All Riflescopes the Same?

Sightron SII Big Sky 3-12 x 42mm HHR reticle scope is one of the clearest,
most versatile scopes I've used. It is one of the very few non-adjustable
objective scopes that remains crystal-clear at twelve power. It is magnification
I appreciate for range work, even though it is more than normally used
for big game applications.
question is asked perhaps more often than you might think, more often
phrased as what is the difference, or “What is the “real”
difference?” The answer closer to the the truth is a qualified
“Yes.” Even though scope manufacturers often try to highlight
the most trivial of features as benefits, trivia remains trivia. Often,
you'll hear folks refer to a scope as being a “good one,” a
term that has little meaning. Scopes are often presented as “special
duty” type scopes. There are slug gun scopes, muzzleloading scopes,
and of course “tactical” scopes. No one seems to really know
what tactics are being employed, of course, except the obvious tactic
of trying to sell melted sand in a tube.
are funny things, like the idea of a “premium” product. Premium
may mean an exceptional product. Premium may also mean just higher-priced.
I suppose most people balk at the notion of paying a premium for a premium
product, but paying a low price for a premium product is more palatable.
The Oracle of Omaha still had it right saying, “Price is what
you pay; value is what you get.”
start with the notion of the 30mm tube against the standard 1-inch tube.
What does that get you, except for the premium price? The answer, optically,
is essentially nothing. No better low-light performance, no better clarity,
a whole bunch of nothing in the part you look through. It don't automatically
get you a better scope, in fact a 30mm scope might be an advance to the
rear. It does give you a stronger and heavier tube, a tube that is many
times stronger. It is also a platform that allows for more internal adjustment
range. Fine if you need it, but if you don't it is of dubious value. A
stronger tube and a higher price is what you get.
best thing a scope can do is hold its zero. If it doesn't, nothing else
matters. One fellow was having a whale of a time trying to sight in his
muzzleloader. It sure sounded like a scope issue, but he assured me he
had tried six scopes so it couldn't be the scope. So, what was it? It
was the scope. As it turned out, the six scopes he tried were all “lightly
used” scopes from Ebay. I guess now he knows why they were on Ebay.
After several months of experimentation, his exasperated gunsmith, tired
of listening, finally did something. The gunsmith pulled off a confirmed
scope from his 7mm RemMag and said, “Here. Go shoot your muzzleloader.”
The random accuracy problem vanished immediately.
course, light transmission is always touted to the point where it is often
the battle of the lens coatings. A light transmission comparison is typically
flawed, as one color of light (bandwith) may give one scope the edge in
one test, its competitor the edge in another. This isn't to suggest there
are no differences, there are, including from scope to scope of the same
brand and model. Once you get beyond the threshold of modern lens coatings,
fully multi-coated lenses being the code for better light transmission,
it gets into a very narrow range if you are comparing price brackets of
name brand scopes in the same platform. For example, if you compare image
quality of 3-9 x 40 platform scopes, a Burris Fullfield II, a Bushnell
3200, and a Sightron SII as a generality they are all eerily close. Machines
can generate numbers, but human eyes (particularly middle-aged eyes)
cannot look at images and quickly discern that one or more might be one
percent brighter than the other.
mentioning Burris Fullfield II, Bushnell 3200, and Sightron SII here as
those are three scopes in the couple of hundred dollar price bracket that
hold their zeros, offer adequate eye relief, have consistent build quality,
and have image quality you can bet your hunt on. I have done just that.
Are there “better”? Of course there are. Twice the money does
not get you twice the brightness or twice the clarity, though. The more
you spend diminishing returns kicks in.

The Burris Signature
Select 3-10 x 40mm: one of the few scopes that has upgraded optics that
you can readily see and appreciate.
scopes that I have reviewed and used extensively are the Burris Signature
Select series and the Sightron SII “Big Sky” series. The Burris
Signature Select 3-10 x 40 is one bright, clear scope. I can say the same
about the Sightron SII Big Sky 3-12 x 42 model. These are two scopes that
do offer a clear notch up from for the two hundred dollar level of optic
and are as good to most human eyes as any scopes made today. Beyond what
essentially better and best image quality, there are other considerations.
is scope mounting. As scopes get lighter and shorter and stubbier commensurate
with that lightness, there can be mounting issues with long or longer
bolt actions and two piece ring sets. To avoid extended bases, extension
rings and the like, a full size tube addresses the issue before there
is one. This suggests a full length scope with a six inch or so main tube
as in a standard Bushnell Elite 3200 3-9 x 40. Not a consideration with
a one piece rail mount, though, so the choice is yours.
about scope tracking, dialing the box with your shots at range? Some scopes
are known for more accurate and repeatable adjustments than others. The
Sightron SII and Sightron SII Big Sky scopes are known for it. Important
if you intent on knob-twirling in the field, but if you aren't going to
touch the adjustment of your scope after sight-in or conformation of your
zero, it moots itself.
about ballistic reticles? If you are limiting your shots to maximum point
blank range shooting, they are meaningless. They still generally only
work with your scope cranked all the way up and do nothing for a more
important factor: wind drift.
adjustment is a consideration, particularly on rifles that tend to eat
it up. They do vary. Take a peek, again, at a Sighton SII 3-9 x 42 for
example. It includes 80 inches of internal adjustment at 100 yards where
many scopes in the same configuration have 50 inches or so. A scope like
that Sightron can be used on more rifles without complications.
scope dimensions are also good to look at both from a practicality perspective
and fitting the style and application of the rifle. The Burris Fullfield
II 2-7 x 35 is not only a great value, but doesn't overwhelm lighter rifles.
More than seven magnification is so very rarely needed or desired on big
game animals it makes more magnification more of a hindrance than a help
in the field. At the bench, you might prefer more magnification so once
again the choice is yours.
about large objectives? Adult eyes don't get much benefit from much more
than a 4mm exit pupil or so, objective lens divided by magnification equates
to exit pupil. The pricey ($3300 or so) Schmidt & Bender 3-12 x 50
PM II Military has a published exit pupil of 4.3mm on the high end, for
example. The heaviest part of a scope is the glass itself and larger objectives
increase both the weight of the scope and the distance it needs to be
mounted away from your barrel. Anything more than a 40 – 42 mm objective
is of little value on a hunting rifle. To the contrary, you pay more for
larger lenses of the same quality but often it is nothing you can appreciate
with your eyes. Very high magnifications, oversized objectives, and 30mm
typically cost far more money for the same level of scope as the more
conventional offerings of scopes. Aside from costing more, they most often
get you nothing that your eyes can possibly use. If you can't use it there
is no reason to pay for it. Higher magnifications, on the low end, severely
reduce your field of view; normally not a good thing at all.
while scopes aren't exactly the same, there are far more similarities
than differences when it comes to big game hunting scopes. They are all
use for similar applications at similar ranges more often than not, whether
it is called a center-fire scope, a slug gun scope, or a muzzleloading
scope. They all have the job of holding their zero as tantamount and paramount.
You'll not go wrong with one of the scopes mentioned here. There are differences
in features and benefits. The manufacturers decide the features, of course,
but only you can decide the benefits.

2010 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.