Three Excellent Pheasant Guns
the last forty-five years of wild pheasant hunting, I've naturally acquired
a few favorite shotguns for the purpose. Though the A-5 Sweet Sixteen,
A-5 Mag Twenty, and B-80 / A302 / A303 twenty gauges are no longer around,
they have not been greatly improved upon.
current production shotguns, here are three that are ideal for instinctive
shooting. One is made in anti-gun Japan, labeled a Browning, another is
made with a Beretta barrel by a company that is part of Beretta, and called
a “Benelli.” The last is an ATA, made in Turkey, but labeled
a Weatherby. With firearms, things are seldom what they appear to be.
Citori 725 28 inch 20 gauge field is the best O/U for pheasants to ever
carry the Browning sticker. The “Invector DS” barrels are lighter
and more responsive than previous barrel sets, the trigger is superb,
as is the balance of the gun. The ridiculous constriction problems of
the 12 gauge Invector DS chokes have been solved, for this 20 gauge has
more constriction in “MOD” and “IMPROVED MOD” than
the factory 12 gauge DS tubes have. To no great surprise, constriction
works just like it always has. Browning's latest recoil pads do a fine
job as well.
Benelli Comfortech 24 inch M2 twenty gauge is a fun, reliable six pound
gun that is quite shootable with 1-1/4 oz. (or heavier) payloads. The
Comfortech stock is no gimmick and it makes it softer-shooting than the
slightly heavier Citori.
Weatherby SA-08 is the most economical choice of the three, and in walnut
trim is a lot easier on the eyes than the Benelli as well. It is a gas
gun and also is the softest-shooting of these three as well. It takes
just minutes to clean the gas piston, but if you want reliability (and
who doesn't?) it needs a bit more attention than the Citori or the Benelli,
but naturally all guns should be properly maintained.
far as patterns go, people seem to appreciate the truth, sooner or later.
The Citori 725 has over-sized inside diameter barrels, misnamed “back-bored.”
It also has long forcing cones. It patterns no better than any other 20
Benelli has the “Crio” system, a cryogenically treated barrel
and cryogenically treated factory choke tubes. It patterns no better than
any other 20 gauge. In fact, my Benelli M2 wears a Trulock Precision Hunter
extended choke tube that is more consistent than the factory chokes .
. . but the Trulock is not cryogenically treated.
better-patterning shotgun is the one using the better shell and the better
choke. Buffered lead #5 loads handily outperform non-buffered 12 gauge
loads as well as non-buffered 20 gauge loads. It isn't even close.
Browning 725 Citori has a nice, solid feel that some hunters prefer. Having
two barrels (and two chokes) for pheasant hunting is no advantage, for
pheasants don't hit the air at known distances. Barrel selection is a
non-starter on flushing birds unless you have two triggers to work with.
best shell on the market for the money is the Remington Nitro Turkey #NT20M5,
1-1/4 oz. #5 shot, 1185 fps, buffered. The Kent “Ultimate Diamond
Shot Turkey, 1-1/4 oz. #5 shot, 1300 fps is also outstanding.
best shell, period, is the Federal Heavyweight #7, 2-3/4 inch, 1-1/8 oz.
The Kent Tungsten-Matrix Waterfowl 1-1/8 oz. #5 @ 1360 fps is also an
excellent shell that you can use in “no-lead” zones as well.
2014 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
