The Muzzleloading Ignition Myth
wasn't that long ago that three rifles were tested by Outdoor Life, with
a 260 grain Winchester Partition Gold, with both two and three pellets
of Triple Se7en. They were the New England Firearms Huntsman, a “CVA”
Kodiak (CVA's very poorly made knock-off of the T/C Omega), and
the Ultimate Firearms BP Xpress. With two “grain equivalent”
T7 pellets, the least accurate of the three rifles was the Ultimate Firearms
BP Xpress, averaging 2.1 inches at 100 yards. The BP Xpress was also the
least accurate with three T7 pellets, averaging 2.6 inches.
might think, if you buy into all the nonsense concerning the BP Xpress,
claimed to create a “controlled detonation” with Pyrodex pellets
and ridiculously claiming to “fully burn” T7 pellets, that the
Ultimate Firearms BP Xpress would obviously have substantially higher
muzzle velocities than either the CVA or the NEF Huntsman, both of which
used 209 primers.
was not the case, not with Winchester PG sabots, not with Powerbelts,
not with Buffalo 375 grain SSB's. In every single test with “150
grains” of Triple Se7en pellets, the highest muzzle velocities
were from the rifle with the longest barrel, in this case the CVA Kodiak.

screenshot that formed part of the cover of "21st Century Muzzleloading,"
a video I released back in the ancient days . . . of 2003.
ignites a powder charge is trivia, so long as the charge is ignited. The
gas generation from a primer is tiny in a muzzleloader, compared to the
primary charge. A percentage of propellant burn doesn't matter much, for
velocity is velocity no matter how you attain it. What burns the majority
of the propellant is the propellant itself.
burns blackpowder completely, nothing burns Triple Se7en completely, nothing
burns Blackhorn 209 completely: the unburnt solids (smoke) billowing out
of the barrel make it obvious. Centerfire rifle cartridges don't burn
their propellant, completely, either, the reason for flash hiders and
so forth, and the reason barrel length makes a difference as well. If
something was actually consumed completely, we'd often get rid of all
that unnecessary barrel length in rifles and short-barrel AR's would have
the same muzzle velocities as longer-barrel varmint rifles.
long has been common sense and common knowledge is quickly forfeited in
the intoxicated, bizzaro world, alternate universe of marketing.
2014 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.