Why We Need to Hunt

sorry to kill you, Brother. Forgive us. I do honor to your courage and
speed, your strength.” So says Chingachgook in a scene from The
Last of the Mohicans as they approach their fallen prey. For many,
the notion of hunting is poorly understood, if it is indeed understood
at all. Yet hunting and trapping is the history of the world, a core component
of nature. Long before man appeared, hunting was an important part of
the world. The history of life on planet earth has meant hunting, long
before the word was ever spoken. It is the way the world works. Though
no one was around to inform a prehistoric fish, reptile, or bird that
they were actually hunting, there was no need. It is nature's way. To
not understand this is to not comprehend nature. If you hunt, you well
admire the beauty and speed of the pheasant, the nose of the bear, the
ears of a moose, the speed of the pronghorn, the strength of the elk.
is it we truly understand, much less respect, about the McNugget, the
fish filet, a hamburger, or a hot dog? Do we admire the courage of the
pizza, the strength of the pepperoni, the beauty of the Buffalo wing?
I've heard the question, “Why is it you hunt, anyway? Why don't
you just go to the supermarket where they make it?” No one can
possibly live a week in the United States without thanks to animals that
sustain us. That we do not shames us and exposes our ignorance. What human
can go through life and claim no benefit from animals?
we utilize renewable resources is beyond dispute. Food, clothing, shelter,
medicine is not a new idea. For everyone that takes Omega-3 rich fish
oil, do we really think that a large group of fish suddenly decided to
donate oil to the human race? Have fish decided to live in aquariums for
our relaxation and amusement? For anyone that has ever watched the Kentucky
Derby, have you ever questioned why you are watching it? Are horses whipped
just because they are out doing what they like to do? Is your son or daughter
committing some unspeakable crime by attending biology class? Did turkeys
and cattle decide to breed themselves into slow, overweight, slothful
and stupid creatures? From a vintage “WKRP in Cincinnati,”
a frazzled and disheveled Arthur Carlson gushed, “As God is my
witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”
some of the disingenuous, yet self-concocted spin on hunting and trapping,
you might think that some people upon finding mice in their homes would
opt to buy them a condominium in San Diego? It is sometimes both convenient
and calming to artificially isolate ourselves from the way the world works.
When we turn on an electrical appliance in our home, the last thing we
would like to think about is the coal mining accident that could only
have happened with our relentless thirst for energy. It is inconvenient
to think that our unquenchable craving for petroleum enables wars and
disasters in the gulf alike. The more we can isolate and insulate ourselves
from the reality, it just makes things easier. The tragedy of our self-imposed
ignorance is not what we do to ourselves, it is the ignorance we blissfully
pass along to our children. Perhaps we don't like to get our own food,
paying mercenaries to fetch it for us. Perhaps we don't like the idea
of mining our own coal, making our own electricity, or refining our own
gasoline. Nevertheless, we shouldn't be adverse to learning where things
come from. It is difficult to appreciate, much less respect that which
we have never had any personal contact with. It is another case of “Out
of Sight, Out of Mind.”

one cares more about healthy, vibrant game populations more than the hunter.
Hunting has been synonymous with freedom for a very long time, certainly
far longer than the white man has existed in North America. It was Chief
Dan George who commented, “If you talk to the animals they will
talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them
you will not know them and what you do not know, you will fear. What one
fears, one destroys." The notion of conservation today should
both puzzle and perplex. While we say we wish to save the whales and the
condor, we felt no such need to save the Indian and their way of life.
We still feel no need to restore the American Bison, the Wolf, or the
Grizzly Bear. Though no less part of nature, the notion of preserving
and restoring what we have destroyed is not as convenient. In an age where
anything that we don't agree with is quickly labeled “terrorism,”
it takes no deep thought to quickly recognize that, to the Lakota, the
United States was the penultimate terrorist organization. To the American
Indian, our notion of “wildlife” would be a strange and peculiar
one. For the bulk of the history of North America, there was little else.
It was only life.

Roosevelt, devout hunter, was the greatest conversationalist in modern
North American times, along with John Olin. The Antiquities Act of
1906, signed into law by President Roosevelt, was an important step.
Roosevelt did not shy from using it, creating Devil's Tower National Monument
in 1906 and then the Grand Canyon National Monument. The Grand Canyon
Game Preserve was established by proclamation in 1906, the Grand Canyon
National Monument in 1908. A good window in the mindset of Roosevelt is
contained in his comments from 1903, after visiting the rim of the Grand
Canyon: “The Grand Canyon fills me with awe. It is beyond comparison--beyond
description; absolutely unparalleled throughout the wide world .... Let
this great wonder of nature remain as it now is. Do nothing to mar its
grandeur, sublimity and loveliness. You cannot improve on it. But what
you can do is to keep it for your children, your children's children,
and all who come after you, as the one great sight which every American
should see.”
1937, the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (also known as the Pittman-Robertson
Act) was passed in the U.S. Sales of guns and ammunition fund it. The
hunter and shooter continually fund it today, augmented by DNR fees that
are becoming exorbitant. Yet, today's hunters do more than any other group
to promote healthy game populations. The problem today is we need more
hunters, far more. If you do not hunt, you are missing something. You
are missing something vital and your children are as well.
must hunt and should hunt. We cannot appreciate, much less respect what
we do not understand. As Chief Dan George noted, what we do not know we
fear. What we fear we tend to destroy. You cannot learn what you are not
familiar with. You cannot obtain understanding of the way nature works
and the way the world has always worked by not taking part in it. You
cannot possibly appreciate food if your contact with food is founded primarily
on the ejection of it from a vending machine or from a drive-through.
Admiration of nature has never been a spectator sport. To hunt is not
to shoot nor is hunting a guarantee that we will find. To find and learn,
though, we must go looking for it. We cannot share what we do not know
and have never experienced. We are not compelled to conserve, much less
preserve what we fail to experience first-hand and appreciate.

is best as a teacher rather than something to be enslaved to. No one likes
the idea of going through life carrying a perpetual apology. We did not
appreciate the Bison and had no qualms about destroying them. We could
not understand the Indian, so we feared and destroyed them. We did not
let the technicality that they were humans with great wisdom and deep
cultures deter us.

may find the words of Sitting Bull ringing a bit too true today to derive
any comfort from them: “Yet hear me, friends! we have now to deal
with another people, small and feeble when our forefathers first met with
them, but now great and overbearing. Strangely enough, they have a mind
to till the soil, and the love of possessions is a disease in them. These
people have made many rules that the rich may break, but the poor may
not! They have a religion in which the poor worship, but the rich will
not! They even take tithes of the poor and weak to support the rich and
those who rule. They claim this mother of ours, the Earth, for their own
use, and fence their neighbors away from her, and deface her with their
buildings and their refuse.”
minds are not prisons unless we make them so. We must hunt to understand,
respect, and appreciate nature. If we do not actively seek to remove our
own ignorance, we cannot acquire the experience and reason to avoid repeating
the same mistakes all over again. While we can perhaps never fix, we can
aspire to both fix and improve. We can hunt to learn and hunt to become
inspired. Theodore Roosevelt and John Olin both found a goodly portion
of their life's meaning in the outdoors. Certainly, we should try to afford
our children and grandchildren that same opportunity. We desperately need
to hunt, just as they did.

2010 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.