2015 Ruger LCRx .38 Special Revolver

new for 2015 Ruger LCRx revolver builds upon the popular LCR series of
revolvers, coming with an exposed hammer, adjustable sights, and a bit
longer 3 inch barrel. The factory published specifications are as follows.
Number: 5431 | Caliber: 38 Spl +P
Finish: Matte Black, Synergistic Hard Coat
Grip: Hogue® Tamer™ Monogrip®
Front Sight: Replaceable, Pinned Ramp
Rear Sight: Adjustable Black Blade
Barrel Material: Stainless Steel
Cylinder Finish: Ionbond Diamondblack™
Length: 3.00"
Overall Length: 7.50"
Height: 5.80"
Width: 1.28"
Weight: 15.70 oz.
Capacity: 5
Twist: 1:18.75" RH
Grooves: 6
MA Approved & Certified: No
CA Approved: No
Suggested Retail: $545.00
The previously tested LCR has a 1.875 inch barrel. Standard data industry
data shows a muzzle velocity increase of about 125 fps with a .38 Special
for a 3 inch barrel vs. a 2 inch barrel. To cite a few examples, a Cor
Bon 110 grain JHP averages 675 fps from a 2 inch vented barrel, increasing
to 851 fps with a 3 inch barrel. The Cor Bon 110 grain DPX velocities
are 814 fps and 963 fps, and the Federal 125 grain Hydra-Shock averages
700 fps with a 2 inch barrel, but 831 fps with a 3 inch barrel. An 18%
percent velocity increase is a lot more than trivia, as far as I'm concerned.
to the integral fixed sight 1.875 inch LCR, this model adds only a couple
of ounces, weighing in right at a pound unloaded. It also is still a fairly
thin revolver at approximately 1-1/4 inches. The price is attractive as
well, retailing at $545 with a street price in the $420 area.
the subject has been more than thoroughly covered, the .38 Special +P
in general rates above the .380 ACP, but a clear notch back from the 9mm
and .357 Magnum, although all four cartridges have essentially 9mm projectiles.
One example is the current Remington Ultimate Defense loads, all with
4 inch barrel velocities: 940 fps MV for the .380 with a 102 grain bullet,
975 fps for the .38 Special (+P) with a 125 grain bullet, and 1125 fps
for a 9mm Luger with a 124 grain bullet. Out of this 3 inch Ruger LCRx,
you can expect 850 fps or so with a heavier bullet than you'd normally
throw out of a .380.
the concealed carry / home defense / self defense category of handguns,
there is (to say the very least) a lot of personal preference in play.
Some are intrigued by the notion of “power,” yet “powerful
handguns” that aren't painful to shoot are far too bulky and heavy
to be considered convenient carry firearms. How much weight and bulk you
can tolerate is of course, up to you.
tell you why I am impressed with this version of Ruger's LCR series and
you can determine for yourself if this makes sense for your needs. There
are several appealing things about revolvers. They are self-explanatory
to use, there is no issue with stove-piping or limp-wristing, no one is
inadvertently going to drop or loosen a magazine, there are no external
safeties to fuss with, no silly “chamber loaded indicators”
to obsess over, no potential for a slide biting your hand, and so forth.
The 3 inch barrel is preferable over shorter barrels as it not only gives
you better velocity, but also a longer sighting plane, less muzzle flip,
and less muzzle flash. The obvious negative is lack of capacity, but at
the same time better capacity 9mm semi-autos are often substantially heavier.
My Glock 19 is right at two pounds when fully loaded.
with previously tested LCR models, the LCRx has a wonderfully smooth double-action
trigger pull. In single-action mode, the trigger breaks at 6 lbs. or so
and is glass-rod level crisp. While the LCRx is no all-day plinker or
target pistol, by any means, it is quite manageable to shoot and a bit
softer-shooting than the 1-7/8 inch barreled model as well. The slight
increase in weight vs. the prior LCR helps, but the larger Hogue grips
seem to make the most difference. It is a practical all-around carry /
nightstand / saelf-defense piece. Detailed range results to follow.
2015 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.