy Wakeman