of Military Style Weapons

What actually is a military style
weapon has been well known for the last century. To listen to
some pundits and politicians, who remain perpetually clueless
about them, most would be forced to question the mental
impairment of these same pundits and politicians. If we aren't
going to use the military definition of a military weapon, then
really . . . what purpose is the discussion?
Military style weapons have been
nasty things. They come in a couple of easy to discern styles:
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear. Military style
delivery systems are of course armed drones, rockets, guided
bombs, cruise missiles, and so forth. These are the ideas of a
military style of weapon that civilians do not want protected as
part of the Second Amendment.
In World War I, poison gas
accounted for about 88,000 deaths and about 1.24 million non
quickly fatal casualties. Near the end of World War II,
Operation Downfall, the Allied name for the invasion of Japan,
included plans for use of poison gas. We “advanced” to Agent
Orange in 1961 – 1971, all part of the U.S. Military chemical
warfare program “Operation Ranch Hand.” Nearly all of the food
they had been destroying was not being produced for guerrillas;
it was, in reality, only being grown to support the local
civilian population. Widespread famine occurred as a result,
leaving hundreds of thousands of people malnourished or
starving. An estimated 400,000 were killed or maimed, with
500,000 children born with birth defects as a result.
Operation Downfall was canceled
after a newer military style weapon, the atom bomb, was used on
August 6, 1945 on Hiroshima with 90,000-166,000 deaths from
“Little Boy” by the end of 1975. Fat Man on Nagasaki took 60,000
– 80,000 lives in short order. As far as cost, according to
Stephen I. Schwartz, the publisher of The Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists, “United States expenditures for nuclear weapons
and weapons-related programs between 1940 and 1996 consumed
nearly $5.5 trillion in adjusted 1996 dollars. That is 29
percent of all military spending and 11 percent of all Federal
Government spending.” Mr Schwartz further wrote, “As
for lives lost, while the United States and the Soviet Union
did not fight on the battlefield, hundreds of thousands of
American and Soviet citizens were exposed to the radioactive
and toxic byproducts of nuclear weapons production and testing
in their own countries. The human toll of these activities is
only now beginning to be quantified.” (New York Times, May
20, 1999).
It is blatantly dishonest and
wrongful to label shoulder-fired semi-automatic firearms as
“military style” or “exclusively weapons for the battlefield.”
They are not, nor have they been for many generations. The
nuclear age has been with us for close to 70 years. The weapons
of war are ICBMs, Predator Drones, and so forth. The BGM-109
Tomahawk cruise missile has been with us since 1983 and the
American taxpayer pays dearly for them: $1.4 million or so per
pop in 2011. Now, thirty years after the Tomahawk and over 67
years after using nuclear warheads on the battlefield, we have a
clumsy, nonsensical political desire to recast semi-automatic
shoulder fired rifles as “weapons only of war.”
We have far more impressive light
gear: the MK-19-3 Grenade Machine Gun (1983) and the M240B
machine gun (1997) are two examples. The various towed Howitzers
have been around for a good long while, the M119A1/A2 105mm
towed howitzer has been around since 1989., with a standard
range of 14,000 meters. 19,500 meters rocket-assisted. The MLRS
(Multiple Launch Rocket System) needs only a crew of three and
handles many targets to 300 miles or so: it has been around
since 1983. Towed Howitzers, MLRS units, Grenade Machine guns .
. . all handy things have in addition to Apache Longbows, armed
drones, and myriad other assets. You can forget a semi-automatic
shoulder-fired rifle as military weapon-- we don't use them, nor
does any significant military power. Don't politicians have any
clue what they have been spending all the tax dollars on? If
they did, they would certainly know the difference between a
weapon of the battlefield and a consumer-grade self-loading
rifle that is 55 years old, which is precisely what the Armalite
Rifle is.
Well, we already have an estimated
20,000 or so gun laws on the books. We had an “Assault Weapons
Ban” with no statistical effect. The Brady Bill / Background
check system has also has no measurable effect: no statistically
discernible effect on reducing gun deaths, according to the
study by Philip J. Cook, a Duke University professor of public
policy, economics and sociology. "The Brady Bill seems to
have been a failure," stated Cook.
As far as I'm concerned, a
reasonable law has to be well-reasoned. That might sound
redundant, but merely calling something “reasonable” hardly
makes it so without reasonable study and consideration. If a law
is unconstitutional, it isn't reasonable. Yet, those who have
sworn to defend the Constitution seem to lose their minds every
time they introduce unconstitutional laws. If our elected
representatives understood what they were swearing to, it
wouldn't be such a mess: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm)
that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United
States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will
bear true faith and allegiance to the same . . .” By what
theory can introducing an unconstitutional piece of legislation,
or voting for it, coexist with support and defending the
Constitution? That isn't reasonable.

to the FBI, the violent crime rate has been in a steep decline
in the U.S. for the last 20 years.
reasonable law, even if constitutional, must be shown to be
effective. It isn't like crime or violence is rarely studied. It
has long been deeply, relentlessly studied which is precisely
why we know gun laws, like drug laws, only effect those who wish
to obey the law. Gun laws don't work. It is cowardly and creepy
to exploit the tragic loss of children to advance an agenda
based on emotion, not reason. Emotion-based law cannot be
reasonable. And what of the estimated 1.5 million times a year
personal firearms are used by law-abiding citizens to thwart or
stop crime? It isn't reasonable to ignore this, not if you
believe in well-reasoned law.
about “guns in schools?” Apparently few have heard of the State
of Utah. Utah school personnel have had the right (since 2001)
with concealed weapon permits, to carry firearms in schools and
universities. There have been no injuries to students injured in
Utah since teachers were allowed to have firearms. It isn't a
gun question, of course, but an overall security question and
strategy situation.
an elected official says something so dumb that it hurts that I
can't refrain from citing it. In this case, New York City Mayor
Michael Bloomberg recently said (CNN): "There are lives
involved here. And if you can save one life, isn't that worth
trying?" One life? Mike Bloomberg must have far more
dollars than brain cells. I would suggest it if Mayor Bloomberg
wants to save a life, he can spend some of his $25 Billion on
crash helmets. It is common knowledge that of the 35,000 –
40,000 dead on American highways every year, many are innocent
children. Head injuries are a leading cause of death; merely
wearing protective headgear would most assuredly not just save
the one life that Mayor Bloomberg aspires to, it would save
thousands of deaths and countless non-lethal injuries. Only Mike
Bloomberg would rather shred the Constitution, tax and hassle
the law-abiding citizen rather than funding crash helmets for
toddlers. Many brave American have died for their Country. They
did not die for politicians, they did not sacrifice for Mike
Bloomberg's fantasy of what an assault weapon might be, and they
sure didn't fight to return home to a country that tries to tell
you what size soda you can drink.
it is good for television talk shows or not, violent crime rate
in the United States is in a steep decline and has been for the
last 20 years. Violent crime rates have continued to fall
despite the sunset of the ineffective "Assault Weapons Ban"that
expired on September 13, 2004 and an increase in concealed carry
permits. Certainly mental health is an issue, but not an easy
one. In 2012, we lost more U.S. troops to suicide than on the
battlefield (Reuters, Jan. 14, 2013). We do know that those with
mental health issues are no more prone to violence then the
general population, yet are far more likely to be a victim of
violence than to be perpetrators. What about background checks?
Note also that the media-celebrated Virginia Tech and Aurora,
Colorado shooters both passed multiple background checks.

about that alleged "Gun Show Loophole?" It doesn't seem to be
much of a loophole at all.
1) Better enforce the gun laws already on the books.
Eliminate soft target "gun free" zones already shown to attract
violence from Post Office to school to shopping centers.
Understand that police are called to the scene after a crime,
not before. Accept what is know fact: guns are used to prevent
far more violent acts than they are used to perpetrate.
Continue to punish the wrong-doers, but do a better job at it.
But also protect the U.S. Constitution and the right of
self-defense by law-abiding citizens.
must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember
always that accusation is not proof and that conviction
depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk
in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an
age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our
doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful
men ... We proclaim ourselves, as indeed we are, the defenders
of freedom, wherever it continues to exist in the world, but
we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.”
-- Edward R. Murrow
As Edward Murrow suggested, Liberty &
Freedom is not a spectator sport. Statutes passed by emotion,
not by reason, are invariably unreasonable.

2013 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.