Benelli MR-1 HD Rifle, Part One

an intuitive stockweld, a very good trigger, and quick and easy operation,
the MR-1 is one of the most desirable HD / utility rifle platforms available.
The soft-shooting MR-1 takes standard AR magazines as well and is good
to go right out of the box.
years ago we reviewed the Benelli MR-1 .223 Remington / 5.56 x 45mm NATO
autoloading rifle. With the continued interest in general purpose HD and
tactical rifles, we've decided to take a closer look. The Benelli MR-1
has been one of the best-performing .223 autoloaders tested in the last
several years, so it deserves more attention.
basic specifications are listed as follows.
Chambering: .223 Remington / 5.56 x 45 NATO
Barrel length: 16 inches
Rate of twist: 1 turn in 9 inches
Overall length: 37.1 inches
Weight: approx. 8 lbs.
Benelli MR-1 has a .223 C.I.P chamber and is marked as .223. According
to Benelli, it is compatible with .223 Remington, 5.56 x 45 NATO, and
of course .223 C.I.P. Commercial .223 Remington ammunition is all I use
in any of my .223 rifles and it is all that I have used in this rifle
as well. There have been no malfunctions or other issues to date, regardless
of ammunition brand or projectile weight.

MR-1 bolt is released just by pulling it back, or using the bolt release
at the front of the trigger guard. A total of four Picatinny rails are
included, the largest on top of the receiver with a trio of smaller rails
on the forearm. This forearm is listed as "optional" by Benelli.
The large rectangular magazine release button, shown above, is duplicated
on the left side of the rifle.
trigger on the Benelli MR-1 breaks at about five pounds, after a small
amount of initial take-up. This is refreshing change from many of the
horrible triggers on Armalite Rifle or Armalite Rifle variants out there,
such as the nasty 9-1/4 pound break on the recently tested Ruger SR556E.
Tastes vary, but the hoary AR platform is both antiquated and aesthetically
vulgar as far as I'm concerned. The watermelon-killing Air Force target
rifle of 55 years ago poops where it eats, and has been one of the most
embarrassing episodes in U. S. military history. Despite the clumsy attempts
to rebrand the Armalite Rifle as the “Modern Sporting Rifle,”
it clearly is anything but. Though the mimicry of anything adopted by
the U.S. military is understandable, the utility of the Armalite rifle
remains a mystery.
stocks might seem like a good idea at first blush, but they destroy the
usefulness of any optic that has fixed eye relief. If you wear Kevlar
underwear and trip or snag on car doors, perhaps they make a bit more
sense. It isn't what makes sense for a utility or HD rifle, though, where
you want something simple, reliable, intuitive, and something that offers
a consistent stockweld. Collapsible stocks certainly do not. Law enforcement
professionals that I have known for years invariably choose simplicity
over gimmickry.

representative five quick shots at 50 yards using tough, 55 grain TSX,
all-copper Barnes VOR-TX ammunition with the factory iron peep sight array.
of the box, the Benelli MR-1 comes with all you need, featuring a snag-free
peep sight that is adjustable with the rim of 5.56 brass. Setting up at
50 yards, despite the fairly thick front blade, it was easy to hold rapid-fire
five shot strings within 1-1/4 inch or so. At 50 yards, that's certainly
“minute of coyote,” “minute of groundhog,”
much less “minute of bad guy.” Self defense situations
are measured in feet, of course, not yards.

in a while there is discussion about how much the 223 is nerfed by use
of a 16 inch barrel, with some claiming it is little more than a .22 Hornet.
Not true, though there is velocity loss with shorter barrels. Factory
velocity with Federal P22B 45 grain ammo (24 inch test barrel) is published
at 2690 fps 15 ft. muzzle velocity. Using the MagnetoSpeed bayonet-mounted
chrono, as you can see above, with the heavier Barnes bullet the average
actual muzzle velocity is 2879 fps, a substantial jump from the .22 Hornet
that of course yields not only a couple of hundred feet per second weaker
velocities with a longer test barrel, but also shows velocity loss in
concert with barrel length just as the case with the 223 Rem.
is just part one of the MR-1 coverage. The next phase is enlisting the
help of LE professionals, for a pro and con comparison of the Benelli
MR-1 vs. the M-4 AR platform. To be continued.
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