Sound Sensor Hearing Protectors: The Best Accessory in Years
weigh a small fraction of any other muffs at just 1.7 ounces, need no
batteries, and allow you to hear normal conversation. There is nothing
that competes with this style of hearing protection for comfort and convenience,
regardless of price.
in a great while, something comes along that is innovative, practical,
economical, and better for many purposes than anything else that has entered
the market. That is exactly the case with the Allen “Sound Sensor”
hearing protection unit. It isn't a new idea, but it is brand new to me
and likely to most hunters and shooters as well. The main idea goes back
to Jozef J. Zwislocki of Syracuse University, who authored a book in 2002
titled Auditory Sound Transmission, described as “an integrated,
state-of-the-art description and quantitative analysis of sound transmission
from the outer ear to the sensory cells in the cochlea of the inner ear.”
Prior to that, in 1998, US Patent 5824967 was awarded to Mr. Zwislocki
for “An ear muffler device suitable for coupling to the entrance
of the ear canal of a person to reduce the level of ambient noise in the
ear canal.”
sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry or weeds grow. Ten years
after the Zwislocki patent SensGard was awarded an ornamental patent based
on the same principles. The roots of this type of ear muffler go back
to a device created in the 1850s by Hermann von Helmholtz, the "Helmholtz
resonator." Today, Allen is marketing this “Sound Sensor”
product, with other companies including 3M and SensGard having essentially
the same type of units. To the hunting and shooting industry, it still
seems largely unnoticed. I personally had no idea it existed until Don
Anderson, VP of Ed's Public Safety, called my attention to it.
had seen it at the SHOT Show a few years back, and ignored it as it felt
light and cheap so it seemed to him it wasn't worth trying. That is until
a few months later when Don saw the Glock team using a SensGard 31 db
model at one of his Law Enforcement demonstrations. Don figured if they
were used regularly for protection in conjuction full auto 9mm demos,
there was more than enough merit in them to give them a try. Don Anderson
has been using them ever since and graciously sent me a pair to review.
Three years ago, in the U.K. Conducted their “Mammoth
Hearing Protection Test,” publishing twenty-seven pages of scores
and results. When the smoke cleared they had three head and shoulders
above the rest winning products. The “Napier Pro9,” a 32 DB
model, as they are branded in the U.K. was one of the three winners, scoring
20/20 in terms of practicality and ease of use.
Allen Sound Sensor is an extremely lightweight over the head mounted unit
that not only offers an EPA 26 dB Noise Reduction rating, but allows you
to hear normal conversations, range commands, etc., with no electronics
(or batteries) used. It was easy enough for me to carry on conversations,
hear the dog, and hear pheasants cackling as well.

Buddy keeps a watchful eye on the doves
flying by, wondering why they are no longer dropping. I explained that
fifteen is the daily bag limit, but that didn't seem to stop his interest.
a busy evening on the dove field, bagging my limit of fifteen doves with
the customary multiple extra shots used because doves don't always fly
correctly, it felt like I hadn't been shooting at all. This was with a
24 inch barrel Benelli M2, Trulock Precision Hunter Extended Choke, and
shooting exclusively Winchester AAH207 1 oz. shotshells.
protection and shotguns are often a hassle. Foam earplugs, like the “3M
E-A-R Classic Earplug” correctly installed might offer a NRR of 29
dB. Normal conversation is a hassle and trying to hunt with passive earing
protection isn't a happy circumstance, so most hunters just do without.
Bulky muffs make shotgun stockweld a problem, so my longtime pick has
been the “Howard Leight R-01526 Impact Sport Electronic Earmuff.”
With a NRR of 22 dB, they still get hot and while low-profile, they still
can be stockbangers depending on the gun.
outdoor shooting and hunting, these Allen Sound Sensors are superb. My
childhood family doctor always scolded not to put anything into your ears
bigger than your elbow, so Doc Wehrspann would be satisfied with these
things, as they seal against your ear canal but do not protrude into it.
After a short while, it is easy to forget you have these things on at
all. Little weight and no sweat, literally.
folks that deal with hearing issues daily, like my longtime friend Mike
Rooney will correctly point up that you if you want the best hearing protection,
you need a set of bulk muffs that covers the mastoid area of your skull,
that using both plugs and big, bulky phones is worth considering if you
are around jet engines all day and the like.
hearing protection that you use and use correctly is infinitely more effective
than the stuff you left at home, took off because you couldn't stand the
heat, or the unusable, distracting stuff that smashes into your buttstock.
The Allen Sound Sensor is a fabulous bargain, selling for less then twenty
dollars and I quickly ordered another couple of pair from Amazon with
no delay. This much be one of the best-kept secrets in shooting accessories;
I had no idea they existed until just a few days ago. It gets my vote
as the “Accessory of the Year” with no hesitation. As soon as
you try a pair, you'll likely wonder (as I did) why you wasted so much
time with the other stuff.
2012 by Randy Wakeman. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2012 by Randy Wakeman.
All Rights Reserved.