
The 3-1/2
inch Twelve Gauge: Pro and Con
The 3-1/2 inch unfolded
length twelve gauge has been with us for some time by now, having been
introduced in 1988 by Mossberg in the Ulti-Mag. Now, over 25 years later,
you might think that there would be some general consensus as to its value,
but that isn't the case.
The 3-1/2 inch 12
gauge has a higher allowable maximum average pressure (MAP) according
to the SAAMI specification at 14,000 PSI versus the 11,500 PSI of other
twelve gauge shells. Whether factory shells are actually loaded to that
is an unknown, for most ammunition companies don't make that information
available. The general idea of the 3-1/2 inch shell is an attempt to help
out poor-performing steel loads compared to their lead counterparts. That,
it fails to do, for low-density shot can only be low-density shot.
It does offer increased
payloads, though, as 1-1/4 oz. is a common 3 inch steel load and 1-1/2
oz. is a common 3-1/2 inch steel load. Along with increased payloads,
you naturally get increased recoil and another negative is that they tend
to be obnoxiously loud, a good technique for destroying your hearing and
annoying your buddies.
Shotgun manufacturers tend to like 3-1/2 chambered guns, for they can
sell you a gun that costs no more to make for more dollars. Is there any
advantage? Well, comparing 1400 fps 1-1/4 oz. loads to 1500 fps 1-1/2
oz. steel loads, there is. As is always the case, it varies by individual
gun, choke, and shell, but you can get roughly the same pattern percentages
with 3-1/2 inch shells as you can with 3 inch steel shells.
The notion that the
1-1/2 oz. payload of the 3-1/2 inch shell is something wondrous does not
bear any scrutiny, for 1-1/2 oz. 2-3/4 inch 12 gauge shells aren't unusual,
and my favorite turkey load is 1-1/2 ounces out of a 20 gauge, albeit
at modest velocity.

of a representative 3 inch steel shell (Load One) vs. a common 3.5 inch
steel shotshell.
The negatives include
unwanted noise, unwanted recoil, and unwanted sticker price on the gun.
The 3-1/2 inch steel ammo is a bit more expensive as well. Flipside, it
does give you more payload in a steel application and can be a marginally
better long range load . . . in the neighborhood of five yards or so.
Not so with most lead
loads, where 3-1/2 shells pattern more poorly than than 3 inch shells
for the most part.
The rest comes down to the individual gun. For inertia guns, you lose
reliability on the extreme low end of things, although I personally hunt
with nothing lighter than 1 oz. loads in anything: 12, 16, or 20 gauge.
In several tests, 3-1/2 inch Maxus, Super Vinci, and A400 3-1/2 in. guns
all handled factory 1 oz. loads for me without issues.
The 3-1/2 autoloader
also makes sense when that's the only way it is offered, as in the Versa
Max. The Versa Max action does nothing to compensate for 2-3/4 inch shells,
but it does automatically block off three its seven ports when using 3
inch unfolded shells, and is the softest shooting 12 gauge, when shooting
3 inch shells, on the market due to three factors: the automatic port
block off, its substantial eight pound weight, and its extremely thick
recoil pad.
So, there are valid
reasons why a 3-1/2 12 gauge makes some sense, but very few, and only
with very comparatively very few autoloading shotguns. The performance-minded
individual will avoid steel altogether, for there is no 3-1/2 inch shell
that compares with Tungsten Matrix and other higher density shot materials.
2014 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
