Stocks: Wood, Plastic, Synthetic, or What?

a beautifully figured walnut shotgun blank, yours for 625 Euro from Octopus
stock blanks, located in Turkey.
modern firearms are offered with plastic stocks, synthetic stocks, or
stocks generously called “composite.” This is sometimes presented
as an actual benefit over hardwood stocks or laminated stocks. Things
are rarely what they seem to be.
is an imprecise term, meaning only man-made, non-natural, or artificial
in common use. Though it stems from “synthesis,” as in a chemical
synthesis, compound, blend, mixture, or cocktail, that sure doesn't tell
the consumer anything of value. Though portrayed as desirable, too often
synthetic stocks are just the opposite. Often produced only because they
are cheap, the generic synthetic stock may lack rigidity, strength, water
resistance, chemical resistance, add noise, and have the aesthetically
vulgar visible mold lines that are hard on the eyes. Aging studies have
been conducted of nylon 66 (yes, the same plastic the Remington Nylon
66 got its name from) situations like smog environments caused the loss
of about 63% of its tensile strength after six months. Nylon yarn exposed
to humidity lost between 40% and 85% of its strength after six months
contingent on temperature. These studies, by Sandia National Laboratories
(1982), were of great concern, as Sandia has design responsibilities for
weapons systems parachutes, parachutes designed with low (2.0 – 2.2)
service factors. Temperature, ozone, smog, temperature, humidity all may
rapidly decay nylon. Various thermoplastics exhibit creep, moisture uptake,
outgassing, and other problems associated with humidity and heat.
of this is seen as beneficial, except not in gunstocks. Shotshell wads,
for example, that decay rapidly when exposed to UV light are considered
biodegradeable. Not too many people are interested in a gunstock that
biodegrades when you are using it, though. There are no absolutes in stocks,
but there are generalities.
the goal is price, the plastic stock you get on a “value” or
entry-level gun is going to be made with cost of production in mind. While
it may be adequate for some, it is generally the lowest form of riflestock
you can acquire. This is regardless of brand, it is just the way it is.
We wanted cheap and we got exactly what we said we wanted. Matte, unpolished
finishes and cheap tupperware stocks are intrinsic to the value genre
of gun. Did we really, honestly think it could be otherwise?
has been a preferred stock material for ages. Properly selected, cured,
and inletted walnut stocks are remarkably durable, rigid, and long lasting.
For aesthetics and feel, they have no equal. Walnut is also in great demand
for furniture, bowls, and as a result of its cost is often used as veneer.
Shortage of walnut in times past has forced the use of lesser woods. Even
now, the cost of an extremely high-grade shotgun blank, seasoned by three
years of drying may cost $850 or more. When want the entire gun for less
than the cost of the stock blanks themselves, it isn't hard to see why
truly high-grade stock sets are not at all standard fare today.
of the best current alternatives is laminated wood stocks. Formed under
high pressure and heat, they are far stronger than generic plastic stocks,
do not degrade with exposure to UV and humidity, are more rigid and they
promote accuracy as a direct result of that quality. They have only one
negative in the minds of many: as glue is used between the strips of wood,
they may be heavy compared to thermoplastic stocks and are denser than
natural walnut.
are “synthetics” and then there are composites. Hand-laminated
fiberglass cloth stocks (or graphite cloth) stocks as offered by McMillan,
for example. The latest, graphite cloth McMillan “Hunters Edge”
stocks run about $578. Strength and quality has a price.
have been improvements that seek to combine affordability with accuracy.
The Savage AccuStock is the most noteworthy factory offering in this regard,
as the barreled action to stock integrity is unitized by the aluminum
bedding block both by action screw attachment and squeezing of the action
from the sizes. It is metal to metal fit, eliminating stress and creep
to the stock shell itself. There are other aluminum bedding block or chassis
type systems as aftermarket, offered by Accurate Innovations in walnut
and hardwood laminates and H-S Precision in synthetic composites.
to some popularly held beliefs, molded thermoplastic stocks are by far
the worst in terms of strength, accuracy, durability, weather-resistance,
and longevity. A look at long range competitive shooting will not show
you anything approaching the generic, blow-molded thermoplastic stock.
You will see laminated stocks well-represented, though, one very clear
demonstration of the desirability of today's laminated stock.
naturally, is not the same as paper-punching and striving to shave thousandths
of an inch isn't at all important or applicable. The target isn't an inch,
much less a tenth of an inch. Hunts are not successes or failures based
on minutes of angle; minutes of whitetail is a different matter. Chuck
Hawks asked the question a while back, to the effect of “What is
more natural in the woods, anyway? Wood or plastic?” Wood is of course
an excellent gunstock material, based on strength, density, as well as
the overwhelming advantage when it comes to appearance. Our notions of
wood as not being durable should be questioned by such vessels as the
U.S.S. Constitution, which performed an underway demonstration in late
October, 2009, firing shots from her port and starboard batteries to honor
the 16 states that comprised America when she was launched . . .
in 1797. White pine, longleaf pine, white oak, and southern live oak were
used in her construction. Hunting hardly requires the long-term exposure
to the elements endured by a 44-gun three masted warship. Though not the
cheapest stock material, quality walnut remains the most satisfying.
you decide upon in your personal “price-performance ratio,”
it is always good to consider that something you have to buy twice is
no one's bargain. Laminated gunstocks are among the most accurate for
the dollar, while walnut stocks or true composite stocks like the McMillan
graphite often make the most long-term sense. Personally, I always enjoy
the look of well-figured wood, but can hardly get excited about highly
polished plastic made by old world craftsmen. For milk jugs and garbage
can lids, it is a different story. For a firearm worth keeping, unintentionally
biodegradeable plastics are not my first choice. Wood and laminated wood
stocks might be a lot better than you think and synthetic stocks just
might be a lot worse.
2010 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.