Kim Rhode hits
the Gold . . . Again

Rhode, center, wins the Gold over Diana Bacosi of Italy and Brandy Drozd
of the USA.
26, 2012, in Tuscon, Arizona kicked of the I.S.S.F. season. Kim Rhode,
already qualified for this summer's London Olympics, is well on her way
to becoming the first American athlete in history to medal in an individual
event in five consecutive Olympics. Her Tuscon performance was stunning.
For starters, set a new World Record breaking all 75 targets in the qualifying
round. Previously, Kim had equalled the previous record of 74/75 twice.
Elena Little set it (GBR) at the 2005 ISSF Shotgun World Cup in Belgrade.
a new World Record for Kim along with a tie of the Finals World Record
of 99/100. Seven birds back, Diana Bacosi of Italy tied 18-year-old Brandy
Drozd of Bryan, Texas. Diana Bacosi won the shoot-off, taking the Silver
for Italy.

always happy, but setting a world record and winning the Gold doesn't
hurt, either.
2012 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.