new One Mile Rifle: Savage 110BA Tactical .338 Lapua Magnum

Long range shooters rejoice: Savage
Arms has unveiled their new .338 Lapua Magnum Tactical rifle, using the
.338 Lapua round that has a maximum effective range of 1910 yards. The
beginnings what is now known as the .338 Lapua Magnum began back in 1983,
when a company by the name of Research Armament Industries began work
on this project using the .416 Rigby as the parent case. That specific
project ran into financial difficulties.
Lapua designed and released the .338
Lapua Magnum in 1989 when it was registered with the C.I.P. Lapua used
an extensive redesign of the .338/.416 cartridge case, using varying brass
hardness to come up with a uniquely pressure resistant case. The following
image shows the .338 Lapua Mag compared to a .308.

The published Lapua ammo specs, using
a 27 inch test barrel, are as follows.

The cartridge can deliver consistent hits at 1,500 yards and a .338 rifle
weighs only a couple of pounds more than many tactical .308 rifles. Though
requiring a muzzle brake and absolutely mandatory hearing protection for
the shooter and everyone around the shooter, it is a far more manageable
option for the long range sport shooter than the .50 BMG, for example.
At the range in Las Vegas, the Savage 110 BA was routinely popping targets
at about 880 yards. Here's a look at the Savage specifications for this
new rifle.

With the new Accu-Trigger, Accu-Stock
Savage, you are looking at one of the most advanced rifles of its type
ever offered, at somewhere around $1500 less than a Sako TRG-42. Extreme
long range aficionados have a lot to get excited about this year.
2010 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
to get the most out of your new Savage? Visit with the gang at Savage
Shooters-- they are happy to help!