The Reason for Federal Heavyweight #6
for Turkey
lead turkey loads have long been available in #4, 5, and #6 shot. Number
6 shot patterns “look” better at 40 yards, only because of the
higher pellet count from the same payload. It doesn't mean a higher pattern
percentage or better pattern efficiency, it just appears to be “better.”
At shorter ranges, it may well be the more desirable pattern.
same is true with Federal Heavyweight #7, which produces impressively
saturated targets with the right choke. The reason for larger diameter
shot in lead, or from any other parent material, is penetration. At longer
ranges, less then optimal target presentations, shooting through light
ground cover, higher retained velocity and better penetration means more
lethal pellets, at the cost of reduced pellet count. The difference is

Heavyweight #6 with its 15 gram / cc density is the equivalent of firing
lead #2 shot. At 50 yards, Federal Heavyweight #6 has the same retained
velocity and the same penetration as #2 lead, with a dramatically higher
pellet count: 268 pellets vs. 144 pellets assuming the same 1-5/8 oz.
payload. It actually has a higher pellet count than #4 lead, very close
to #5 lead, yet with the 50 yard performance of #2 lead.
have to choke accordingly, naturally, but the downrange performance of
15g / cc tungsten shot allows you to drop a full four shot sizes vs. lead,
making Federal Heavyweight #6 an impressive choice for long range turkey
or geese.
2014 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
