Reinvents the Rimfire Rifle: Ruger American .22 WinMag Review

Ruger American Rimfire bolt-action rifle, chambered for .22 Winchester
Magnum Rimfire, is one of the most impressive rimfires I've tested in
years. It retails for $329 in all models (standard, compact, .22 LR or
.22 WinMag) with a street price in the $289 area. It is an extensive rethinking
of the rimfire bolt-action rifle and very good thinking at that.
the last several years, rimfire rifles have been largely dominated by
the Ruger 10/22 for autoloaders and Savage Arms for bolt action rifles.
When Savage applied a version of their Accu-Trigger, developed in 2002,
to their rimfires it did the same for rimfire bolt-action market as it
had for the bolt-action market: it completely changed it. In what might
surprise no one, a Ruger 10/22 is my most often used .22 autoloading rifle
and a Savage Mark II BV is one of my most often used, and most accurate,
.22 bolt action rifles.
has been room for improvement in just about anything and that is true
of the Savage rimfire bolt action. The factory Savage single stack magazines
are not particularly well-done, are rattle-prone, and are aesthetically
vulgar. A flush-fitting rotary magazine, if well-done, is a very good
thing as far as I'm concerned, whether it is a Ruger 10/22 or a Browning
X-Bolt centerfire. I find them convenient and they tend to help make bolt-actions
work and feel smoother. The basic specs for the tested Ruger American
Rimfire standard length model follow.
Number: AMER-RF
Model Number: 8321
Chambering: 22 WMRF
Barrel Length: 22 inches
Overall length: 41 inches
Length of Pull: 13.75 inches
Catalog weight: 6 pounds
Barrel Rate of Twist: 1:14 Right Hand, 6 groove rifling
MSRP: $329.00
with the rifle are two different buttstock modules, one with a raised
comb and one with the standard configuration. It has a folding rear sight
and a fiber-optic front ramp. No external scope bases are supplied, but
the receiver is machined to serve as the common 3/8 inch base.
trigger on this rifle, the “Ruger Marksman Adjustable Trigger,”
is superb. Listed as user-adjustable from 3-5 pounds, it broke at a crisp
3 lbs. right out of the box so no further attention was needed or desired.

Scope Mounts makes an excellent quick release set of 1 inch rings for
3/8 in. machined receivers, so if you want to use your iron sights you
can do so in a few moments. They were used to attach a Burris Fullfield
E1 2-7 x 35mm scope with no issues. The ammo used was what we had on hand,
Winchester S22M2 Supreme 30 grain jacketed hollow point at 2250 fps (B.C.
of .0893, 1450 fps retained at 100 yards). This ammo has now been relabeled
as the Winchester “Varmint HV” round, yet is the same loading.
Sighting in at 50 yards was effortless, taking only a few three-shot groups.

Ruger American Rimfire has enough interesting and useful features that
I'll take the time to go through several areas, point by point. It is
hard to find fault with the rifle, though it is my job to try.
comparisons to the Savage Accu-Trigger beg to be made. As a practical
matter, there is little discernible difference in break or feel. The Ruger
Marksman trigger is going to be preferred by some shooters, though, and
here is why. Savage Accu-Triggers require that you pull on the trigger
correctly. If you don't, side-swiping the trigger, the gun decocks. You'll
have to cycle the action, recocking, in order to fire.
Ruger trigger also requires that you pull on the trigger correctly. However,
with the Ruger, if the center flap of the trigger is not pulled flush
with the trigger face, the trigger is frozen in place and cannot be pulled.
You'll be forced to pull on the trigger correctly and then you will fire
the gun with no recocking required.
is hard to love blow-molded plastic stocks, for properly done walnut stocks
are generally stronger, more weatherproof, far easier on the eyes, better-feeling,
and can be fitted and refinished. The issue is cost. Lufthansa had no
problem trashing the extremely nice piece of walnut on my Browning X-Bolt,
but they also sent me a check for $580 to cover a new stock, fitting,
and bedding. That's twice the price of the complete Ruger American Rimfire
for just a factory replacement stock. The average consumer doesn't want
to pay for quality walnut stocks, so polyethylene is with us for good.
Laminated stocks are stronger, more rigid, and more weatherproof than
generic plastic, with their hefty weight the only drawback. They cost
more than plastic as well.
a plastic stock, the Ruger fares better than most. It does feel good in
the hands, better than most, and the interchangeable buttstock ends are
effortless to use. In the tested example, the Burris Fullfield E1 mounted
low enough that the included higher comb stock module was not needed.
When using a scope and mount combination that sits higher, you'll appreciate
the factory included stock module, though.
sole quibble is that the factory Ruger stock has no rubber buttplate,
just hard plastic at the butt. It isn't needed for recoil attenuation,
but it does help keep rifles from slipping and sliding around in a gun
cabinet and should have been part of the stock module system.
action is extremely smooth, with positive and error-free feeding and ejection.
The 9-shot rotary magazine fits flush and with the extended magazine release,
is very fast to change. The 90 degree throw bolt has a nicely turned bolt
handle as well. Overall, it is a well-designed and beautifully machined
little action.
two-position tang safety is easy to get on and off, no problematic over-stiffness,
and it doesn't rattle. The safety is extremely well-done here as well.
tool-blackening oxide finish evenly applied and the barrel exterior has
a better level of polish than the rough, matte treatments. The metal work
is better finished than most offerings in this price category.

on the flawless functionality, excellent accuracy, superb trigger, excellent
handling, and reasonable price point, this is the most satisfying new
rimfire rifle I've tested in a very long time, at this price point. Ruger
has done a fine job in design and execution: this rifle will sell like
crazy and it really should. Congratulations to Sturm, Ruger & Company
for upping their game at an affordable price. The Ruger American Rimfire
richly deserves to be highly recommended, and that's what my opinion is
with no hesitation. Ruger has accomplished a lot in general with this
product, even more considering its very high price / performance ratio.
Anyone will enjoy this rifle; I sure did.
2013 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.