Benelli's MR-1 .223
Autoloader: A Game-Changer?

has a been a lot of interest over the last couple of years in “AR”
type rifles, whether it is just the look or one of the seemingly endless
variations of the hoary old Eugene Stoner design. E. M. applied for his
patent back in 1956, a patent finally granted on September 6, 1960. There
has been no shortage of M16 critics, notably Jim Sullivan, leader of the
original design team.
a PBS Newshour broadcast of September 24, 2007, Mr. Sullivan notes that
“They're right exactly where they were when we gave them the M-16
in 1960. They haven't advanced an inch. That AK-74 out-hits the M-16 by
two to one on full automatic. And the reason that there was 100 million
AKs made wasn't to equip the Russian army. It was to give to our third
world opponents so the United States can't win ground wars anymore. It's
the rifleman and his rifle, that's what decides ground wars.”
Army's own tests showed that the M-4 finished dead last in sandstorm reliability
testing versus the the M4-based HK416, the FNH USA-designed Mk16 SOCOM
Combat Assault Rifle, and the H&K XM8 carbine. The HK416 was “3.77x
more reliable than the M4,” the FN SCAR “3.85x more reliable
than the M4,” and the XM-8 was “6.95x more reliable than
the M4.” The failure of M4 barrels confirms SOCOM objections
from the Feb 23/01 report “M4A1 5.56mm Carbine and Related Systems
Deficiencies and Solutions,” which concludes that “M4A1
Carbine… does not meet the requirements of SOF.” The M4
had more stoppages in the November, 2007 test then all three of the other
rifles combined. Problems persist despite the “62 changes to the
M4” since the U.S. fielding the weapon in the mid 1990s, as weapons
officials maintain.
their inception, the M-16 / AR-15 / M4 series of rifles has earned a reputation
for being finicky. It isn't hard to grasp this when you have a filthy
action that poops where it eats, blowing carbon all over itself with a
gas tube that is not so lovingly referred to as “direct impingement.”
It has been this way for fifty years by now, though it seems that it only
recently has become common knowledge. The M4 problem has been illuminated
in recent years due primarily to the efforts of Senator Tom Coburn of
Oklahoma. It is cause for serious debate, if not outrage.
.223 Remington / 5.56mm NATO cartridge and its variants has always been
accurate. Accuracy doesn't mean a whole lot with a jammed gun, though.
Anytime you want a firearm that is intended to be used as a general purpose
utilitarian rifle or a home-defense piece, of course you want reliability,
ease of use, and intuitive functionality. That's where the Benelli MR-1
comes in and begins to shine. Left-handed shooters will appreciate that
the safety is reversible and the bolt release is ambidextrous, as is the
magazine release.
has used “ARGO” as a generic term for its gas guns. The best
way I can describe the MR-1 system is to say that this version is very
similar to the Benelli R-1 “Argo” high-power centerfire rifles,
using a single piston as opposed to the dual piston array found in the
M4 “Argo” shotgun. The pistol grip stock of the MR-1 does look
very close to the stock from the Benelli M4 12 gauge, but the action more
closely comports to the R-1 rifle. The direct predecessor to the MR-1
isn't really the M4 shotgun or the R-1 rifle, but the Beretta RX4 Storm.
The exploded view of the Storm, below, should give you a good idea of
the comparative simplicity of this action compared to the AR platform
of rifles. Unlike other piston designs, the MR-1 needs no adjustments.
It is the clean, one piston gas system combined with the Benelli rotary
locking bolt. It neither has or requires any peculiar "forward assist"
as found on most AR type models.

stark contrast to the various “twirly safety things” out there,
the Benelli has a very quick, easy to access button safety that comes
off instantly without fishing for it. Also, in contrast to the typically
ridiculous heavy triggers found on quasi-military rifles, the Benelli
MR-1 has an excellent trigger that breaks at about five and a half pounds.
Aesthetically, the Benelli MR-1 has simple and clean lines. Though there
is no such thing as an “ugly” gun to me (as long as it works),
too many guns of this genre look like they were made from old Buick grilles
combined with worn-out electric razors. The primary difference is that
Buicks tend to come with far better lights than most of their look-alike
rifles do.
really have to wonder what audience some of the “black rifle ads”
are directed to? I'm referring to the heavy drum-beat videos showing well-geared
urban commandos “fighting” their way though abandoned warehouses,
finally discovering a well-appointed firing range in the middle of it
so they can make some brass with the background music growing ever louder.
Seems to me, no one really needs to fight through an abandoned warehouse.
If the empty warehouse bothers you, just give it a couple more years and
it will likely fall down of its own accord.
MR-1 shoots like a dream, with no recoil of consequence. The action is
slick, smooth, and the ejection of spent brass is reassuringly positive.
Using common Federal “American Eagle” ammo, the MR-1 as supplied
had no trouble firing inside 1-3/4 inches at 40 yards using the fairly
thick already installed factory peep sight. That's about as good as these
old eyes can hold with a front blade that obscures the bull. Suffice it
to say that better results can be obtain with optics, with premium ammo,
or both. For anything remotely approaching “home defense,” though,
the MR-1 has more out of the box accuracy than you can use. Forty yards
would be far, far beyond any typical self-defense range, to be sure.
the Benelli comes with a 5-round magazine that looks good, I ended up
hating it. Only four rounds are easily loaded, not five. While it may
look comfortable to cradle the rifle with your left hand around the magazine
well, don't do it. I say that because I did it and the resulting pinch
and nasty gash on my left hand palm just below my thumb tells me it wasn't
a particularly smart move-- it is a reliable palm-pincher when you shoot
it held that way. This is a very simple, proven premise. Randy does something
dumb and bleeds a bit. People read and laugh. It is called “entertainment.”
Benelli MR-1 takes standard AR magazines. Of the many different makes
of magazines out there, I like the Brownells 30 round magazines the best
and they work like a charm in the Benelli. As you can probably tell, I
don't think five round clip-fed mags make much sense in this type of rifle.
The bleeding hand was just a little added bonus.
who shot the Benelli MR-1 was impressed by it. It handles supremely well,
coming to the shoulder quickly, and has almost nonexistent muzzle rise.
It has a comparatively simple and clean gas action, far superior to the
old AR type. It is very, very easy to operate with a safety that you can
take off instantly without twirling a lever, and has a bolt handle right
where it belongs-- on the bolt. The bolt release is also effortless to
get to as it resides on the front of the trigger guard.
isn't anything not to like about the MR-1 rifle that I could find.
Easy to use, accurate enough out of the box to place multiple head shots
on anything you need to put a head shot on out to forty yards, amazingly
soft-shooting, and obviously reliable. It also is hundreds of dollars
less than the two thousand dollar genre of .223 autoloaders that have
reached and exceeded two thousand dollars of retail price as of late.
The trigger is the best I've seen in this type rifle and the rifle itself
is a lot easier on the eyes than most rifles labeled as tactical. The
Picatinny rail is already in place, so you can quickly add an Aimpoint,
Holosight, or more conventional optics as you prefer. The MR-1 is a smooth-running,
delightful .223 autoloader that anyone would enjoy at the range, as an
all-purpose ranch type rifle, or for a home defense .223 if that is what
you are looking for. It is a beautifully made, effortless to use, handy
little rifle-- the best of its kind I've tested in recent memory.

2010 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.