The First Fifty
Years of Dove Hunting

the latest hunting information, we often consult with family friend, Harry
Heron. Harry, the semi-psychic water-dousing Great Blue Heron is equally
adept at weather forecasts, stock reports, and up-to-date fishing information.
Harry's 6.5 foot wingspan is impressive, regardless of his mysterious
semi-psychic abilities.
marked my first 50 consecutive years of dove hunting. Fifty years ago,
at four years of age, I was out dove hunting with my father. Yesterday,
I did the same. It has been a lot of hulls, guns, and doves along the
it was with a Mossberg .410 bolt action complete with C-Lect choke. Although
I was indeed dove hunting at four years of age and made the gun go bang,
I can't say I actually hit anything. That gun was of necessity, not choice,
and was a lot bigger than I was at the time. It was the opposite of good
gun fit. I carried it out to the dove field, but my Dad carried it back
to the truck "every night" as he likes to remind me.
short while later, I had a Crescent .410 SxS with double triggers and
a cut down stock. That fit well enough that I could actually hit something,
not only dove, but my first pheasants as well. A low-end, low-quality
gun, nevertheless you can't put a price on memories and experiences.
favorite 28 gauge to this day is a Remington 11-48. My Mom hunted with
it before five kids came along, blissfully relieving her of hunting responsibilities.
It is still a wonderful little gun today, doing a fine job within range.
My sister had a great time using it, as did my sister-in-law, along with
some early girlfriends. A fun gun, but with the caveat "within range."
On a good year, the better long range load doesn't matter. Fifteen birds
is the limit here, and if you skip the longer shots and it takes you a
bit longer to bag your limit, that's a big hot steaming pile of "So

question that effectiveness is payload-related. The late Bob Brister,
for example, was a proponent of jump-shooting doves with 1-1/4 oz. loads.
When heading to Argentina, the local loads available were dirty 7/8 oz.
20 gauge loads or 1-1/8 oz. locally loaded Fiocchi 12 gauge loads. I brought
a pair of B-80 12 gauges, "Boy Scouts Motto" and all that, though
only one was ever used. A better load for doves, to be sure, but also
for paloma grande, teal, perdiz, Rosy Bills . . . as this wasn't exclusively
a dove hunt.
Bob Brister was in no way wrong, the classic 1-1/4 oz. #6 shot pigeon
load was and is a fabulous dove load and one I used quite a bit when pigeons
and crows were at the "high pest levels" here in Illinois, no
longer the case.

hardly allergic to 12 gauges; it isn't like I don't have a goodly number
ready to hunt. Last year I dropped quite a few doves with my favorite
longer range dove load, 1-1/8 oz. of hard American #7 pushed by Green
Dot out of my Vinci. I have no more interest in hunting with a 12 gauge
with a 7/8 oz. load than I do in driving an eight-cylinder car with a
couple of plug wires pulled off. So, for quite a while now I have been
using 1 oz. high-antimony #7-1/2 loads out of a 20 gauge as an effective,
appropriate, soft-shooting, and extremely fun balance for Illinois dove.
hunting has its benefits:
BBQ Dove
20 dove breast halves (10 whole breasts)
~ 1/2 cup chopped onion
~ 1 tbsp chopped garlic
~ 1/2 stick butter
~ 1/4 cup favorite bbq sauce
~ 1/3 cup beer
a packet out of foil large enough to hold all of the ingredients.
the ingredients to the packet and seal.
shake packet to distribute and mix ingredients.
over medium heat 20 - 30 minutes or until done turning several times.
Bolognese Sauce
2 dove breasts, finely chopped
~ 2 cloves garlic, minced
~ olive oil
~ 1/2 cup red wine, medium sweet
~ 1 can chopped tomatoes
~ 3 tsp tomato paste
~ 1 tsp basil
~ 1 tsp oregano
~ 1 tsp sugar
~ 1/2 tsp salt
~ 1/2 tsp pepper
~ 1/2 tsp paprika
~ 1/2 medium onion, chopped
~ 6 button mushrooms, thinly sliced
~ your favorite cooked pasta
a small skillet, cook the dove and garlic together in a little olive oil
until brown. Remove and drain.
a sauce pan, combine the cooked dove with the rest of the ingredients.
Stir together.
to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer and cook 10 – 15 minutes.
over your favorite pasta.
Dove Casserole
~ 10 - 12 dove breasts
~ 1 can cream of mushroom soup
~ 1 cup evaporated milk or cream
~ 1 can 8 oz. mushrooms
~ 3 cups cooked wild rice
~ 1/4 tsp. garlic salt
~ 1/4 tsp. celery salt
~ 1 package dry onion soup mix
~ 1 cup shredded cheese
mushroom soup, milk/cream, mushrooms, rice, garlic salt and celery salt
in large casserole dish.
dove breasts over the top of the mixture. Sprinkle onion soup over the
top. Cover and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.
sprinkle with cheese, and continue baking for approximately 20 minutes
or until cheese is melted.
2012 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
