Smart Guns Are So Very, Very Stupid

should be obvious, but apparently it isn't quite obvious enough. Firearms,
in the right hands, are used as a last resort to protect life: they are
life support equipment. Would you want an ambulance that can only be driven
by someone wearing the correct $300 wristwatch? A fire truck? A fire hydrant
that can only be accessed by an electronic chip? An oxygen tank, a defibrillator?
a rape only be prevented or stopped by one person? Should only one person
in a family be able to protect it? Should you have a chest of wristwatches,
so you can wear the right one at home, another in your car, another at
your farm?
those that think that “technology” is fool-proof, can you explain
heathcare.gov or the last 10,000,000 automobiles recalled by General Motors?
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 relied on technology. No one today calls
it perfect technology, nor does anyone know what actually happened.
life support tool or life support piece of equipment should be any more
complex than it needs to be. No life support equipment should be more
difficult to operate than it needs to be. No life support equipment should
be any more expensive than it has to be, unless you feel only wealthy
people should be able to protect themselves. No life support equipment
shoulf be any less reliable than possible.
recent report commissioned by the White House titled Priorities for Research
to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-related Violence suggests what self-defense
gun experts have been saying for years. The report, ordered under
one of President Obama’s 23 Executive Orders signed in the wake of
the Sandy Hook incident, asked the Centers for Disease Control (CDC),
the National Research Council and other federal agencies to identify the
“most pressing problems in firearms violence.”
the dismay of those who would used the report to try to further restrict
access to personal defense firearms, the study found that gun ownership
actually saves lives and those who have a firearm at their disposal improve
their chances of survival and reduce their chance of injury in the event
they are confronted by a violent criminal. Consider that 3 million people
use a gun to defend themselves from harm every year. Over 8,000 Americans
every day act with (potentially) deadly force to prevent injury or death
to themselves or a family member.
addition to overwhelming evidence that owning a gun reduces your chances
of injury when attacked, regardless of whether you fire your gun or not,
the new report proves that there has been a decades’ long obfuscation
of national statistics that have been used to determine the importance
of guns in self defense. Up until this study became available, anti-gun
politicians often cited figures that indicated that just 108,000 people
a year used guns in self defense. The new study suggests that those numbers
were off by over 2500%. (Institute of Medicine and
National Research Council. Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat
of Firearm-Related Violence. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press,
shouldn't be a real stunner that you get the wrong answer when you ask
the wrong question. The question should be crime control, not gun control
and surely not citizen control.
“Good intentions will always be pleaded
for every assumption of power; but they cannot justify it, even if we
were sure that they existed. It is hardly too strong to say, that the
Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good
intention, real or pretended. When bad intentions are boldly avowed, the
people will promptly take care of themselves. On the other hand, they
will always be asked why they should resist or question that exercise
of power which is so fair in its object, so plausible and patriotic in
appearance, and which has the public good alone confessedly in view? Human
beings, we may be assured, will generally exercise power when they can
get it; and they will exercise it most undoubtedly, in popular governments,
under pretences of public safety or high public interest.”

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