
Favorite Topic: Recoil
The perpetual favorite
topic of shotgunning (and firearms in general) has always been recoil.
Recoil itself is easy to calculate, there have been very handy calculators
available for many years by now, that show what free recoil is, and how
payload, velocity, and gun weight affect it.
You might think that
after all of these years there just wouldn't be much left to discuss,
but to say that it isn't discussed is an understatement along the lines
of saying, “General Motors recalled an automobile.” Agreeing
isn't much fun, apparently, so we don't agree on simplistic things like
gun weight. But, weight just is, and whether we feel it is heavy or think
it is light, then so it is. No matter how hot or how cold a room gets,
it is still “room temperature.”
It is particularly
bad with shotguns, for everyone makes the “World's Softest Shooting
Shotgun.” Just read the ads, or ask them. Everyone has “that
model.” It is a pity, though, for now the savvy consumer has to assume
that gun companies are always lying. If it really is the “world's”
something or other, than only one company can possibly be telling the
truth. Gun companies don't mind suing each other at all, Browning is suing
Ruger right now, but I've never heard of a “most reliable,”
“fastest cycling,” or “lowest recoil” lawsuit. Some
companies don't believe their own nonsense.
But, as folks like
to point up, the point isn't recoil, it is just a feeling, with no coincidence
it has been dubbed, “Felt Recoil.” It is a perfect term for
marketing, because feelings about things cannot be shown. If you feel
we have been invaded by Martians, well . . . the straight fact is, that
is how you feel. It isn't easy to disprove. Just because we can't find
them on Mars is no explanation, as they could have all landed here before
recorded history. It isn't that easy to check the records of unrecorded
history, of course.
The solution for
the individual is easy enough, just shoot every shotgun ever made with
every available shell and “Bingo!,” there is the answer. The
only catch is that the human lifespan is not without its limits.
Here's a subjective
example using three twenty gauge autoloaders, selected at random. They
are a vintage Browning alloy B-80 at 6-1/4 lbs., a Weatherby SA-08 Deluxe
at 6 pounds, and a Benelli M2 Comfortech at 6 lbs. These guns were shot
all afternoon with a variety of loads; the video mercifully does show
all of it. The unscientific comparison is with F2 Legend 1 ounce loads.
You might be disappointed
to hear that none of these three shotguns are the softest-shooting we
have used, not even close. Yet none of them are anything but completely
comfortable to shoot with 7/8 oz. loads. One ounce loads were used so
the difference could at least be felt.
If you want a pillow
to shoot, go with a heavy gas gun such as a steel Browning B-80, Remington
1100, or the older and heavier Browning Golds. Only the 1100 is still
made, so that suggests that recoil isn't all it is made out to be, particularly
for a hunting gun. Sure, a good recoil pad can help things, so does proper
gun fit, but there is no agreement about the best recoil pad or precise
gun dimensions for all. A buttstock with a bigger contact area of course
spreads rearward movement over a larger area, but we don't all have the
same shoulder pockets, either, so bigger isn't always better . . . it
may be worse.
Gas operated guns
are softer-shooting, as a class, there is no doubt. Yet, it hardly means
that a really light gas gun with a hard plastic buttplate throwing the
heaviest payload available (that would be 1-1/2 oz. in 20 gauge) is going
to be a lot of fun for all day use. It isn't.
At the end of the
day, here's how they ranked. Softest-shooting: the no longer made Browning
alloy B-80 (essentially a Beretta 302 series action) with a rubber butt
plate, followed by the quarter-pound lighter Weatherby SA-08 with a softer,
better recoil pad, followed by the comparatively harsh-shooting Benelli
M2 ComforTech. There is no doubt as to the ranking, according to my shoulder.
Yet, of the three,
the differences are not huge, and really aren't enough to matter with
7/8 oz. loads. As it happens, for wild pheasant with 1-1/4 oz. to 1-5/16
oz. lead loads that I normally use, the Benelli M2 is my favorite due
to fit and the way it comes up. Though three inch shells are nothing to
bother with for clay pigeons, wild pheasant hunting isn't high volume
shooting and heavier upland hunting clothes do their own bit of adding
to the comfort level.
The downside to gas
guns is the same as always, they need to be cleaned, while the inertia
and long-recoil guns can be almost ignored. Almost, just keep a drop of
oil on the rails of a Benelli or similar, half a drop of oil on the sliding
contact surfaces of an A-5.
2014 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.
